
  1. 在大多数高收入国家,房产金融比其他任何种类的金融都更重要。

    In most high-income countries it matters more than any other form of finance .

  2. 房产金融在不同国家有不同的做法。

    Countries finance housing in different ways .

  3. 本周,(美国)政府接管美国二家最大的房产金融公司。

    This week , the government took control of America 's two biggest housing finance companies .

  4. 安家集团是由世界银行国际金融公司投资,全国最大的专业房产金融服务企业。

    In1999 , he established the Anjia Group which is invested by IFC of World Bank .

  5. 房利美和房地美从放款人购买贷款,向房产金融界提供更多的资金。

    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy loans from lenders to provide more money for housing finance .

  6. 远水难解近渴房产金融工具:哪个离上海更近?

    Distant water can not quench present thirst property financial instruments : Which is more recent Shanghai ?

  7. 在这个过程中,房产金融可能催生资产价格泡沫,大幅提高杠杆,导致家庭支出难以为继。

    In the process , housing finance may generate asset-price bubbles , huge increases in leverage and unsustainable household spending .

  8. 然而,无论房产金融的结构如何,其影响的远不仅是房地产市场。

    Yet , however the finance of housing is structured , its effects reach far beyond the housing market alone .

  9. 这一监管程序直至新的联邦房产金融机构认为它们已经财务健康为止。

    This process of supervision will continue until the new Federal Housing Finance Agency decides they are back in financial health .

  10. 然后介绍了财产性收入的来源构成,主要包括来源于土地、房产、金融资产的财产性收入和其他财产性收入,其中金融资产是带来财产性收入的主要渠道。

    Then constitution and source of property income is introduced , mainly including property income of the land , real estate , financial assets and and other property income , in which the financial assets is the main channel of property income .

  11. 房产困局中的金融风险

    Financial Risk and Real Estate