
  1. 桥梁深水基础双璧钢围堰的设计方法

    Design Method of Double-wall Steel Cofferdam of Bridge Deep Water Foundation

  2. 孙、孔、老兵学思想异同论兵学双璧的比较研究

    Comparative Study of Military Science of Sun Tzu and On War

  3. 论日本企业家的双璧型组合模式

    On the Advantage - Advantage Combination of Japanese Enterprisers

  4. 洛克之前培根和霍布斯堪称英国经验主义双璧。

    : Before Locke , Becon and Hobbes are two supreme British empiricists .

  5. 范式与文化传递:宋词翻译双璧

    Stylistic and Cultural Delivery : Double Keys to the Translation of Song Lyrics

  6. 在媒介文化研究方面贡献甚巨的有两大学派,即德国法兰克福学派和英国文化研究学派.他们基本上构成了媒介文化研究上的“双璧”。

    The Frankfurt school of Germany and culture studies school of England made great contribution to media culture studies .

  7. 它与《孙子兵法》可称为军事理论的双璧。

    It , as well as Military Science of Sun Tzu , is regarded as the great one in military theory .

  8. 《长生殿》与《桃花扇》是中国戏曲史上语言成就卓著的双璧。

    Eternal Youth Palace and Peach Blossom Fan are " two Jades " in Chinese opera history which have outstanding achievements in language .