
liàn yóu
  • oil refining;refine oil;extract oil by heat;heat edible oil
炼油 [liàn yóu]
  • (1) [refine oil]∶分馏石油

  • (2) [extract oil by heat]∶用加热方法从含油的物质中把油分离出来

  • (3) [head edible oil]∶把动物油或植物油加热使适于食用

  1. 日本的炼油厂于1987年12月停止生产含铅汽油。

    Japanese refiners stopped producing leaded petrol in December 1987 .

  2. 他们不得不忍受就在家门口的巨型炼油厂。

    They have to put up with a giant oil refinery right on their doorstep .

  3. 3月份,萨利纳斯先生关闭了该市的炼油场,造成5亿美元的损失,并使5,000人失去了工作。

    In March Mr Salinas shut down the city 's oil refinery at a cost of $ 500 million and 5,000 jobs .

  4. 石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。

    The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines .

  5. 炼油厂的主要工作是提炼原油。

    The purpose of oil refinery is to refine crude petroleum .

  6. 所以,炼油厂的厂址总在远离人口集中的地方。

    Hence the sitting of refineries is at a distance from population centres .

  7. 炼油厂污水处理装置pH值模糊控制

    PH Fuzzy Control of Sewage Disposal Equipment of Oil Refinery

  8. 炼油污水有机物的GC/MS分析

    GC / MS Analysis of Organic Constituents in Refinery Waste Water

  9. B填料比A填料更适合处理此炼油污水厂的恶臭气体。

    Packing media B was more suitable as packing media of biofilters to remove the odors from oil refining wastewater treatment plant .

  10. 对炼油厂H2S气体检测防护的探讨

    A Discussion on Supervision and Prevention of H_2S Gas in Refineries

  11. 提高炼油企业UPS供电系统可靠性的措施

    Measures to Improve Reliability of UPS Power System in Refineries

  12. 炼油厂干气选择氧化制乙烯MnOx系列催化剂的研究

    Selective oxidation of FCC dry gas to ethylene over mno_x catalysts

  13. 以此为目的,作者探讨了数据挖掘在福建炼油厂CIMS中的应用方案。

    There are enormous data accumulated accompanying with the application of CIMS .

  14. 通过对内陆炼油厂原油储运现状的分析,提出并实现了一个基于Web的原油储运管理决策支持系统。

    The status of oil storage and transportation in inland refineries is analyzed , and a Web based management decision support system of oil storage and transportation is implemented .

  15. 应用电絮凝浮选法对油田3类主要污水进行处理研究证实:炼油厂含油污染水含油量去除率达96%,SS去除率达97%;

    The electrocoagulation and floatation method was applied for the treatment of 3 oilfield sewage .

  16. AB工艺处理炼油厂含碱废水主要影响因素的确定

    Identification of the factors influencing AB process for treatment of alkaline wastewater from oil refineries

  17. AcmeRefiningCompany的炼油厂一次能够提炼柴油和3种等级汽油中的一种。

    The Acme Refining Company 's refinery is able to refine diesel and one of the three grades of gasoline at a time .

  18. 介绍了FS法精制技术在大庆分石化公司炼油厂的工业应用。

    The industrial application of FS purification technology in the Refinery of Daqing Petrochemical Company is introduced .

  19. 炼油厂设备湿H2S环境下开裂的RBI分析结果与NACE统计数据的比较分析

    Comparison between RBI Analysis Result of Wet H_2S Cracking of Refinery Equipment and NACE Statistic Data

  20. 实验表明,向溶液内部施加曝气,增加了氧气由气相向液相传质的速率,使得炼油废水中COD的去除率有进一步的提高。

    The COD removal could further enhanced due to the velocity of oxygen from gas phase to liquid phase by means of oxygen aeration .

  21. 根据南方某大型炼油化工有限公司提供的各生产工段的安全状况数据构建安全评价网络,并利用MATLAB软件对网络进行训练。得出可以对石油化工企业安全生产进行较为客观评价的人工神经网络模型。

    On the basis of safety condition data from a large-scale domestic petroleum refinery company , a safety assessment network model structure is set up by means of MATLAB .

  22. 结果表明,电化学氧化法可降解炼油二级出水中的COD和NH3-N。

    It was concluded that the electrochemical oxidation method could effectively degraded the COD and NH_3-N in the wastewater .

  23. 定量RBI技术在国内炼油装置上的成功应用

    Successful Practice of Quantitative RBI in Domestic Petroleum Refining Sets

  24. 二段BAF工艺处理炼油厂汽提废水研究

    Study on the treatment of wastewater from stripping tower with the two - stage BAF

  25. 用炼油厂干气、液化气脱硫的实际操作数据对模拟方案进行检验,证明此热力学模型适用于MDEA吸收法脱硫过程的模拟。

    The model was proved to be appropriate for simulation of MDEA desulfurization .

  26. 介绍了石家庄炼油厂水处理装置能力由320t/h增加到600t/h的扩容改造工程。

    Capacity expansion of water treatment unit from 320t / h to 600t / h in Shijiazhuang Refinery was introduced .

  27. IMC-PID控制器在炼油厂减压蒸馏装置的应用研究

    Development and Application of Robust IMC-PID Control in Vacuum Distillation Unit of Refinery

  28. 经过优化设计,基本健全了YL炼油厂中层管理人员的绩效考核体系。

    Optimized design , the basic sound of the YL refinery middle management staff performance appraisal system .

  29. 对控制炼油厂催化裂化装置(FCCU)再生器烟气中氧化硫及颗粒物排放的两种主要方法进行了比较。

    Techniques for controlling sulfur oxides and particulate emission in FCC flue gas were explored and two main kinds of technologies compared .

  30. 碳酸二甲酯(DMC)是市场上一个强有力的竞争者,它能帮助炼油业满足清洁空气法案对汽油中含氧的规格。

    Dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) is a strong contender to help the refining industry meet the Clean Air Act specifications for oxygen in gasoline .