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qì jǔ
  • gas lift
气举[qì jǔ]
  1. 井组连续气举系统优化配气的二次规划

    Optimization for a Continuous Gas Lift System with Quadratic Programming

  2. 为实现正常实施柱塞气举,气液比、地层压力和产气量必须高于最低值,而输气管线压力和井深必须低于最高值;

    In order to make plunger gas lift conduct normally , gas water ratio , formation pressure and gas production rate must be bigger than the minima and the pressure of gas transmission line and well depth must be less than the maxima .

  3. Air(初三适用)水井气举钻探新技术推广应用市场综述

    Market Summary on the Expanding Application of New Air - lift Technology in Water Well Drilling

  4. 在动态模拟的基础上,应用四阶Runge&Kutta法及VISUALBASIC语言,编制计算程序对柱塞气举参数进行求解,用于柱塞气举的特性分析及举升效果预测;

    Based on the dynamic analysis , employed Runge-Kutta scheme and Visual Basic language , above simulation was programmed to solve all parameters in plunger lift , so as to analyze the performance and predict the effect to plunger lift .

  5. 引用Hernandez等的柱塞气举试验数据,进行液体漏失情况的计算,得出了液体漏失与柱塞上部液体段塞初始长度和注气压力的关系曲线。

    Calculated leakage volume using Hernandez experiment data , got curves of liquid leakage and slug height of liquid up plunger with steam injection pressure .

  6. 该工艺下入U形双管作为注入及举升通道,利用蒸汽作为气举工作介质,投入球塞提高举升效率。

    It has the structure of U-shaped double completion string ( one for injection , the other for production ), use steam instead of nature gas as lifting medium and launch the lifting boll into lifting medium to increase lifting efficiency .

  7. 气举反循环钻孔技术在125m深桩中的应用

    The Application of the Air - Lift Reverse Circulation Technology to the 125m Length of Deep - Drawn Pile

  8. 本文在完善气举公式法设计的基础上,提出了用PC-1500计算机编制的气举排水采气工艺的设计程序。

    On the basis of perfecting gas-lift formula method design , this paper presents the design program worked out with PC-1500 computer for gas-lift water withdrawal technology in gas production .

  9. ZBF型分流式气举阀的研制与应用

    Development and application of Model ZBF gas lift valve

  10. 用于气举采油的新型解堵剂QJ-99的研究与应用

    Research and application of a new blockage remover qj-99 for gas-lift oil recovery

  11. CARACOLES油田气举生产管柱和换阀换层投捞技术

    The Wireline Running and Pulling Technique of Exchanging Gas Lift Valves and Reservoir Layers for Gas Lift Producing Tubing String in Caracoles Oilfield

  12. 40mm的U型可视化球塞气举实验装置,其实验研究的目的为:一是优化设计地面投球器和井下气液混合器等主要配套部件;

    40 mm . of diameter with U-type . The purpose of the experimental research is to optimally design the main matching components , such as the surface ball launcher and the down-hole gas / liquid blender etc.

  13. 采用气举反循环的钻探工艺,在孔径为3.0m、厚度为33m的超厚砂卵石地层桩基础施工中,改进了钻进施工工艺方法。

    Adopting air-lift reverse technique in super thick sandy gravels with thickness of 33 m and 3.0 m in pile diameter , construction technique and its drilling method were improved .

  14. 委内瑞拉CARACOLES油田采用适合于油藏特点的半闭式连续气举生产管柱,应用细钢丝投捞技术,不动油井管柱即可实现更换气举阀和换层生产。

    Venezuela Caracoles oilfield adopts the semi-closed gas lift tubing string that is fit for reservoir characteristic , utilizes wireline operation technology to realize exchanging gas lift valves and exchanging layers producing without pulling tubing string .

  15. 关于气举井检阀周期统计方法的讨论

    Discussion on the Statistical Method for the Gas-Lift Well Valve-testing Cycle

  16. 气举反循环钻进深度的理论计算与加深试验

    Depth Theory Calculation and Deepen Testing of Air Reverse Circulation Drilling

  17. 水平井气举模型初探

    An Initial Study on the Gas-Lift Model of a Horizontal Well

  18. 柱塞气举影响因素分析及优化设计

    Analyzing the influence factors of plunger gas lift and optimizing design

  19. 判断气举井稳定生产的新方法

    A new method of judgement sustained production for gas lift well

  20. 油管压力操作阀气举工艺及应用研究

    Research and application of the tubing pressure operated gas lift valve

  21. 汤姆举手制止了他。间歇气举的定时控制器

    Tom held up his hand to check him . time-clocked intermitter

  22. 清水气举反循环钻探工艺在深水井施工中的应用

    Applications of Clear Water-gas-lift Reverse Circulation Drilling Technology to Deep-well Construction

  23. 连续气举采油中的能量交换理论

    The energy exchange theory in continuous gas - lift oil recovery

  24. 改进的非支配排序遗传算法优化气举配气

    Improved non-dominated genetic algorithm for solving gas lifting allocation optimization problem

  25. 大口径气举反循环钻进有关问题的探讨

    A Discussion on Some Problems of Air-Lift Reverse-circulation Large Hole Drilling

  26. 气举优化配气技术及经济评价

    Optimal Gas Allocation Technique in Gas Lift and Its Economic Evaluation

  27. 气举采油配气自控系统之研究

    Study of Gas Feed Automation of Oil Production by Gas Lift

  28. 惠州21-1油田气举分析

    Analysis of gas lift wells in Huizhou 21-1 oil field

  29. 气举井不动管柱酸化工艺技术研究与应用

    Research and application of production tubing acidization technology in gas lift wells

  30. 气举井动态测试分析与应用研究

    Analysis and Application of Gas - lift Well Dynamic Test