
  • 网络backlink;backlinks;reverse link;Back Link
  1. 缺点是本文所获得的大部分的流量和反向链接都给了那个知名博客。

    The disadvantage here is the fact that the blog that will host your post will retain most of the traffic and backlinks associated with it .

  2. 如果你将精彩博文发到自己的博客上,你就会获得流量和反向链接;不过也存在不被人所知的风险,尤其当你的博客还很小的时候。

    If you publish it in your own blog , you will retain all the traffic and backlinks , but there is a risk that the post won 't gain enough exposure , especially if your blog is relatively small .

  3. 给出一种Web服务组合模型和反向链接组合算法;

    It presents a composition module and backward chaining algorithm of Web Service .

  4. TDR算法从权威种子和作弊种子出发,分别沿着链接或反向链接的方向同时传播T-Rank和D-Rank。

    From good and bad seeds , TDR simultaneously propagates T-Rank through links and D-Rank through inverse-links , respectively .

  5. 让这种集成更为强大的是,让连接从CDMI指向OCCI模型的资源实例(补充的反向链接)会非常有用。

    Adding to this integration , it would be useful to allow links to be directed from CDMI towards resource instances of the OCCI models ( a complementary reverse linkage ) .

  6. 因此,你可以从一个文章提交网站的反向链接和流量。

    Therefore you can get backlinks and traffic from an article submission website .

  7. 那么,什么样的链接才会被它视为反向链接呢?

    So , what kind of link can be just regarded as retrorse link by it ?

  8. 如果之前有高质量的站点和它做反向链接,那你就受益了;

    If preceded by high-quality sites and it is doing the reverse link , then you benefited ;

  9. 架构更新操作试图添加一个反向链接,但该反向链接没有相应的正向链接。

    The schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link .

  10. 借助匿名社交网络,用户的信息不但更加私人化,而且他们发出的信息也无法再反向链接到本人。

    Not only will their information be private , but the information shared will never link back to them .

  11. 利用相关网页的反向链接上下文来完善特征库,同时根据特征库来计算链接的优先值,优化了链接优先级的计算。

    Using reverse links context to extend the topic dictionary , and then calculate the priorities of links by the topic dictionary .

  12. 最有用功能最强大的外部站点因素就是反向链接,即我们所说的外部链接。

    The most useful external sites most powerful factor is the reverse link , that is what we call the external links .

  13. 客人贴文非常耗时,但它是构建你的博客品牌和获取反向链接的有用方式。

    Guest posting is time-consuming , but it is a good way to build your brand as a blogger and to get some back links .

  14. 你不仅可以从这些网站获取曝光率和一些反向链接,也可以从那些讨论你的新闻稿的网站获取链接。

    You 'll gain some exposure and get a few backlinks from those sites , but also from the sites that 'll eventually write about your press release .

  15. 检修报告-我们的“终极”报告,该报告分析了搜索引擎优化因素,其中包括广泛的页因素,反向链接,内容,关键字,社会媒体,构件,竞争对手等等。

    Overhaul Report-Our " ultimate " report which analyzes a broad spectrum of SEO factors , including on-page factors , backlinks , content , keywords , social media , widgets , competitors and more .