
fǎn qīnɡ xiāo
  • anti-dumping
  1. 澳方于2019年对自中国进口的铁道轮毂、风塔分别采取或延长反倾销措施,于2020年对自中国进口的不锈钢水槽延长反倾销和反补贴措施。

    China lodged steel sinks . Australia adopted or extended anti-dumping measures on railway wheels and wind towers imported from China in 2019 , and extended anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures targeting stainless steel sinks imported from China in 2020 .

  2. 对WTO反倾销协议中倾销认定的解析

    An Analysis of the Confirmation to Dumping in WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement

  3. 论WTO体制下我国反倾销立法的发展及进一步完善

    On Development and Perfecting of Legislation against Dumping in WTO System

  4. WTO《反倾销协定》的改革及其对我国反倾销政策的影响

    WTO Anti-dumping Agreement Reform & Its Impacts on China 's Anti-dumping Policy

  5. 论WTO后过渡期中国企业的反倾销法律对策

    The Legal Anti-dumping Countermeasures of Chinese Enterprises during WTO 's Post-transitional Period

  6. WTO反倾销协议中公共利益原则之确立

    The Establishment of Public Interest Principle in WTO Anti-dumping Agreement

  7. 反倾销纠纷案是WTO争端解决机构审议的重中之重。

    The anti-dumping dispute settlement is the most important thing in WTO reviews .

  8. 试论WTO反倾销协议的完善

    The Improvement of Anti - Dumping Agreements under WTO

  9. 世界贸易组织(WTO)反倾销守则最终将世界范围内的反倾销立法与实践统一起来。

    WTO 's anti-dumping requlations finally unite the world-wide anti-dumping legislations with practice .

  10. WTO机制下我国反倾销立法的完善

    On the Improvement of China 's Legislation of Anti-Dumping under the Mechanism of WTO

  11. 中国加入WTO后体育产业如何面对国际市场的反倾销

    Sports industries how to face up the international market anti-dumpling after China entering WTO

  12. 加入WTO的反倾销问题研究

    Study On Antidumping Problems During Joining WTO

  13. WTO《反倾销协议》改革

    WTO Anti - Dumping Agreement Reform

  14. 反倾销法的性质与演进之分析&从WTO竞争法设立的角度

    Analysis of the Nature and Evolution of Anti-dumping Law - From the view of establishing WTO competition law

  15. 世界贸易组织(WTO)《反倾销协议》对于反倾销税的计征规则非常笼统。

    The calculate-levy rules of Anti-dumping duty in WTO prescribed in Agreement Anti-dumping has an exceedingly broad frame .

  16. 二,我国已加入WTO,制定符合WTO要求的反倾销法是WTO成员国的权利也是义务;三,现有的《反倾销条例》已不能应付日益严重的倾销活动。

    Thirdly , the existing Regulation of Antidumping has failed to cope with increasingly harsh world wide antidumping activities .

  17. 反倾销是被WTO认可的一种有效限制贸易的措施,它使中国的低劳动力成本优势成为劣势。

    Anti-dumping is an effective trade restriction authorized by WTO . And it makes China 's advantage of low labor cost become disadvantageous .

  18. 但是由于WTO的各成员国在过去很长的时间内都偏重于使用反倾销措施,因而保障措施这一救济方式并不为人们所熟悉。

    But for a long time that the WTO members put much attentions to the anti-dumpling and anti-subsidy measures , unfamiliar with the safeguard measures .

  19. 第二部分从分析现行WTO反倾销法律制度文本条款入手,较系统地阐述世贸组织反倾销法的实体内容、程序规则及争端解决机制。

    Part ⅱ systematically , analyses substantive content , procedural rule and dispute solution mechanism of WTO from current text clause of WTO antidumping legal system .

  20. 反倾销措施作为WTO允许各个成员国采取的三种贸易救济措施之一,其内涵和本质是什么?

    As one of the three trade remedy measures which WTO permits each member nation to adopt , what is the connotation and essence of antidumping ?

  21. 本文主要结合WTO《反倾销协定》日落复审改革这一研究背景,着力探讨美国反倾销日落复审制度及其实践。

    This thesis mainly researches on the Antidumping Sunset Review of the United States , which falls into the background of Sunset Reform of WTO Antidumping Agreement .

  22. 其次,介绍损害要件在WTO《反倾销协议》和各国反倾销法中的规定,为后面的论述做背景知识铺垫。

    The next , introduced constitutive requirements of injury determination in WTO and anti-dumping law of any other countries in order to pave the way for the latter study .

  23. WTO《反倾销协议》诞生后,世界各国应用反倾销出现了大体上统一,细节上又各自不同的趋势。

    After WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement " was born , it was the trend that anti-dumping execution was unified as a whole and only a little difference on detail .

  24. 巴西已针对中国商品采取了许多符合世贸组织(wto)规定的贸易相关行动,如提高鞋类产品关税和发起反倾销行动。

    Brazil has already taken numerous trade-related actions in line with World Trade Organisation rules against Chinese goods , such as increasing tariffs on footwear and launching anti-dumping actions .

  25. 从法律方面、反倾销运行机制方面、企业主动性方面、利用WTO条款等方面提出了我国应对国外进口产品倾销的对策。

    Puts forward the suggestions of dealing with other countries ' dumping actions from the aspects of law , antidumping operation mechanism , enterprises ' initiative , utilizing WTO rules etc.

  26. 为此中国必须在WTO《反倾销协议》的框架内,挥起反倾销之剑加大反倾销力度,为国内产业创造一个公平的竞争环境。

    Just for the reason , in the frame of WTO " Anti-Dumping Agreement ", China must strengthen anti-dumping dynamics , in order to create a fair competition environment for domestic industry .

  27. 1994年乌拉圭回合谈判达成了《关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协议》。该协议为WTO现行的反倾销法。

    In 1994 the Uruguay-bout-negotiates made 《 Pact concerning putting into practice the 6th item of the total Agreement of Tariff and Trade 》 that is the current anti-dump law in WTO .

  28. NAFTA对反倾销、反补贴以及保障措施争端的解决规定了不同争端解决机制。

    Antidumping measures , countervailing measures and safeguard measures have different dispute settlement system in NAFTA .

  29. 曼德尔森明确表示,如果中国未能做出改变,可能迫使欧盟方面诉诸于贸易保护措施,比如反倾销税,或者在极端情况下向世界贸易组织(WTO)提出申诉。

    Mr Mandelson made clear a Chinese failure to deliver change could force Brussels to resort to trade defence measures , such as anti-dumping duties , or – in extremis – complaints to the World Trade Organisation .

  30. 反倾销作为WTO允许的贸易补救措施之一,目前成为当前世界各国最普遍采用的规范贸易秩序、抵制不公平竞争的重要手段。

    Regarding as one of the trade remedial measure within WTO ' allowance , the anti-dumping has turned into the most important means to standardize trade order , resist unfair competition adopted by most countries all over the world at present .