
zhēn shǔ
  • Corylus
榛属[zhēn shǔ]
  1. 榛属群丛对土壤理化性质影响的研究

    Study on the effect of Corylus cluster on physicochemical properties of soil

  2. 这些实验结果为细胞生物学研究及探讨榛属植物的亲缘关系及种类的区分提供了依据,也为榛树遗传基础的评价和杂交育种提供了参考资料。

    This experiment result provides evidence for cell biology to study and affinity relation in plants of Corylus , and references materials for basic valuation of hazelnut trees inheritance and crossbreed .

  3. 中国榛属植物DNA提取与SSR初步分析

    Isolation of Plant DNA from Several Species of the Genus Corylus in China and SSR Preliminary Analysis

  4. 榛属内种的分布与气候因子关系的研究

    On Relationship between Distribution of Species and Climatic Factors in Genus Corylus

  5. 应用在榛属的分类系统中。

    Used in some classification systems for the genus Corylus .

  6. 黑龙江省的榛属有两个种即平榛与毛榛。

    There are two species in Corylus Linn of Heilongjiang Province , Corylus heterophlla Fisch and Corylus mandshurica Maxim .

  7. 属于榛属的任何一种灌木或矮树,有被包在叶状外壳中的可食用的坚果。

    Any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in a leafy husk .

  8. 为充分评价及合理开发、利用、保护榛属种质资源提供了方便。

    The databases can provide convenience for sufficient description , development , application and protecting rationally filbert genus germplasm resources .

  9. 榛子树(榛属)和榛树(澳大利亚)的细纹木料。

    The fine-grained wood of a hazelnut tree ( genus Corylus ) and the hazel tree ( Australian genus Pomaderris ) .

  10. 该数据库可同时输入榛属种质资源的多项中文或英文信息,并具有增删、修改、检索、打印、拷贝等功能。

    Chinese or English information of filbert gernes germplasm resources could be put the databases simultaneously . They have the functions of input , modifying , searching , printing and copying data .

  11. 对6种不同种类榛树叶中过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶测定比较的结果显示:平榛、毛榛及杂交榛共有酶带B4,该酶带可能是榛属的特征性酶带;

    To peroxides isozyme analysis in leaves of 6 species hazelnut trees , the results show that existing enzyme belt B 4 in Corylus heterophylla , C. mandshurica and cross hazelnut ( Corylus heterophylla ♀× C.avellana ♂) .