
  1. 得知她去世的消息我惊愕不已,很长时间才缓过劲来。

    It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death .

  2. 在橄榄球界,新奥尔良圣徒队(NewOrleansSaints)不会很快就从美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)对其的处罚和禁赛中缓过劲来&该球队制订的奖励伤害对方队员行为的制度简直骇人听闻。

    In football , the New Orleans Saints will not soon recover from the penalties and suspensions imposed by the NFL for the team 's outrageous system of bounties for disabling opposing players .

  3. 过了一两分钟才缓过劲来。

    It took a minute or two to pass .

  4. 这个邻国尚未从20多年前的内战中缓过劲来。

    The neighboring country has yet to recover from its civil war more than twenty years ago .

  5. 他会步履蹒跚地走回讲台,然后瘫软在那里,一个上午都缓不过劲来。

    He would stagger back to his desk and collapse there , useless for the rest of the morning .

  6. 经验证明,由房地产泡沫化引起的经济危机,需要好多年才能缓过劲来。

    Proof experience in real estate bubble , caused by economic crisis , need good years to slow lead strength .

  7. 炉火使手指缓过劲来了,但对他肚子里的那团凉气却无济于事。

    The heat brought his fingers back to life , but did nothing for the cold lump in the pit of his stomach .

  8. 得要浇浇花草,或许还要挨个儿瞅瞅,恍若它们已化为鲜活的个人。这样慢慢的缓过劲来,便重新找回了自我。

    It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and perhaps , by looking again at each one as though it were a person .

  9. 今年早些时,塔塔咨询服务称它在华尔街的两家银行客户冻结了其科技支出,并表示在从信贷危机中缓过劲来之前不会解冻。

    Earlier this year , TCS said two Wall Street banking clients had put a freeze on their tech spending until they could cope with the fallout .