
mào yì yī cún dù
  • Trade dependence;trade disposition
  1. 进口贸易依存度、进口的GDP增长弹性只能比较粗略地反映进口贸易对经济增长的影响,进口贡献系数是目前比较准确地反映进口贸易对经济增长贡献的指标。

    On Parallel Import At present , import contribution coefficient is relatively better indicator to show the effect of import on economic growth .

  2. S-S定理在中国并不适用,贸易依存度的提高对劳动收入占比不利。

    SS theorem does not apply to China , The impact of trade dependence on the labor income share is negative .

  3. 对外贸易依存度与中国对外贸易的利益分析

    Dependent Degree on International Trade and China 's International Trade Interest

  4. 解读我国的对外贸易依存度我国外贸依存度问题新探

    New Analysis of Degree of Dependence upon Foreign Trade in China

  5. 贸易依存度的演化规律及对中国的启示

    Evolution Law of Trade Dependence Ratio and Its Enlightenment to China

  6. 解析我国的对外贸易依存度

    Parsing the Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade in China

  7. 中国对美贸易依存度影响因素的研究

    A Study on Factors Affecting China 's Trade Dependence Ratio to USA

  8. 推动四川省经济发展务必提高其对外贸易依存度

    On Sichuan 's Necessity of Enhancing Dependence on Foreign Trade

  9. 贸易依存度与外贸战略适时转变

    The Degree of Trade Dependence and Timely Transformation of Foreign Trade Strategy

  10. 中日贸易依存度和竞争力现状分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestions of China 's Trade Dependence and Competitive Ability upon Japan

  11. 中国对外贸易依存度分析

    Analysis on the Dependence Degree of Chinese Foreign Trade

  12. 对中国对外贸易依存度的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis about Dependence on Foreign Trade of China

  13. 国家产业安全标准包括产业体系、对外贸易依存度等两个指标。

    National industrial safety standards should include two indicators : the industrial system , foreign trade dependence .

  14. 近年来我国小麦进口贸易依存度不断下降,已经进入低位。

    During these years , China 's dependence on foreign trade of wheat importation is weaker and weaker .

  15. 我国贸易依存度实际水平测算及国际比较

    Calculation on the Real Trade as a Share of GDP of China and the Comparing with Other Countries

  16. 如果贸易依存度高,贸易的收益较高,则贸易对双边关系产生正面效应。

    If mutual reliance on foreign trade is high , it may produce positive effects on bilateral relations .

  17. 改革开放30年中国对外贸易依存度变动分析

    An Analysis of Changes in China 's Dependence on Foreign Trade During 30 Years of Reform and Opening Up

  18. 截止2009年,我国的贸易依存度仍高达45%,出口依存度为约24.5%①。

    By 2009 , China high foreign trade dependency still approached 45 % , export dependency around 24.5 % .

  19. 2008年对外贸易依存度虽稍有回落,仍高达58.25%。

    Although down slightly , the Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade in 2008 , still up to 58.25 % .

  20. 海峡两岸农产品贸易依存度分析农业机械化发展对财政投入的依存度研究

    Analysis of dependence of agricultural products trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits Dependence of agricultural mechanization on financial investment

  21. 本文通过实证分析,认为贸易依存度的演化具有如下规律:从整个世界范围来看,各国的贸易依存度呈不断提高的趋势;

    By way of Positivist analysis , this article considers that the evolution of ratio of dependence on trade possesses the following law .

  22. 贸易依存度的提高总体上有助于经济稳定,而实际关税率的下降则不利于经济稳定;

    Increase in trade dependency ratios can help stabilize macroeconomics , while reduction in the ratio of tariff revenues to imports causes economic fluctuations .

  23. 利用序列统计数据构建相关模型,对我国粮食贸易依存度,国内国际市场关联度等指标进行实证分析。

    Using sequence statistical data related to construction model , to our country commissariat trade dependence , domestic and international market relevance indicators such as empirical analysis .

  24. 因此,文化创意产业的合作不仅为两岸带来了经济效益,增加了两岸的贸易依存度,进一步密切了两岸的经济联系。

    Therefore , the Cultural and Creative Industry cooperation has not only brought the economic benefits for cross-strait , but also make cross-strait have closer cultural links .

  25. 同时,台湾经济增长与两岸贸易依存度互为因果关系,相互之间的协整关系也最强。

    Simultaneously , Taiwan 's economic growth and cross-straits trade dependence are the interrelationship of cause and effect , the co-integration relationship between them is the hightest .

  26. 从根本上说则应调节国际收支,可以调整对外贸易依存度、外商投资、人民币汇率。

    Speaking should adjust the balance of payments fundamentally , can adjust the degree of dependence on foreign trade , foreign investment , and the RMB exchange rate .

  27. 分别从我国主体结构、外贸方式、产业结构三方面论述了导致中国对外贸易依存度过高的原因,并提出了相应的对策。

    This paper discusses the reasons causing high dependence on foreign trade of China from principal structure , foreign trade ways and industry structure respectively and provides corresponding measures .

  28. 此外,高度的对外贸易依存度战略对一个13亿人口的大国也未必适宜。

    In addition , the strategy of heavy dependence on foreign trade may not be appropriate for China , a country with such a large population as 13 billions .

  29. 贸易依存度的持续增加,我国出口商品的国际竞争力整体较弱,一些主要发达国家、发展中国家对我国的贸易安全也存在一些影响。

    It is the increasing of the dependence on foreign trade , the weaker international competitive of our export commodities and the influence of the developed and developing countries .

  30. 过高的贸易依存度使我国贸易规模不合理,不利于进一步扩大进出口,导致外贸经济效益下降和其他负面效应。

    The high degree of trade dependence has made the trade scale unreasonable , disadvantaged the expense of import and export , degrading the economic effect and resulting in other negative effect .