
  • 网络Greenspan Put
  1. 在华尔街,这种不对称的措施如今被称作格林斯潘对策(GreenspanPut)。

    On Wall Street , this asymmetric approach came to be known as the Greenspan put .

  2. 这种做法后来被称为“格林斯潘对策”(greenspanput),借用了允许投资者以固定价格卖出股票的选择权这种说法。

    This came to be referred to as the " Greenspan put " , a reference to options that allow investors to sell a stock for a fixed price .

  3. 此外,此次方案是由市场崩盘促成,这使其成为了欧洲的“格林斯潘对策(greenspanput)”。

    That the package was prompted by a market rout , moreover , makes it a European " Greenspan put " .

  4. 尽管金融业给自己造成了伤害,但当灾难来临时,格林斯潘/伯南克对策确实发挥了作用。

    For all the damage that the financial industry has inflicted on itself , when disaster arrived the Greenspan / Bernanke put did pay off .