
  • 网络Reactor structural materials;Strueture material fornuelear reaetor
  1. 利用高能离子模拟研究反应堆结构材料中的辐照效应

    Simulation of Radiation Effects in Structural Materials of Reactors Using High-energy Heavy-ion Irradiations

  2. 用离子辐照模拟研究反应堆结构材料中金属/金属界面原子扩散行为

    Behavior of Atom-diffusion at Metal / Metal Interface in Reactor Structural Materials Simulated Using Energetic Ion Irradiations

  3. 用途:用做超导材料、快中子反应堆结构材料和特种合金添加剂。

    Usage : as superconductor , structure materials of fast neutron reactor and additives for special alloy .

  4. 反应堆结构金属材料的拉伸真应力&应变曲线测定

    The Measurements of the Tensile True Stress - Strain Curves for the Reactor Structural Metals

  5. 锆合金以其独特的物理性能被广泛用于核反应堆堆芯结构材料,随着当前核电进一步向大功率、高燃耗发展,改善锆合金耐腐蚀性能便成为当务之急。

    Zirconium alloy is widely used to core structure material in nuclear power reactors because of special physics capability .

  6. 氦泡对核聚变反应堆中包括核心结构材料在内的许多材料的性能会产生不利的影响,了解氦泡的演化行为对理解氦泡对材料性能影响有很大帮助。

    Helium bubbles will be harmful to the nature of many materials including the core-structure materials in the nuclear fusion reactor . To realize the behavior of helium bubble will be very helpful to the understanding the influence in the nature of materials from the helium bubble .