
  1. 该篇从经济全球化的角度出发,通过全球对外直接投资的发展历程、中国能源危机报告的启迪、技术和反倾销壁垒的逼迫论证了我国实施对外直接投资的必要性。

    Starting from globalization , the section demonstrates the necessity of having outward investment through the development of global foreign direct investment , the enlightenment by the energy crisis report of China , the pressure from technology barrier and antidumping .

  2. 中国家电企业出口到国外的家电遭遇国外反倾销和技术壁垒的情况的愈发严重。

    The situation of Chinese household electrical appliance enterprises in exports which experience anti-dumping and technical barrier has become serious more and more .

  3. 随着贸易保护主义的重新抬头和贸易壁垒形式的不断翻新,西方发达国家在推出了技术壁垒、反倾销等非关税壁垒后,又推出了旨在关注劳工身心健康和劳工权益的SA8000。

    With the renovation of protectionism and trade barrier form , western developed countries carry out SA8000 which aims at calling attention to physical and mental health and rights of laborers after introducing such non-tariff trade barriers as technological barrier , anti-dumping , etc.

  4. 反倾销和技术贸易壁垒的升级使我国出口商品在国际市场上受挫。

    Anti-dumping and technological barrier frustrate our exporting products in the international market .

  5. 这其中,典型的如技术性贸易壁垒、绿色贸易壁垒、反倾销和反补贴壁垒以及知识产权壁垒等。

    Among them technology barrier , green trade barrier , anti-dump and anti-subsidy and intellectual property barrier are good examples .

  6. 第二部分出口贸易存在的风险,其中包括反倾销、技术贸易壁垒、特保条款、国际贸易欺诈等方面的内容。

    Part Two : Risks that Chinese enterprises is facing , including anti-dumping , trade barrier of technology , Special Protection Clauses and business frauds etc ;