
  • 网络anti-money laundering;Anti money laundering;AML
  1. 银行反洗钱活动面临外部成本内生化的要求。

    Banks are facing the AML requirements biochemical external costs .

  2. 基于公共利益说的外部性,需要监管等外部措施来保证反洗钱的社会供给。

    Regulatory and other external measures are needed to ensure the AML social supply .

  3. 基于多Agent客户识别的反洗钱系统研究

    Research on Anti-money Laundering System Based on Multi-agent and Customer Pattern Recognition

  4. 上月,美国参议院的一项调查指控汇丰银行(hsbc)违反反洗钱规定。

    HSBC was last month accused by a US Senate investigation of violating anti-money laundering rules .

  5. 本文的研究内容着重于KDD在金融反洗钱中的应用这一课题。

    This dissertation focuses on the application of KDD in Anti-Money Laundering .

  6. 香港在2012年实施了新的反洗钱法。据《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)今年6月份报道,香港金管局根据该法进行的首批调查已在进行当中。

    The territory implemented a new anti-money laundering law in mid-2012 , and the South China Morning Post reported in June that the HKMA 's first investigations under the law are in progress .

  7. 补充了其最近宣布的SAS反洗钱检测,新产品包括一些更强大的功能,帮助机构在全球打击清洗黑钱活动的斗争。

    Complementing its recently announced SAS Money Laundering Detection , the new offering includes several enhancements to help institutions worldwide fight against money laundering .

  8. 应用这种技术的简单示例是反洗钱(AML)法这样的一般性业务方针。

    A simple example of application of this technique corresponds to general business guidelines like Anti-Money Laundering ( AML ) legislation .

  9. 奥罗斯科和其他人表示,汇兑服务在满足“反洗钱”(AntiMoneyLaundering,AML)和“客户身份验证”(KnowYourCustomer,KYC)的规定上,需要投入大量难以削减的成本。

    Orozco and others cite compliance with anti money laundering ( AML ) and know your customer ( KYC ) regulations as a large irreducible cost of remittance service .

  10. 巴拿马已经做出一些改变以回应金融行动特别工作组(FinancialActionTaskForce)的批评。金融行动特别工作组是一家打击金融犯罪行为的国际监管机构,在去年6月将巴拿马列入其反洗钱高风险国家的“灰名单”。

    Panama has already made some changes in response to criticism from the Financial Action Task Force , the international financial crimes watchdog , which put the country on its " grey list " of anti-money laundering high-risk countries in June .

  11. 委员会认为,银行同业拆息,克罗斯兰和阿尔布雷特森未能落实反洗钱(AML)的计划,并没有充分监督其电子交易系统。

    The Committee found that Interbank , Crosland and Albretsen failed to implement its anti-money laundering ( AML ) program and failed to adequately supervise its electronic trading system .

  12. 而Robocoin称,加拿大推出比特币ATM机,是因为该地区使用比特币活跃,且监管较轻松。在美国,比特币交易由反洗钱机构监管。

    Robocoin said Canada was the ideal place to launch the kiosk due to a critical mass of users and less stringent oversight than in the US , where the bitcoin trade is monitored by anti-money laundering regulators .

  13. 随着加入WTO后中国金融业的逐步开放,犯罪分子利用中国经济发展迅速而法律尚不够健全的特点,将中国作为他们洗钱的新据点,中国反洗钱工作将面临巨大的挑战。

    With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .

  14. 负责颁发银行牌照的美联储(Fed)对中国的银行一直持审慎态度,原因是对它们的透明度、公司治理以及缺少反洗钱法律架构存在顾虑。直到最近,中国才制定有关反洗钱法。

    The US Federal Reserve , which is responsible for granting US banking licences , has taken a cautious stance on Chinese banks because of concerns over transparency , corporate governance and , until recently , an absence of a legal framework for tackling money laundering .

  15. 毕马威Forensic公司对55个国家的224家银行进行了研究调查,发现过去3年,全球各银行在反洗钱系统上的支出增加了58%,其中主要部分为交易监测和员工培训成本。

    A study from KPMG Forensic of 224 banks from 55 countries has found that banks ' spending on anti-money laundering systems rose by 58 per cent in the past three years – mainly due to transaction monitoring and staff training costs .

  16. 针对利用金融机构进行洗钱的犯罪行为,为了提高可疑行为客户的识别效率,智能信息技术与KYC标准的结合为反洗钱工作提供了新的思路。

    Aiming at money laundering through financial institutions , the combination of intelligence information technology and KYC Standard provides a new way for anti-money laundering work to increase the recognition rate of suspicious client .

  17. 香港金管局新的反洗钱规定是2012年设立的。不过该机构表示,并未要求银行不要为在特定司法管辖区比如BVI或开曼群岛驻留、创办或开展交易的企业创建账户。

    HKMA introduced new anti-money laundering guidelines in 2012 but said it had not asked banks not to open accounts for corporate customers that are domiciled , incorporated or trade in a particular jurisdiction , such as the British Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands .

  18. 苏富比的伦敦媒体主管米齐·米纳(MitziMina)在接受邮件采访时说,该拍卖行“设立了全面有效的客户了解程序,确保遵守所有拍卖地最新的反洗钱、反腐败规定”。

    Mitzi Mina , head of Sotheby 's London media office , said in an e-mail that her auction house " has in place a comprehensive and robust know-your-client program which amongst other things , ensures we are in compliance with the latest anti-money laundering / anti-corruption regulations in place throughout our selling locations . "

  19. 我国反洗钱立法涉及的主要问题

    On The Key Problems About The Legislations Of Anti-Laundering In China

  20. 我国反洗钱犯罪的立法完善

    The Perfection of Legislation on Anti & money laundering in China

  21. 第二,有关反洗钱的组织对反洗钱的建议。

    Second , the anti-money laundering recommendations of anti-money laundering organization .

  22. 激励机制则是为反洗钱机制的运行提供内在动力。

    Incentive mechanisms provide internal drive for the anti-money laundering operation .

  23. 反洗钱的外部性与激励机制的建立

    On the External of Anti-money-laundering and the Establishment of Incentive Mechanism

  24. 新世纪我国反洗钱对策的发展和完善

    The Development and Improvement of Chinese Anti-launder Policy in New Century

  25. 对我国《反洗钱法》构建的几点建议

    Recommendations on the Construction of Anti-money Laundering Law in China

  26. 本文从我国反洗钱的现状出发,提出分布式异构计算环境下基于数据挖掘技术的洗钱侦测系统体系结构。

    This paper presents anti-money laundering system architecture under distributed heterogeneous environment .

  27. 洗钱和反洗钱是一个重复的不完全信息动态博弈,这一分析主要由两部分组成:洗钱者进入银行系统的博弈;

    The game is dynamic game that is repeat in complete information .

  28. 反洗钱的国际经验与中国的对策

    International Experiences in Anti-money Laundering and the Countermeasure of China

  29. 我国金融业反洗钱机制现状分析及对策研究

    Current Situation and Countermeasures on Anti-laundering Mechanism in Financial Circle of China

  30. 黄金珠宝业的洗钱风险与反洗钱措施分析

    Risks of money laundering through gold & jewelry and counter-measures