
  • 网络state-owned financial institutions
  1. 其国内下属机构中央汇金需要从它这里得到不确定金额的资源,帮助不稳固的国有金融机构重整资本。

    Its domestic arm , Central Huijin , has unspecified calls on its resources to recapitalise shaky state-owned financial institutions .

  2. 该公司表示,如果计入由国有金融机构组成的国内投资组合,其注册资本的回报率达到6.8%。

    And if its domestic portfolio of state-owned financial institutions were taken into consideration , the fund had made a return on registered capital of 6.8 per cent , it said .

  3. 中国的那些潜在买家在获得国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)等国有金融机构的融资支持方面一向不存在问题。

    Potential buyers have had no problem lining up financing from China Development Bank and other state-owned lenders .

  4. 国有金融机构和企业事业组织的财务收支;

    Financial income and expense of state-owned financial organizations , enterprises , and institutions ;

  5. 成立于1986年的大连国际信托投资公司(简称大连国投)是典型的国有金融机构。

    Dalian International Trust & Investment Corporation ( DITIC ) which was founded in 1986 is an example .

  6. 因此仅仅通过大力发展非国有金融机构的方法来解决非国有企业金融支持不足的问题是行不通的。

    Is impossible to solve lack support of finance for the non-state-owned enterprises only through largely develop non-state-owned financial institutions .

  7. 天津开发区审计局有权对开发区国有金融机构资产进行审计。

    The TEDA Audit Bureau is entitled to audit the revenues of projects in TEDA with assistance provided by international organizations .

  8. 审计机关对国有金融机构的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。

    Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets , liabilities , profits and losses of the State-owned monetary organizations .

  9. 本文认为中国金融市场化改革过程中非国有金融机构的发展和竞争,尤其是民间金融发展的不平衡,对我国各地公司的债务期限结构具有重要影响。

    Our conclusion indicates that growth and character of non-stated-owned finance institutions , especially the imbalance of civil finance exerts great influence on debt maturity .

  10. 而在中国,这场危机对所有人来说都是一个加强监管和竞争障碍的绝佳时机。只是,除了当地的国有金融机构。

    But in China the crisis is also serving as a superb pretext for hardening regulatory and competitive impediments to all but the state-controlled local financial institutions .

  11. 为了解决大众对国有金融机构高管高收入的不满,国家采取了降薪措施。

    The lowering of the salaries is part of measures to address rising public discontent on the perception of high salaries for top executives at state-owned institutions .

  12. 报告还呼吁加快金融体制改革,如鼓励发展非国有金融机构、释放对利率的控制和允许人民币汇率自由浮动等。

    It calls for faster financial reforms such as encouraging the development of non-state financial institutions , freeing controls on interest rates and allowing the yuan to float .

  13. 他指责西方银行片面追逐利润缺乏自律。如今中国国有金融机构持有大量的西方银行股票,它们几乎一文不值。

    He pilloried western banks , chunks of whose near-worthless stock are now owned by Chinese state institutions , for their blind pursuit of profit and lack of discipline .

  14. 我们欢迎私人机构带头走向全球,但由国有金融机构发挥带头作用,承受过多的负担,可能并不合适。

    We welcome any efforts led by the private sector to go global , but it may not be proper for state-owned financial institutions to lead the role and take on excessive burdens .

  15. 农村信用合作社长期以来一直是农村金融的重要组成部分,特别是随着国有金融机构从农村的退出,它已成为支持农村经济发展的主要资金渠道。

    Rural credit cooperative has still been one important part of rural finance . It has already become the crucial source of funds of supporting the economic development of rural areas especially after retreating from these districts .

  16. 与此同时,我国的金融业发展又出现了新现象,混业经营萌芽的出现,国有金融机构改革进入关键阶段等等,这些都是摆在政府金融监管工作面前的新问题;

    Meanwhile , the finance of our country developed and presented the new phenomenon , mixed operation sprouted , financial reform enters critical stage etc. , all these are new problems in front of government 's financial supervision ;

  17. 作为金融企业,民营银行的公司治理不同于一般非金融企业公司治理;作为民间资本控制的金融机构,民营银行公司治理又不同于国有金融机构的公司治理。

    As a financial enterprise , the corporate governance of private bank differs from the non-financial enterprise , and as a financial institution controlled by private capital , the corporate governance of private bank differs from state-run financial institutions .

  18. 而非国有金融机构在目前并没有对西部区域经济增长起到明显地促进作用。四是进入21世纪,各区域的金融发展以及经济增长差距相对缩小。

    The contribution of non state-owned finance institution to promote western economic growth is not obvious at present time . ( 4 ) In the early of 21 century , the gap of regional finance development and economic growth rate has been shortened gradually .

  19. 银行资产规模在全部金融机构中市场份额的比重在下降,非银行金融机构比重在上升,国有金融机构比例在下降,外资金融机构与地方性中小金融机构比例在上升。

    Bank assets in the market share declined as a proportion of all financial institutions , rising proportion of non-bank financial institutions , State-owned financial institution in the fall , foreign financial institutions and local small and medium-sized financial institutions are on the rise .

  20. 对我国有问题金融机构监管法律制度的实证分析

    Practical Analysis on Chinese Problematic Financial Institutions

  21. 各部门、国有的金融机构和企业事业组织的内部审计,应当接受审计机关的业务指导和监督。

    Such internal auditing shall be subject to the professional guidance and supervision of audit institutions .

  22. 法人治理中的权力边界明晰化:论国有重点金融机构监事会职责

    Defining the Right of Financial Institution : On the Function of Supervisory Board of State - owned Commercial Banks

  23. 要继续完善国有控股金融机构公司治理,改善经营管理机制,提高风险管控能力。

    We will continue to improve corporate governance in financial institutions in which the state holds a controlling stake , improve their business management , and raise their ability to manage and control risks .

  24. 对担任国家派驻金融机构监事会的监事长、副监事长,其任职资格依据《国有重点金融机构监事会暂行条例》确定。

    For chief supervisors and Deputy supervisors delegated by the government to financial institutions , their post-holding qualification shall be determined in accordance with the tentative regulation on the board of supervisors of important state-owned financial institutions .

  25. 第二十九条国务院各部门和地方人民政府各部门、国有的金融机构和企业事业组织,应当按照国家有关规定建立健全内部审计制度。

    Article 29 Departments of the State Council and of the local people 's governments at various levels , State-owned monetary organizations , enterprises and institutions shall establish and improve their internal auditing systems in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State .

  26. 国有的中国金融机构通常会为像南苏门答腊煤炭运输线这样的项目提供优惠的融资条件,因此进一步增加了中国投标的吸引力。

    State-owned Chinese financial institutions usually offer favourable financing terms for projects such as the coal transport line in South Sumatra , making Chinese bids even more attractive .

  27. 严格规范国有企业、金融机构经营管理人员特别是高管的收入,完善监管办法。

    We will set strict standards for the income of executives , especially senior ones , of state-owned enterprises and financial institutions , and improve related oversight and supervision rules .

  28. 国有和私有的金融机构都进行了大规模资产重组

    Both public and private financial institutions have recapitalized themselves on the massive scale

  29. 敏锐的分析揭示出,是否会成为金融危机的受害者,并不取决于你在国有还是在私有金融机构储蓄。

    A clear-eyed analysis reveals that whether or not you are a victim of the financial crisis does not depend on whether you banked at a state or a privately owned financial institution .

  30. 国务院先后向192个重点国有企业以及一批国有金融机构派出了监事会,对国有企业和金融机构领导人实行了经济责任审计。

    The State Council has appointed supervisory boards to192 key state-owned enterprises and some state-owned financial organizations and instituted economic accountability auditing for leaders of all state-owned enterprises and state-owned financial organizations .