
  • 网络National grants
  1. 资金可以进来许多形式,从国家助学金,对家庭和朋友。

    Funding can come in many forms , from national grants to family and friends .

  2. 独立学院贫困生国家助学金评定探讨天津市农业科学院院长基金项目资助情况浅析

    Discussion on Assessment of National Grants in Poor Students of Independent College Initial Analysis of the President Funding of Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  3. 国家助学金;是加强差生管理的有力武器。

    Third 、 state grants is a powerful weapon to strengthen the management of " poor " students .

  4. 助学金目前仍是学生接受资助的主要方式,包括国家助学金、联邦助学金和机构助学金。

    Need-based aid remains by far the largest share of all student aid , which includes state , federal and institutional grants .

  5. 作为资助政策之一的国家助学金制度,旨在运用经济的手段推动我国教育事业公平健康的发展。

    Being one of the university grants policies , Government Grant-in-aid Policy aims to improve the education develop healthy and fairly in China .

  6. 国家助学金是取决于你所处在许多国家助学金学院、你接受补助的协议,在您工作场一定的时间毕业。

    In many state grants , you receive the grant with the agreement to work in your field for a certain amount of time after graduation .

  7. 中等职业学校国家助学金是国家和政府为了切实解决家庭经济困难的中职学生上学问题,帮助他们顺利完成学业而设立的专项资金,并随之建立起完整的学生资助体系。

    National grants for secondary vocational school are special funds set up by the government to help the students whose families have financial difficulties to finish their study smoothly in secondary vocational schools . A set of integrated subsidization system is established for the grants .

  8. 国家奖助学金工作中存在的问题及解决办法

    Nation prize scholarship work existence problem and solution discussion and analysis

  9. 国家设立助学金,帮助贫困残疾学生就学。

    The state shall set up grant-in-aid to assist students who are poor and disabled .

  10. 2007年以来建立的以国家奖助学金和国家助学贷款为主体的贫困大学生新资助政策体系相对原有体系更加完善,也取得了较好的实施成效。

    Since the establishment in 2007 " State Grants and State Educational Loans for Needy College Student ", compare with the original system , this new financial aid system is more perfect .

  11. 目前,政府对高等教育的政策制定、资金投入和管理等方面仍然不完善,和西方的发达国家对于助学金的管理相比,仍然存在很大的差距。

    At present , our country is not perfect in making policies , investment and management in higher education Comparing with the western developed countries , it still has a big gap in grant management .

  12. 第四部分,实例分析了个人分担高等教育成本产生的学费、家庭经济困难学生、国家奖助学金以及助学贷款问题。

    The fourth part , analyzed the status of individual cost-sharing in higher education and problems that caused by the individual cost-sharing in higher education , such as fees , poverty students , national scholarship and student loans .

  13. 文章在回顾国家奖助学金制度由来和发展的基础上,深入阐述了国家奖助学金特有的物质资助、激励、导向、制度彰显和人文关怀功能。

    On the basis of reviewing the origin and development of the national scholarship and assistantship system , this paper deeply illustrates its specific functions , such as material support , inspiration , guidance , demonstrate and humane care .

  14. 国家奖、助学金政策实施过程中存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Course of Implementing the National Grant Policies

  15. 然而事实上是,由于国家贷款和奖助学金制度,大学校园内经济层面上的贫富差距并不是特别大。

    But the fact is , as the loans and grants system , economic level university campus the gap is not particularly big .

  16. 在分析了国家助学贷款的目的意义基础上,认为信誉是支持国家助学金贷款实施的基石。

    This article , on the basis of analyzing the aim and significance of national grant - aided loan , holds that credit is the cornerstone of supporting the implementation of .