
  • 网络supply chain finance;supply chain financing;Financial Supply Chain
  1. 本文开篇介绍了供应链金融区别于传统贸易融资的特点,认为供应链金融是核心企业与银行间达成的,一种面向供应链所有成员企业的系统性融资安排。

    Author defines that Supply Chain Finance is a systematic financing arrangement facing to all members in supply chain , and reached by core enterprise and bank .

  2. 基于EPR的逆向供应链金融协调研究

    Research of the Coordination Mechanism on Reverse Supply Chain Finance Basing on EPR

  3. 本文选用Logistic实证模型建立供应链金融信用风险的评价模型,这将对于银行在控制供应链金融的信用风险上有较大的帮助。

    This paper chooses Logistic empirical model building supply chain finance credit risk evaluation model , which will for banks in control supply chain finance credit risks have great help .

  4. 国内最先做供应链金融的深圳发展银行看中这个N,对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供金融服务,通过中小企业介入产业链,做活整个供应链的资金流。

    The first to do supply chain finance in the domestic , Shenzhen Development Bank , chose the " N ", provide financial services to a single business or multiple businesses in industry supply chain . It makes the cash flow more liquidity through extending industry chain .

  5. 立足于此,探讨了GH公司的供应链金融的策略、方案,并且提出在实施过程中企业所面临的风险和控制措施。

    Based on that , this paper further explores and discusses the strategies and plans of supply chain finance of GH company and offers some inspiration and reference to its supply chain finance field .

  6. 供应链金融中保兑仓融资与运作决策

    Advanced-payment Model of Supply Chain Finance : Financing and Operation Decisions

  7. 基于朴素贝叶斯的供应链金融信用风险预测分析

    Supply Chain Finance Credit Risk Forecast Based on Plain Bayes

  8. 中小企业融资双重信用配给与供应链金融支持研究

    Research on Double Credit Admeasure of MSE and Supply Chain Finance Support

  9. 兴业银行对武钢集团供应链金融服务研究

    Study on Industrial Bank 's Supply Chain Financial Service to Wugang Group

  10. 供应链金融创新中下侧风险规避银行的贷款额度分析

    Loan limit analysis of DOWN-RISK-AVERSE bank based on Supply Chain Financial Innovation

  11. 金融危机背景下的供应链金融业务的风险应对机制&以仓单质押贷款业务为例

    The Risk Based on Financial Crisis of Supply Chain Financial Services Coping Mechanisms

  12. 供应链金融市场风险控制套期保值方法研究

    An Approach Based on Hedging to Control Market Risk in Supply Chain Finance

  13. 供应链金融:背景、创新与概念界定

    A Study of Supply Chain Finance : Its Economic Background , Innovation and Conception

  14. 供应链金融为解决中小企业融资困境提供了新思维。

    Supply Chain Finance provides a new way to address the financing difficulties of SMEs .

  15. 供应链金融服务模式的探讨

    Research on Finance Service of Supply Chain

  16. 中国银行湖南省分行供应链金融风险控制研究

    The Study on the Risk Control of Supply Chain Finance of Bank of China Hunan Branch

  17. 供应链金融是银行业连接中小企业的一大突破。

    Supply chain finance is a major breakthrough which connects the Banking with small and medium-sized enterprises .

  18. 供应链金融是一种新的融资方式,可以实现多方共赢。

    Supply chain finance is a kind of new way of financing , can realize multi-win-win situation .

  19. 本文以供应链金融为视角研究商业银行对中小融资企业信用风险的评估。

    This article research the credit crisis assessment of the commercial bank to small and medium-sized finance corporate .

  20. 为此,作为一种专为中小企业量身定做的新型融资模式,供应链金融应运而生。

    Therefore , as a new financing mode especially designed for SMEs , supply chain finance comes into being .

  21. 供应链金融消除非对称信息的过程就是打通中小企业融资渠道的过程。

    Supply Chain Finance opens up the financing channels for the SMEs in the process of eliminating asymmetric informatio .

  22. 因此,供应链金融短期内就在我国取得了快速的发展。

    Therefore , supply chain finance has achieved a rapid development in China within a short period of time .

  23. 文章首先介绍供应链金融的相关概念优势及作用,并以独特的经济学视角对供应链金融的进行了详细的阐释。

    This paper first introduced related concepts , functions and advantages of supply chain from the evolutionary economic perspective .

  24. 文中较为详细地介绍了目前国内的供应链金融产品现状,并通过案例的形式描述了商业银行为企业提供供应链金融服务的具体过程。

    We also described the process that commercial bank serve the company with supply chain financing methods through the case .

  25. 正是供应链金融的兴起,解决了供应链条中上下游中小型企业的资金约束问题。

    While the rising of supply chain finance solves the problems of the SMEs financing constraints in the supply chain .

  26. 由于供应链金融有别于传统的银行信贷金融,文章着重剖析了其中的信用风险和操作风险。

    Unlike the traditional credit financial , the article mainly focuses on the analysis of the credit risk and operational risk .

  27. 然后,本文重点考察了中国银行湖南省分行供应链金融风险管理情况。

    And then , the paper analyses the risk management of the Supply Chain Finance of Bank of China Hunan Branch .

  28. 研究结论为供应链金融下存货质押融资信贷决策的协调机制设计提供了一个思路。

    The study results provided an idea for the credit decision coordination mechanism design of inventory financing in supply chain finance .

  29. 供应链金融涵盖了多种信贷方式,又加入了对资金流的管理,是一种灵活根据客户所需安排的全面服务体系。

    Supply chain covers a wide range of credit in the financial , but also added to the cash flow management .

  30. 经过研究分析,相关的建议措施对于供应链金融以后的发展非常有必要。

    Through the research and analysis , relevant suggestions and measures for the development of supply chain finance later is very necessary .