
  • 网络Reversing Trade;Reverse Transactions;Zaarly;contrarian strategy;revering trade
  1. 在对我国创业板市场投资者惯性反向交易策略的研究上,本文采用了大多数学者所使用的GTW(1995)方法,并将传统的GTW方法进行了部分改良。

    This paper adopts the most scholars by the use of the GTW ( 1995 ) method , and the traditional GTW methods were partially improved .

  2. 他没有对一个月之后的反向交易做出解释。

    He has not explained the reverse trade a month later .

  3. 然而,如果客户开立了不同数量的老规定下的合约单,仍然可以要求交易商开立同等数量的反向交易单来对冲。

    A customer may , however , direct the FDM to offset same-size transactions even if there are older transactions of a different size .

  4. 当交易者回头再看交易时,通常的反应是:“为什么我不知道止损并反向交易呢?”

    The first reaction that traders universally have when looking back at such a trade is ," Why didn 't I just take my loss and reverse ?"

  5. 债券回购业务是指买卖双方在成交某笔债券现货交易的同时,约定在未来某一时间以某一价格再进行反向交易。

    Bond repurchase operations refers to the buyer bought an amount of bond , at the same time , agreed to sell the same bond at a future time for a certain price .

  6. 内幕交易民事诉讼的原告为与内幕交易行为人同时进行反向交易的相对人,被告为内幕交易行为人。

    Firstly , the plaintiff of the civil action is any person who was contemporaneously trading the same security on the other side of the market while the defender is the doer who made the insider trading .

  7. 在大众之前、之后,或者与他们反向进行交易。

    Trade ahead , behind or contrary to the crowd .

  8. 从当前出台的政策法规与成功借壳的案例来看,未来相当长一段时间内,反向购买交易会多以净壳方式进行。

    According to current regulations and the success case of backdoor , during a long period of future time , many reverse acquisitions will be net shell .

  9. 网上渔市要能够同时实现现货采购,网上竞拍,反向拍卖等多种交易模式,主要由网上水产品交易系统、交易讨论区、渔市服务区等组成。

    In order to reach synchronously many various business modes such as spot stock , online auction and reverse auction , an OFM must have seafood trading system , a discussion area for trading and one service area for the market .