
shuānɡ mánɡ shì yàn
  • double blind trial
  1. 在双盲试验中,改善效果明显。

    In a double-blind trial , there were definite improvements .

  2. 石杉碱甲片治疗Alzheimer病的随机对照双盲试验

    Double-blind Control Treatment of Huperzine-A and Placebo in 28 Patients with Alzheimer Disease

  3. 方法通过18例SLE患者和17位健康者的同体双盲试验及统计和相关分析,并结合抗体基因结构与功能的研究。

    METHOD Autogenous double blind test was performed with 18 SLE patients and 17 healthy persons followed by statistical analysis combined with the study of the structure and functions of antibody genes .

  4. 2个随机双盲试验表明,caspofungin能有效治疗咽或食道念珠菌感染。

    Caspofungin was effective in patients with oropharyngeal or oesophageal candidiasis , according to the preliminary results of two randomized double-blind trials .

  5. 单纯用钙泊三醇后再用钙泊三醇/倍他米松二丙酸盐与Tacalcitol治疗寻常银屑病疗效比较:随机双盲试验

    Efficacy of treatment with calcipotriol / betamethasone dipropionate followed by calcipotriol alone compared with tacalcitol for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris : A randomised , double-blind trial

  6. 萘普生2mL(0.2g)或双氯芬酸2mL(50mg)肌注于类风湿关节炎170例,bid,共14d,qd或bid于痛经女性70例及手术后疼痛72例作随机双盲试验。

    Naproxen 2mL ( 0.2g ) or diclofenac 2mL ( 50mg ) was injected im to 170 patients with rheumatoid arthritis bid , for 14 d , and qd or bid to 70 women with dysmenorrhea and 72 patients with postoperative pain for randomized double-blind trials .

  7. 方法经多中心临床试验,随机双盲试验组100对,与拉贝洛尔(Labetalol)作平行对照,开放试验300例,自身前后对照。

    Methods A multicenter clinic trial was carried out in patients with stage I ~ II essential hypertension . One hundred pairs patients were enrolled in random , double blind trial with labetalol as control , while 300 patients were in open trial .

  8. 雷米普利预防脑卒中:随机双盲试验

    Use of ramipril in preventing stroke : double blind randomised trial

  9. 奥氮平治疗多发性抽动症:随机、对照、双盲试验

    Olanzapine for treatment of Tourette syndrome : a double-blind randomized controlled trial

  10. 谷氨酰胺治疗严重烧伤患者蛋白代谢的随机对照双盲试验

    Random pairs and double-blind study of glutamine on protein metabolism in severe burn

  11. 法舒地尔对急性缺血性卒中的疗效:一项前瞻性安慰剂对照的双盲试验结果

    Effects of fasudil in acute ischemic stroke : Results of a prospective placebo-controlled double-blind trial

  12. 冻伤灵膏治疗冻伤的多中心双盲试验和动物实验

    Treatment of frostbite with Dong-Shang-Ling-Gao by multiple centres , double-blind method and its animal experiment

  13. 特非那丁治疗荨麻疹和过敏性鼻炎的多中心双盲试验384例

    Multicenter , double-blind trial of terfenadine in treatment of urticaria and allergic rhinitis in 384 patients

  14. 曲唑酮治疗广泛性焦虑障碍的随机对照双盲试验

    Randomized , Double Blind Controlled Trial of Trazodone versus Alprazolam in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  15. 第一个阶段是西地那非与安慰剂的12周的双盲试验对比。

    The first period consisted of12 weeks of a double-blind comparison between sildenafil and a placebo control .

  16. 复方盐酸氨基葡萄糖治疗骨关节炎的多中心随机双盲试验

    Compound of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate in treatment of osteoarthritis : a multicenter , randomized and double-blind trial

  17. 比较普萘洛尔联合催产素催产与单用催产素催产的随机双盲试验

    A double blind , randomized trial on augmentation of labour with a combination of intravenous propranolol and oxytocin versus oxytocin only

  18. 方法我们进行了一项多中心、随机、双盲试验,纳入先兆子痫危险低的未经产妇女。

    Methods We conducted a multicenter , randomized , double-blind trial involving nulliparous women who were at low risk for preeclampsia .

  19. 气功外气对人鼻咽癌细胞株裸鼠成瘤的双盲试验

    The double blind test of Qi Gong Wai Qi on the tumor formation of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line in nude mice

  20. 补锌对12~18月龄儿童智力和精神运动评分的影响:一个随机双盲试验

    Impact of zinc supplementation on mental and psychomotor scores of children aged 12 to 18 months : A randomized , double - blind trial

  21. 双盲试验中,纳曲酮组和安慰剂组第6个月的保持率分别为28.57%和7.14%。

    In double-blind study , 28 % of naltrexone group completed the 6-month treatment while 7.14 % of placebo group stayed to the end .

  22. 比较辛伐他汀强化降脂和常规降脂方法对人动脉粥样硬化病变的影响:一项利用高分辨率磁共振成像的前瞻性、随机双盲试验

    Effects of aggressive versus conventional lipid-lowering therapy by simvastatin on human atherosclerotic lesions : A prospective , randomized , double-blind trial with high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging

  23. 然而,极具讽刺的是,通过使用无烟烟草戒烟与使用安慰对照组相比,临床对照控制组没有进行随机的双盲试验。

    Most devastatingly , however , there are no randomized , double-blinded placebo controlled clinical trials that compare the success of quitting smoking by using smokeless tobacco versus using a placebo .

  24. 头颈部针灸双盲试验和针灸作用机理是国际上尚未攻克的焦点研究课题之一,是头颈部针灸科学发展中亟待解决的重大问题。

    Head and neck danger acupuncture double-blind test and the effect of the acupuncture and moxibustion mechanism is one of the research focus have not yet been conquered . It is also a significant problem urgently to be solved in acupuncture scientific development .

  25. 口服大剂量别嘌呤醇可预防ERCP后胰腺炎的发生:一项前瞻性、随机、双盲对照试验

    High-dose allopurinol for prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis : A prospective randomized double-blind controlled trial

  26. 方法多中心随机双盲临床试验。233例很可能为AD的轻中度患者随机接受加兰他敏或多奈哌齐治疗,为期16周。

    Methods A total of 233 patients with mild to moderate potential AD were enrolled in a 16-week multi-center double blind clinical trial . All patients were randomized into two groups .

  27. 方法:随机双盲对照试验,选择HBsAg、HBVdna阳性和阴性血清各30例,其中,阳性和阴性组各选3例重复检测。

    Methods : Random , double-blind clinical trial ; We selected 30 patients with HBsAg and HBV DNA positive for positive group and 30 health volunteers with HBsAg and HBV DNA negative for negative group .

  28. 甲状腺激素类似物TriAc局部治疗斑块状银屑病无效:一个双盲安慰剂试验研究结果

    Inefficacy of topical thyroid hormone analogue TriAc in plaque psoriasis : Results of a double-blind placebo-controlled trial

  29. 方法对81例严重心衰患者(NYHA分级Ⅲ~Ⅳ心脏射血分数≤35%),进行双盲随机试验。

    Methods : In a randomized double-blind study , 81 patients with severe heart failure ( NYHA class ⅲ - ⅳ and a left ventricular ejection fraction less than 35 % ) were enrolled and treated by anti-heart failure .

  30. 方法用多中心随机双盲对照试验。

    Methods A multicenter , double-blind , randomized controlled trial was conducted .