
shuānɡ fānɡ xínɡ wéi
  • bilateral act;bipartite act
  1. 双方行为必须在双方当事人意思表示一致的情况下才能具有先定力,而单方行为只需有一方的意思表示即可生效。

    Bilateral act has the prior determinative force when both sides agree with each other , and for unilateral act , it just needs declaration of will of one side .

  2. 企业信息披露供需双方行为及对策研究

    Study on Behavior of Demanders and Suppliers of Information Disclosure and Countermeasures

  3. 农业巨灾保险供求双方行为博弈及对策

    On the Agricultural Catastrophe Insurance Supply and Demand Sides Game Behavior and Countermeasures

  4. 完善卫生法规,规范医患双方行为。

    To strengthen health legislation which regulates behaviors of both medical personnel and patients .

  5. 对农信息传播供需双方行为表现及其成因分析

    Analyses on Behavior and Causes for Both Suppliers and demanders in Spreading Agricultural Information

  6. 而对赊欠经营发展机制的归纳,以及应用博弈理论对赊欠双方行为分析,也是一次尝试。

    While it is a attempt to summing up its development and to analyze it in game theory .

  7. 政府在劳动者和企业的博弈过程中规制双方行为,促进双方合作博弈的形成。

    Government workers and enterprises in both the game process regulations , promote co-operation between the behavior of the game .

  8. 把经典的成本一收益分析方法运用于会计信息供求双方行为的解释;

    It interpretes the behaviors of the supply parts and the demand parts using the traditional method of cost-benefit analysis ;

  9. 规范、制约双方行为,促进开展全科医疗服务,调整补偿和服务方式。

    The primary functions are gage and restrict each other behaviors , promote the general medical services , adjust the compensative ways .

  10. 利用博弈分析方法对品种权入股双方行为进行分析,着重探讨品种权入股的利益分享机制并提出品种权入股程序设计。

    Use game theory methods to conduct an analysis of the bilateral behavior . Discuses the benefit share mechanisms emphatically and propose investment programming .

  11. 股份制合作制森林资源管理体制主要涉及企业与政府的关系,特别是双方行为的界定。

    The forest resources management system of share - cooperation system mainly involves the relationship between governments and enterprises , especially the definition of their behaviour .

  12. 传统的为第三人利益法律行为的生效模式有两种,即双方行为模式与单方行为模式。

    There are two modes to make the acts for the interests of the third person legally effective in traditional theory , bilateral behavior and unilateral behavior .

  13. 情谊行为是指当事人为增进私人友谊或基于善良风俗实施的欠缺效果意思及其相应法律后果的双方行为。

    Friendship behavior refers to the behavior carried out by the parties involved on the basis of strengthening friendship and goodness regardless of the legal consequence of such a behavior .

  14. 主要表现为通过劳动基准、团结权、集体谈判和产业行动立法,规制双方行为,将冲突纳入法制化轨道中。

    Mainly legislated through labor standard , the right to solidarity , collective bargaining and industrial action to regulate both sides ' behavior , and brings the conflict into legal system .

  15. 本文依据博弈理论和方法,分析了优质猪肉供应链中养猪场和公司行为选择的机理,导出了双方行为选择的混合战略纳什均衡点。

    The mechanism of behavior selection of company and pig farm in high quality pork supply chain is analyzed , and the equilibrium point of behavior selection of them is obtained through game theory .

  16. 对于对舍犯罪的处罚主要有对合双方行为都是犯罪和仅对合一方行为构成犯罪两种模式。

    For ways of punishment of mutual crime in criminal law , there are mainly two kinds : both parties ' actions constitute crime and simply one party of the mutual action constitute crime .

  17. 分析了我国商业银行主要信贷风险及成因,对银企双方行为进行博弈分析,探讨了银行信贷资产风险控制对策。

    This paper analyzes the main credit risks and their causes of the state-owned commercial bank in our country , carries out the game analysis between bank and enterprise , discusses countermeasures to control the credit asset risks .

  18. 如何正确理解挑拨防卫与正当防卫的关系、挑拨防卫中双方行为人的行为性质以及罪责,对于研究正当防卫和其他一些刑法问题都具有重要意义。

    How to correctly understand relation between Instigate defending and self-defence , instigation of both sides behavior nature and responsibility for an offence of actor in defending to instigate , is significant in studying the self-defence and some other criminal law problem .

  19. 这对于完善税收理论体系、建立高效的征管模式、规范征纳双方行为、有效防止税收流失、实现税收政策的预期目标有着重要的意义。

    It is very important to improve the taxation theory and principle system , build up an effectively collection and administration mold , regulate behaviors of both tax collectors and taxpayers , prevent the lost of taxation , achieve the anticipation of taxation policy .

  20. 本文创新之处在于运用博弈论的分析方法,将影响劳资双方行为策略的各因素以变量形式表示出来,试图通过剖析各变量影响博弈主体决策的机理来揭示企业劳动冲突的成因。

    In this method , the factors which influence behavioral strategies of two game partners are expressed in the form of variables . And then it tries to reveal the causes of industrial conflicts by analyzing the process where each variable plays a role in decision-making of game partners .

  21. 付费方式影响医院供需双方的行为;

    The payment mechanism influencing the behavior of both supply and demand ;

  22. 契约机制规范和界定了人力资本产权交易双方的行为与权利、义务;

    Contract mechanism stipulates behavior , right and duty .

  23. 怎样规范交战双方的行为,令游戏透明公正地进行?

    How to regulate the two parts behavior to make the game transparent and fair - minded ?

  24. 意图是智能的重要因素。在对抗环境中,意图研究对抗双方的行为趋势,对决策和行为选择有重要作用。

    Intention is an important factor in intelligence , which study behavior trend of two sides in against environment .

  25. 如果没有合同或协议的约束签约双方的行为,任何国际间的贸易往来是不可能进行的。

    Without a contract or agreement to bind the contracting parties , any international business or transaction would be impossible .

  26. 有效的意思表示,依据不同的情形构成单方法律行为或双方法律行为。

    The valid express of will can constitute one side legal act or both parties ' legal acts on different situations .

  27. 首先,文章从理论层面探讨了农地流转中的供需双方经济行为及流转价格的形成机理。

    First , the article analyse the supply and demand in economic activities and the transfer price formation mechanism from the theoretical level .

  28. 劳工管理关系法通常称为塔夫脱一哈特雷法,规定了工会和雇主双方的行为准则。

    The Labor Management Relations Act , better known as the Taft-Hartley Act , prescribed standards of conduct for unions as well as for employers .

  29. 总的来说,这就是一个利益博弈的过程,双方的行为选择及态度都体现了对个人利益最大化的追求。

    General speaking , it is a benefit game . The behaviors and attitudes from two parties will embody the pursuit of maximizing individual benefits .

  30. 委托代理合同的签订也要考虑防止双方机会主义行为引起的代理成本的增加。

    Agency by agreement signing of contract is it is it prevents of both sides opportunism agent increase of cost that behavior cause to consider wanting too .