
mí liú
  • be dying
弥留 [mí liú]
  • [be dying] 原指久病不愈,后多指病重将死

  • 弥留之际

弥留[mí liú]
  1. 在他弥留人世的最后几天里,疼痛似乎止住了,但那时他已奄奄一息,不再感到丝毫安慰。

    In his last few days the pain seemed to have stopped , but by then he was so far gone that it was no longer any comfort

  2. 我总是以出生在Hikkaduwa为荣,然而Prasanna才是祖屋真正的儿子,在他弥留的最后片刻,是屋墙将他围了起来。

    I have always been proud that I was born in Hikkaduwa , but Prasanna was the true son of the Hikkaduwa house ; the house whose walls enclosed him in his last moments .

  3. 水银柱沉入了弥留之日的口中。

    The mercury sank in the mouth of the dying day .

  4. 他们被召到弥留的母亲床边。

    They were summoned to the bedside of their dying mother .

  5. 她带着关爱与体谅之心来宽慰弥留的人们。

    She counselled people who were dying with great care and sensitivety .

  6. 我们这个时代的潮人在他们的弥留之�

    The hipsters of our time on their death bed

  7. 他一直弥留到他的儿子回来,在夕阳西下时归天了。

    He lingered until his son returned , and crossed the bar at sunset .

  8. 亚非弥留的那段日子,我通常九、十点钟上床休息。

    During Yafei 's last days , I usually went to bed at9 or10 .

  9. 国王很快进入弥留状态。

    The king was fading fast .

  10. 她躺在我怀里的弥留之�我们已宣誓结婚

    At least we got to say our marriage vows ... before she died in my arms .

  11. 之后在那天,我去了印度的一个弥留者的家中。

    Later that same day , I spent some time in India in a home for the dying .

  12. 庆幸的是,这种病毒远没有人们最初想的那样危险,而最新面世的疫苗似乎已经平息了那弥留在人们心头久久不能散去的恐惧。

    Fortunately , it is much less threatening than people previously believed , and newly introduced vaccines seem to have quelled lingering fears .

  13. 永恒的愉悦和欢娱将属于他,属于那个虽然行将结束生命,却在弥留时分还会说这样的话的人…我的父呵!

    And eternal delight and deliciousness will be his , who coming to lay him down , can say with his final breath-O Father ! -

  14. 她们漫漫地衰老而死,在弥留之日,还有茁壮的儿孙站在眼前,以果敢的姿态急不暇待地昂起头来。

    they sank slowly , and their children , fairer than they , stood before their dying eyes , lifting up their heads in eagerness .

  15. 尼克的行刑刀如同他的资质一样又笨又钝,他挥舞着砍下来,人却死不了,反而在弥留着痛苦尖叫,从来没有哪个受害者死的干脆利落。

    No victim ever died swiftly , but lingered on in screaming agony as Nick hacked and chopped away with a sword that was as dull as his wits .

  16. 许许多多可怜的灵魂向我作过仟悔,不仅是在生命弥留的病倔上,而且也在精力旺盛、名声良好的时刻。

    Many , many a poor soul hath given its confidence to me , not only on the deathbed , but while strong in life , and fair in reputation .

  17. 他在弥留时,在那最后一刻,把百日帝政时期一些军官赠给他的一把剑紧抱在胸前。

    In his death agony , at his last hour , he clasped to his breast a sword which had been presented to him by the officers of the Hundred Days .