
fǎn kǒng
  • fight against terrorism
  • anti-terrorism
  1. 这是反恐斗争向前迈进的重要一步。

    This is an important step forward in the fight against terrorism .

  2. 美国认为,巴基斯坦是全球反恐同盟中的一个重要盟国。

    The United States considers Pakistan an important in the global fight against terrorism .

  3. 调查由伦敦警察厅反恐部门负责。

    The investigation is being handled by Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch .

  4. 知情者应通过保密的免费电话热线和反恐小组联系。

    Anyone with information should contact the Anti-Terrorist Squad on the confidential freephone hotline .

  5. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜染指机密的文件

    At CTU , Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access .

  6. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜问鼎秘要的文件

    Bt DTU , Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access .

  7. 此外,民航、公安部门、机场以及航空公司等均要加强反恐情报工作能力。

    Additionally , civil aviation and public security administrations , airports and airlines are asked to enhance their anti-terrorism intelligence capabilities2 .

  8. 游戏简介:《反恐行动》是一款由金山软件自主研发和维护运营的3D主视角射击休闲网游。

    About the game : " anti-terrorist operation " is a software developed by Kingsoft operation and maintenance of the main perspective3D shooting Game leisure .

  9. 无线感知网(wirelessSensorNetworks)具有良好的灵活性、健壮性和智能性,在环境监测、国防军事、医疗卫生、反恐安全等领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) will be used in a variety of applications such as environmental monitoring , military , medical , and public safety systems for their good flexibility , robustness and intelligence .

  10. 针对反恐维稳及抢险救灾事件发生的时间、接受指挥的对象,以及接受指挥的位置的不确定性,系统采用C/S和B/S相结合的架构模式。

    Considering the uncertainty of happening time of terrorism and emergency disaster releasing events , command objects , places of command objects , this system uses the frame that combining C / S and B / S structure .

  11. 反恐中心,或者像老手们所称的CTC,已经成为美国中央情报局最忙碌的部门。

    The Counterterrorism Center , or CTC , as veteran hands call it , has become the CIA 's busiest outfit .

  12. 美国国家反恐中心前主任迈克尔·雷特(MichaelLeiter)表示,奥拉基的语言技能和互联网技能使得他尤为危险。

    Michael Leiter , former director of the National Counterterrorism Center , says his skill with language and the Internet made him especially dangerous .

  13. 美国副总统DickCheney(迪克。切尼)进行了反对该立法的游说活动,他辩解道,该项立法将捆住美国“反恐战”的手脚。

    Dick Cheney , the US vice president , has lobbied against the legislation , arguing it tied America 's hands in its " war on terror " .

  14. 这一名为反恐战争:FBI新焦点的展览将于周五开放,提前纪念911恐怖袭击十周年。

    " War on Terror : The FBI ` s New Focus " will open Friday in plenty of time for the 10th anniversary of the 9 / 11 attacks .

  15. 每天呆在网吧闲得慌,就拿网络游戏打发时间,CS反恐精英成了他最喜欢玩的游戏之一。

    Every day stayed in the Internet bar is much idler , takes the network game to kill the time , the CS counter-terrorism outstanding person to become one which of games he most liked playing .

  16. 开课的第一年,校方会在Dota2、英雄联盟(LOL)、反恐精英(CS)和星际争霸2中挑选出2款电竞游戏。

    Two will be offered in the first year , with Dota 2 , League of Legends , Counter-Strike : Global Offensive , and Starcraft II all under consideration .

  17. 埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架客机周一被企图寻求庇护的副驾驶劫持,此事表明,尽管反恐努力持续多年,全球航空业仍然面临着一个安全不确定因素,那就是内部威胁。

    The hijacking Monday of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner by a co-pilot seeking asylum illustrates a security wild card still facing global aviation despite years of efforts to combat terrorism : the inside threat .

  18. 反恐机器人SUPER-01转弯性能分析

    Analysis of SUPER-01 Antiterrorist Robot 's Swerving Performance

  19. Mali说,疑犯和他的一名被警方打死的同伙曾杀了三名高级警官,包括反恐小分队的负责人HemantKarkare。

    Mali , said the suspect and one of his collaborators , who was slain by the police , had killed three top police officials , including the head of the antiterrorist squad , Hemant Karkare .

  20. 分析了采用左右轮差速转向的关节-轮式反恐机器人SUPER-01转弯时内外侧轮子的速度及转矩特性。

    This paper analyzed the speed and moment characteristic on the inside and outside wheels of the articulated-wheeled antiterrorist robot SUPER-01 which swerves by the speed difference of the left and right wheels .

  21. 方法:应用SCL90症状自评量表分别对武警反恐分队官兵与普通官兵进行测评,进行组间对比分析。

    METHODS : The symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) was employed to evaluate the mental health status of officers and soldiers in anti-terrorism units of armed police forces and their peers in other forces , and the intergroup comparison and analysis were conducted .

  22. 建立我国反恐警察的构想国际反恐怖斗争中的制度问题

    The blueprint of forming the anti - terrorism police in China

  23. 美式反恐战略给无辜者带来的道德伤害

    Moral Damage to Innocent Persons Caused by American Strategy of Anti-Terrorism

  24. 反恐局正在追踪毒气罐的下落。

    CTU is in the process of tracking down the canisters .

  25. 试析美国反恐战争的道德依据

    On Moral Basis of War of Anti - Terrorism of America

  26. 美国反恐战争第三阶段的政策

    American Aims of the Phrase Three in the War against Terrorism

  27. 反恐分队作战效能的灰色聚类方法评估

    Operation Effectiveness Evaluation for Anti-Terrorism Troop Based on Gray Custer Method

  28. 基于统计监测的金融反恐对策初探

    The Preliminary Analysis of Financial Anti-Terrorism Policies Based on Statistical Monitoring

  29. 军分区系统遂行反恐维稳任务中的六种能力

    Six Capabilities in the Anti-Terrorism and Remaining-Stable Task of Military Sub-Districts

  30. 美国助理国务卿包润石敦促巴基斯坦和阿富汗加强反恐协调工作。

    US Top Envoy Pushes Coordinated Anti-Terror Efforts Between Pakistan , Afghanistan