
  • 网络overcrowding;Involution
过密 [guò mì]
  • [to have close relations with] 表示一种惯常的亲密关系或合作关系

  • 你和小李暗中交往过密

  1. 过密又不可避免地导致产量的降低和水果品质下降。

    Overcrowding in turn , leads inevitably to a depression in yield and a reduction in fruit quality .

  2. 笔者详细叙述了前HRS时代的过密化合作的表现形式及其原因,积极求证其背后折射的国家&社会的互动关系;

    This essay gives a detailed illustration of the forms and reasons of involution cooperation during Mao-times , attempting to verify the subterranean state-society relationship .

  3. 别与他交往过密,他这人不诚实。

    Don 't be too familiar with him , he 's a dishonest man .

  4. 未来的政治候选人应该从希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的痛苦经历中吸取教训,不要和银行交往过密。

    Future political hopefuls might learn from Hillary Clinton 's travails and not get into bed with banks .

  5. 引导我的士兵过密道,直至可恶的斯巴达人后面

    Lead my soldiers to the hidden path that enters behind the cursed Spartans

  6. 整合小运量货运站可以解决货运站分布过密、小运量货运站过多而完成的货运量较少的问题,减小货运站分布密度。

    It can solve higher density of the stations to integrate small-volume freight stations .

  7. 污染就是我们为这个人口过密,过度工业化的星球所付出的代价。

    Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated , over industrialized planet .

  8. 过高或过密的草丛建议在刈割时采用更大的重叠宽度。

    A greater width of overlapping is recommended when mowing excessively tall or thick grass .

  9. 世界卫生组织已经对企业和研究人员之间关系过密表示关注。

    The World Health Organisation has expressed concern about the ties between industry and researchers .

  10. 核能产业派系竞争激烈,管理者与公共事业公司交往过密。

    The industry is fiercely tribal , and regulators are too close to the utilities .

  11. 更何况,我国农业还承担着劳动过密化的劳动力吸收功能和社会保障功能;

    Especially , agriculture undertakes the functions of absorbing the surplus workforce and the social security .

  12. 在曲箱梁中设置横隔板,可以改善箱梁受力性能,但设置过密横隔板会增加箱梁自重。

    A lateral diaphragm in the curved box beam can improve the force property of the beam .

  13. 过密化假设的致命错误是它和农村经济变迁假设结合在一起。

    The vital defect in the involutionary hypothesis is its integration into the rural economic transformation hypothesis .

  14. 最大的危险存在于以卫生设施不良和饮用水不安全为特点的人口过密的社区和难民居住地。

    The greatest risk occurs in overpopulated communities and refugee settings characterized by poor sanitation and unsafe drinking water .

  15. 过密化假设认为,农户的经营目标是亩产量最大化。

    The involutionary hypothesis holds that the farmers ' goal of management is the maximization of the yield per mu .

  16. 文献研究表明,疫疠传播的条件是:群居过密,人口迁移。

    Document research make clear that the spread of epidemic disease is the reason for densely populating and population migrating .

  17. 木材来自他们全年中砍下的自己那些枫树中的枯树和种植过密的树。

    They use wood that they collect throughout the year when they remove dead or overcrowded trees on their property .

  18. 重新浮出水面的苏联式检查制度其意图同样如此,该制度针对的是那些与外国人或麻烦制造者交往过密的公民。

    So does the re-emergence of Soviet-style checkups on those citizens having too close contact with foreigners and other undesirables .

  19. 相对于欧、美传统农业,中国传统农业最大的特点是过密化。

    Compared with European and American traditional agriculture , the largest characteristic of Chinese traditional agriculture was ' the Involution ' .

  20. 此外,香港人也越来越担忧其政治领导人和商业大亨之间往来过密。

    In addition there have been growing concerns in Hong Kong about the cosiness of relations between its leaders and business tycoons .

  21. 就现有的文献看,学界对此颇有争议,但相当一部分学者认为,过密型增长是前工业化时期中国传统经济增长的主要模式。

    But a considerable portion of scholars believe that involution growth is the main traditional economic growth mode of the period before industrialization .

  22. 黄宗智提出的以“边际报酬”为评判尺度的“过密化”理论,是其分析和评判中国小农经济的理论基点。

    Phlip Huang 's " Involutionary Theory " is his theoretical BP which was used to analyze and comment on Chinese small-scale peasant economy .

  23. 对此,已经有不同的经典解释范式:农业内卷化、高水平均衡陷阱以及过密化理论等。

    There were kinds of different classical comment mode in this field , " Agricultural Involution ", " High-level-equilibrium Trap ", " Excess-density Theory " .

  24. 观测到的辉长岩的微观现象可能说明与岩石标本过密、超膨胀现象有关。

    It is possible that the microscopic feature in gabbro are related to the " super-dense " and " ultra-dilatant " state of the rock samples .

  25. 城郊乡、镇布局过密、人口规模过小、经济总量过低是制约城镇化的主要瓶颈;

    Dense overall arrangement , small population scale of villages and towns , low total supply and demand , have all become the bottlenecks of urbanization from outskirts .

  26. 分析表明,对于埋深比大于0.3的埋置基础,不必需要过密的节点网就能得到具有一定精度的结果。

    And it shows that in order to obtain an accurate result for footings with embedment ratio greater than 0.3 , it is unnecessary to adopt a dense grid in computation .

  27. 捷优英语新闻提示:印度北方邦的一个地区议会近日发布公告,禁止该地区未婚女性携带手机,希望此举能够阻止当地不同种姓间的男女交往过密甚至私奔。

    A local council in northern India has banned unmarried women from carrying mobile telephones to halt a series of illicit romances between partners from different castes , media reports said Wednesday .

  28. 男孩之间的接触,充满了性的元素。一个明显的例子,就是一条关于不同宿舍或不同年级之间的不准交往过密的禁令。

    Contact between the boys was fraught with sexual potential , a fact which was reflected in the effective ban on associations between boys of different houses , or of different ages .

  29. 传统的有限元方法在处理车-线-桥耦合振动问题时,由于轨道复杂的曲面和接触分析要求网格过密等因素导致计算量太大。

    The traditional finite element method needs too much computation in dealing with vehicle - rail - bridge coupling vibration problems , due to the rail surface and the complex contact analysis .

  30. 改革开放以来党的农村政策的变革不仅极大地促进了农业增长,更是解放了农民,大量的非农就业缓解了过密化状况。

    Since the inception of reform and opening & up , the rural policy changes of the party contribute significantly to not only agriculture growth , but also the liberation of farmers .