
táo jīn rè
  • gold rush
淘金热 [táo jīn rè]
  • [gold fever] 涌往金矿淘金的狂热

  1. 今天,这里仍有许多人来往——他们来看加拿大淘金热的起源地。

    Today , people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened .

  2. 淘金热是阿拉斯加(Alaska)城市兴起的最主要的原因。

    The Gold Rush was the most significant reason of the emergence of Cities in Alaska .

  3. 从此开始,“金州”(GoldenState)加利福尼亚开始了美国历史上从未有过的淘金热。

    This started a gold rush unlike any other in American history in the Golden State

  4. 从此,“金州”(GoldenState)加利福尼亚开始了美国历史上从未有过的淘金热。

    This started a gold rush unlike any other in American history in the Golden State .

  5. 在美国“淘金热”时期,golddigger(“淘金者”,即以色相博取钱财的人,也就是我们俗称的“傍大款”)这个说法开始流行。

    The term " gold digger " became popular during the American Gold Rush .

  6. 历史上的今天:加利福尼亚淘金热1848年的今天,加利福尼亚淘金热:在美国国会前宣布的一条消息中,美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡证实在加利福尼亚州已发掘出大量的黄金。

    California gold rush 1848 - California gold rush : In a message before the U.S. Congress , US President James K. Polk confirms that large amounts of gold had been discovered in California .

  7. 这位年轻的伦敦商船船员听到维多利亚(victoria)的淘金热后,就在阿德莱德(adelaide)弃船上岸。

    A young merchant seaman from London , he jumped ship in Adelaide when he heard about the gold rush in Victoria .

  8. 1880年人们在朱诺(Juneau)发现了黄金,从而揭开了淘金热的序幕。

    In 1880 , Gold was found in Juneau , and then the Gold Rush took place .

  9. 私人情报公司Kroll的中国主管何越(VioletHo)表示,过去十年间,淘金热心理诱使数百位中国企业家进入国际证券市场。

    A gold rush mentality enticed hundreds of Chinese entrepreneurs to international bourses over the past decade , says Violet Ho , head of China for Kroll , the private intelligence agency .

  10. 1853年,在淘金热的高潮,一个名叫利维·斯特劳斯(LeviStrauss)的巴伐利亚移民从纽约来到旧金山,想扩大他家族的东海岸公司(EastCoast)的纺织品生意。

    In 1853 , during the heart of the gold rush , a Bavarian é migr é named Levi Strauss arrived in San Francisco from New York , looking to expand his family 's East Coast dry-goods business .

  11. 起初,有Levi's牛仔裤。1853年,在淘金热的高潮,一个名叫利维·斯特劳斯(LeviStrauss)的巴伐利亚移民从纽约来到旧金山,想扩大他家族的东海岸公司(EastCoast)的纺织品生意。

    In the beginning , there were Levi 's. In 1853 , during the heart of the gold rush , a Bavarian é migr é named Levi Strauss arrived in San Francisco from New York , looking to expand his family 's East Coast dry-goods business .

  12. 麦晋桁说,它就像是第二次淘金热。

    ' It was like the second Gold Rush , 'added Mr.

  13. 加利福尼亚淘金热出现在上世纪初。

    The California gold rush happened at the beginning of last century .

  14. 从19世纪60年代淘金热之后,居民社会繁荣起来了。

    Settler society boomed after the gold rushes from the1860s .

  15. 这样就引发了一拨官方激发的淘金热。

    There has since been the bureaucratic equivalent of a gold rush .

  16. 那是一场黄金热不过与淘金热正相反。

    It was a gold rush but in reverse .

  17. 在1849年参与加利福尼亚州淘金热的矿工。

    A miner who took part in the California gold rush in 1849 .

  18. 十年后的淘金热则吸引了更多的人前往。

    The gold rush a decade later drew more .

  19. 就像所有的淘金热一样,澳门吸引了五花八门的各色群体。

    Like all gold rushes , Macao has attracted a raucous and colourful community .

  20. 90年代的加州互联网的繁荣激起了新一轮的淘金热

    And in 1990s California , the Internet boom sparks a second gold rush .

  21. 不过,淘金热给阿拉斯加的命运带来了转机。

    However , it was the Gold Rush that changed the destiny of Alaska .

  22. 淘金热时期,在加拿大的育空,杂交的狗队通常是惯用的做法。

    In the Yukon during the Gold Rush , mongrel teams were the rule .

  23. 在卡尔古利体验淘金热,或在埃斯佩兰斯雪白色的海滩游泳。

    Get gold rush fever in Kalgoorlie or swim from the snow-white beaches of Esperance .

  24. 即使在淘金热一百年之后当硅谷崛起之时这一心态仍然存在

    Gold Rush mentality still existed over hundred years later when Silicon Valley got started .

  25. 奠基在金矿上的城市&淘金热与阿拉斯加城市的兴起

    Cities Founded on Gold-mines & The Gold Rush and the Emergence of Cities in Alaska

  26. 他于1850年在淘金热期间来到旧金山。

    He arrived in San Francisco in1850 , in the middle of the Gold Rush .

  27. 加拿大西北一地区;世纪年代克朗代克淘金热所在地。

    A territory in northwestern canada ; site of the Klondike gold rush in the1890s .

  28. 卓别林主演了《淘金热》这部片子。

    Chaplin featured in the gold rush .

  29. 这个小镇在淘金热期间繁荣起来。金子是一种贵金属。

    The small town became prosperous in the gold rush . Gold is a precious metal .

  30. 淘金热时期澳大利亚金矿管理制度初探

    A initial discussion on the administrative systems of gold fields during the Diggers ' Age in Australia