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  • arabica
  1. 每个物种的品种排名下面,有许多品种的阿拉伯咖啡树。

    Each species has varieties ranked underneath it , and there are many varieties of arabica coffee trees .

  2. 与此同时,巴西的持续干旱已经导致阿拉伯咖啡的产量降低、价格升高,这种咖啡豆经常用在各种美食饮料里。

    Meanwhile , droughts in Brazil have resulted in higher prices and lower production of Arabica coffee , the popular bean used in gourmet blends .

  3. 摩卡咖啡一中很浓刺鼻的阿拉伯咖啡。

    A rich , pungent Arabian coffee .

  4. 虽然最佳口味的阿拉伯咖啡生长在高海拔,但夜间的温度不能降至零下;

    Although the best tasting arabicas are grown at high elevation , the overnight temperature cannot drop below freezing ;

  5. 老品种的阿拉伯咖啡加工后的口味是最好的,但是这种树多少有点脆弱,他们必须要些阴影遮挡,从而防止它们的果实得到过多的阳光。

    Peet 's Anniversary BlendThe older varieties of arabica produce the best flavor , and these somewhat fragile , older varietals require partial shade to protect the cherries from getting too much sun .

  6. 上等的黑咖啡,由阿拉伯半岛的咖啡豆制成。

    Superior dark coffee made from beans from Arabia .

  7. 阿拉伯地区的咖啡馆很快成为政治活动的中心,因此遭到了查禁。

    The Arabian coffeehouses soon became centres of political activity and were suppressed .

  8. 阿拉伯世界统治了咖啡行业有好几个世纪,之后,部分麦加朝圣者将咖啡豆走私到印度,这促使了印度的农业革命。

    For centuries , Arabia controlled the coffee industry until ( as legend has it ) a pilgrim from Mecca smuggled beans back to India and began an agricultural revolution .