
  1. 中国弥勒信仰探因

    A Research into the Cause of MiLe Buddhism Belief of China

  2. 北朝弥勒信仰研究

    Study of Maitreya Worship in the Northern Dynasties

  3. 弥勒信仰在新疆的传布

    The Spreading of Maitreya Faith in Xinjiang

  4. 中国弥勒信仰的一大特点是肯定人生的现生快乐,这正是它吸引大众的原因之一。

    With its two to affirm happiness to the living , which formed the main reason why it was so popular .

  5. 中国弥勒信仰两晋时期由印度传入中国,南北朝时兴盛一时,隋唐时由盛转衰,唐以后逐渐衰落。

    MiLe Buddhism belief was introduced to China from India at the time of the two Jin dynasties and experienced its prosperity in the Dynasty of Nan and Bei .

  6. 弥勒信仰虽在北方较南方为盛,但作为海道要冲的上海则又易吸收北方净土信仰的特色。

    Although Maitreya worship was more popular in the north than that in the south , Shanghai located by the sea easily absorbed the character of Pure Land belief in the north .

  7. 认知、弘扬弥勒思想的信仰内容与精神实质,对于彰显其社会功能,具有一定的理论意义与现实意义。

    Learning and spreading the content and spirit of Mile belief is necessarily meaningful both in theory and reality to reveal its social reality .

  8. 弥勒下生信仰由于被下层民众反叛者利用而遭一度禁止,但到了宋代又创造出人人皆知的大肚弥勒形象并广泛流传开来。

    Maitreya " Xiasheng " beliefs once banned and became the using God for lower class to rebel . However , the big belly Maitreya image was created and widely spreaded until Song Dynasty .