
  • 网络Alberta;Alberta Province
  1. 当时,加拿大阿尔伯塔省某处发现了十几只霸王龙的遗骸。

    That was when a dozen of the creatures were found at a site in Alberta , Canada .

  2. 位于阿尔伯塔省的西爱德蒙顿购物中心能满足每一种购物的需求,如果不在此逗留一下,那么去西海岸的旅游就算不上完美。

    No visit to the west coast is complete without a stop in Alberta 's West Edmonton Mall , which caters to every shopping need .

  3. KeystoneXL管道项目将从阿尔伯塔省运送加拿大重油至德克萨斯海岸的炼油厂。

    The Keystone XL pipeline would carry thick Canadian oil from Alberta to refineries along the Texas coast .

  4. 拱心石XL管道扩展延伸大约1200英里,其中大部分是在美国地区,从加拿大阿尔伯塔省到内布拉斯加州。

    The Keystone XL pipeline extension would stretch about 1200 miles , most of it in the United States , from Alberta , Canada down to Nebraska .

  5. 这是中国企业在北美能源行业手笔最大的投资之一。此前不久,中国企业对阿尔伯塔省(Alberta)的油砂项目进行了数笔投资。

    The investment is one of the biggest by a Chinese company in the North American energy industry and comes on the heels of several others in the Alberta oil sands .

  6. 阿尔伯塔省彩虹湖的DeniseMelanson,是一位教师助理和两个十几岁男孩的母亲,因接受了意外过量化疗药物后于去年8月死亡,是年43岁。

    Denise Melanson of Rainbow Lake , Alberta , a teacher 's assistant and mother of two teenage sons , died in August last year at the age of43 after receiving an accidental overdose of chemotherapy drugs .

  7. 预计阿尔伯塔省2012年经济增长率将达到3.8%。

    Economic growth is projected to be 3.8 % in Alberta in 2012 .

  8. 其它中国企业则收购了阿尔伯塔省北部油砂项目的权益。

    Other Chinese companies have acquired interests in oil sands projects in Northern Alberta .

  9. 阿尔伯塔省的首席医官说,该名女子来自北阿尔伯塔并且最近没有旅行。

    Alberta 's chief medical officer says the woman from northern Alberta and did not travel recently .

  10. 及北阿尔伯塔省湿地下方

    and wetlands of northern Alberta

  11. 在北方森林及北阿尔伯塔省湿地下方蕴藏着大量粘稠、似焦油的沥青。

    Trapped underneath the boreal forest and wetlands of northern Alberta are these vast reserves of this sticky , tar-like bitumen .

  12. 加拿大艺术家凯·派克近日在阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里的住房内,仅用人体彩绘颜料和胶乳就将自己变装成了超人。

    Canadian artist Kay Pike transformed herself into Superman using just body paint and latex at her property in Calgary , Alberta .

  13. 它坐落在阿尔伯塔省,位于班夫国家公园的北部、埃德蒙顿市的西部。

    It is located in the province of Alberta , to the north of Banff National Park and west of the city of Edmonton .

  14. 1925年,莫里斯和哈罗德国王在阿尔伯塔省的农场苦行度日,仅超5美元一点点。

    In 1925 , Maurice and Harrold King took up life at an Alberta ranch with little more than $ 5 to their names .

  15. 财富网(Fortune.com)本周早些时候采访了阿尔伯塔省财政厅厅长罗恩•利贝尔特,从加拿大的角度一窥这个上下倒置的世界。

    Com caught up with Alberta finance Minster Ron Liepert earlier this week to get a sense of what this upside-down world looks like from the Canadian perspective .

  16. 这家总部位于卡尔加里的公司显然已对名下其他资产进行了不少兜售,了解中石油所觊觎的阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的气田面临着大量需求。

    The Calgary-based company had clearly shopped its other assets around enough to know that there was demand aplenty for the Alberta and British Columbia acreage PetroChina was after .

  17. 需求的增长以促使亚洲油气企业向阿尔伯塔省投资数十亿美元,以实现能源供应的多元化,其中中国企业最为积极。

    Rising demand has prompted Asian oil and gas companies to invest billions of dollars in Alberta to diversify their supplies , with Chinese groups being the most active .

  18. 卡尔加里对旅行者来说通常是去班夫和杰士伯的出发点,而且他们大多也不会在那里逗留,看看这座阿尔伯塔省的省会究竟如何;

    Calgary is typically the point of departure for visitors to Banff or Jasper , and most don 't stick around to see what this Alberta metropolis has to offer .

  19. 来自加拿大阿尔伯塔省的劳娜•赫尔是两个孩子的母亲。她说她重返职场的原因是同辈母亲间的竞争压力太大了。

    And Lawna Hurl , a mother-of-two from Alberta , Canada , says the reason she returned to work was because the pressure of competition among fellow parents was too intense .

  20. 阿尔伯塔省北部油砂开采区的资本支出,今年估计达到200亿加元(197亿美元),超出加拿大全国制造业的总投资。

    Capital spending in northern Alberta 's oil sands , estimated at C $ 20bn ( $ 19.7bn ) this year , now exceeds investment by the entire country 's manufacturing sector .

  21. 及阿尔伯塔省的官员进行了座谈,讨论并比较中加两国在肉品产业的监管方面遇到的实际问题和经验。

    They also met with CFIA officials and Alberta Provincial regulators to discuss , and compare , practical issues encountered in the regulation and supervision of the meat industry in China and canada .

  22. 上周,在加拿大阿尔伯塔省的三山小镇上拍摄的一张照片告诉我们,也许在这时候没有比赛尼斯·韦塞尔更淡定的人了。

    A photo captured last week in the small Canadian town of Three Hills , Alberta , suggests that there is perhaps no place more tranquil than inside the imperturbable mind of Theunis Wessels .

  23. 位于边境另一侧的加拿大阿尔伯塔省,通过采取重点关注数学、阅读和自然科学等核心课程,并允许学生择校的类似做法,已超过其它加拿大省份,跻身国际排名前列。

    Across the border in Canada , Alberta has leapt ahead of other Canadian provinces and near the top of international rankings by embracing a similar formula of a strong focus on core subjects such as maths , reading and science , and allowing pupils to choose among schools .