
  1. 我国出口企业反倾销应诉的误区

    Misconceptions and Malpractices of Chinese Enterprises in Responding to Anti-dumping Claims

  2. 我国企业反倾销应诉应注意问题及策略

    Problems and strategies in Chinese enterprises ' response to antidumping actions

  3. 加强反倾销应诉的指导。

    Strengthening the guidance for lawsuit of anti - dumping cases .

  4. 反倾销应诉中的财务使命及其战略

    The Role and Strategy of Finance in Responding to Antidumping Investigation

  5. 反倾销应诉预警体系构建研究

    A Study on Early Warning System of Responding to Anti-dumping Suit

  6. 产品成本在反倾销应诉中的维权作用

    On the Right-Protecting Role of Product Cost in Anti-Dumping Proceedings

  7. 反倾销应诉:团结就是力量

    Meeting the Anti - dumping charges : unity is power

  8. 基于反倾销应诉的成本核算体系研究

    A Study on Cost Accounting System Based on Responding to Anti-dumping Suit

  9. 我国受控企业反倾销应诉的博弈分析

    The Gambling Analysis of Our Enterprise Counter-dumping Answers a Charge

  10. 直面反倾销应诉的税务筹划与战略

    Facing the Tax Management Stratagem of the Antidumping Investigation

  11. 反倾销应诉中产品成本管理模块化组织的构建

    Construction of the Modular Organization of Product Cost Management in Responding to Anti-dumping

  12. 反倾销应诉的集体行动研究&行业协会克服搭便车机制的思考

    Research on collective action of anti - dumping lawsuit

  13. 论对外贸易中的中国反倾销应诉

    On Chinese Response to Counter - Dumping Proceedings in Foreign Business and Trade

  14. 本文第六部分着重论述了反倾销应诉会计。

    The six part describes the antidumping plead accounting .

  15. 对中国出口企业反倾销应诉的思考

    On Chinese Enterprises ' Anti - dumping Cases

  16. 企业反倾销应诉问题探析&以浙江为例

    On Anti - dumping Pleading of Zhejiang Enterprises

  17. 从这几个方面一同着手,争取赢得反倾销应诉的胜利。

    Manufacturers should fight to win the victory of anti-dumping responding from these aspects together .

  18. 首先介绍了我国在反倾销应诉中遇到的问题。

    First introducing the difficult problems which our country meet when answer a charge in anti-dumping .

  19. 试论反倾销应诉中各种不同组织的作用。

    Try to talk about anti-dumping should tell medium various dissimilarity the function of the organization .

  20. 反倾销应诉的会计对策构想无线局域网认证计费研究与设计

    The Study of Accounting Solution of the Anti-dumping Investigation Design of authentication and accounting solution in WLAN

  21. 关于反倾销应诉,从根本上说就是一种会计举证工作,有很多事项涉及会计的专业问题。

    In essence responding to anti-dumping investigation is the job about accounting adduction , and professional accounting issues are involved in .

  22. 在反倾销应诉中,会计信息由于反映了公司日常经营业务而成为最重要的法律依据。

    In the antidumping accusation , accounting information is the most important law evidences because it reflects the business activities of one company .

  23. 我国政府应加强宏观调控,完善反倾销应诉机制,促进与国外的交流和合作;

    Our country should strength macro-control , perfect the system of anti-dumping answer claims , promote the exchanges and cooperation with foreign countries ;

  24. 本文探讨了我国企业在反倾销应诉过程中存在的会计障碍,并提出了相应的对策。

    The paper has discussed Chinese enterprises'accountant obstacle to the legal action of response to anti-dumping and has brought forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  25. 文章主要从博弈论的角度分析我国中小企业反倾销应诉不力的原因,并提出相应的对策。

    This paper mainly analyses the reasons of poor pleading from a game-theory angle , and put forward relevant counter strategies for minor enterprises .

  26. 因此,出口企业一定要制定出正确的价格战略,这是在反倾销应诉中取胜的关键因素之一。

    Therefore , the export enterprises must make correct pricing strategies , which is one of the key factors to win in anti-dumping litigation-responding .

  27. 中国家电业须做好反倾销应诉长期准备&从2003年中国彩电在美遭遇反倾销诉讼谈起

    China 's Household Appliances Industry should Make Long-term Preparations for the Antidumping Cases & Illumination from the U. S. vs China Color TV Sets Antidumping Case

  28. 其实每个涉案企业都知道不参加应诉的严重后果,但是实际上仍然有一些企业放弃反倾销应诉。

    In fact , every companies involved knows the serious consequences of non-participation in the responding , but some companies will still give up responding to the anti-dumping .

  29. 文章以反倾销应诉中存在的问题、产生的会计原因以及相关会计对策为主线,就反倾销应诉中涉及的有关会计问题进行分析。

    Based on the problems existing in the anti-dumping litigation-responding accountancy reasons and the relevant accounting for main countermeasures and the anti-dumping litigation-responding accountancy in related problems were analyzed .

  30. 在这场没有硝烟的战斗中,会计核算特别是成本会计核算的准确与否是影响反倾销应诉成功与否的关键因素。

    In this war with no smoke of gunpowder , the accuracy of accounting , cost accounting in particular , is the key factor for the success in anti-dumping suit .