
  • taobao.com;Taobao Marketplace;Tmall
  1. 据淘宝网的母公司阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)说,在过去的一年左右的时间里,情侣装的搜索量增长了57%。

    In roughly the last year , searches for the clothing have increased by 57 % , according to Alibaba Group , Taobao 's parent .

  2. 通过对淘宝网成功战略措施和运营模式的分析,可以看出CRM的应用对其产生了重要的影响和意义。

    The application of CRM is important to Taobao through the analysis of its successful strategy and operation model .

  3. 分析师们认为,阿里巴巴集团(alibabagroup)的在线零售分支淘宝网(taobao),正在更积极地与百度开展竞争。

    Analysts believe that Taobao , an online retail arm of Alibaba group , is getting more aggressive in competing with Baidu .

  4. 透过淘宝网来谈中国C2C网站的存在与发展

    Chinese C2C Websites : Their Existence and Development

  5. 淘宝网C2C交易市场的运营措施分析

    An analysis of the current measure of operation on Taobao 's C2C transaction market

  6. 基于淘宝网C2C平台的大学生网上创业问题研究

    A Study of College Students ' Network Entrepreneurship Based on Taobao 's C2C Platform

  7. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的淘宝网为零售商提供互联网店面,在中国网上商品销售市场占据主导地位。

    Taobao , owned by Alibaba , provides internet store fronts for retailers and dominates online merchandise sales in China .

  8. C2C电子商务中信息不对称问题探析&以淘宝网为例

    Research on Information Asymmetries in C2C E-business

  9. 这个新的电子商务管理办法要求,在阿里巴巴(AlibabaGroupHoldingInc.)的淘宝网(Taobao)等第三方平台上销售商品的个人必须进行实名注册。

    In part the new e-commerce law calls for real-name registration for individuals selling on third-party marketplaces like Alibaba Group Holding Inc. 's Taobao e-commerce site .

  10. 然而,当她随后在阿里巴巴旗下淘宝网(Taobao)查看自己的账号时,却大为震惊。

    But when she checked her account on Alibaba site Taobao later , she was in for a shock .

  11. 该集团的多个非上市部门负责运营国内消费者电子商务业务淘宝网(Taobao)和在线搜索业务。

    A number of unlisted units run Taobao , its domestic consumer e-commerce business , and online search operations .

  12. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)于2007年将旗下最重要的阿里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com)挂牌上市。阿里巴巴集团旗下还有一个中文在线支付服务以及在线零售网站淘宝网(Taobao)。

    Alibaba Group , which also owns a Chinese online payment service and online retail site Taobao , spun off its flagship Alibaba.com business to the public in 2007 .

  13. 网络交易有不同的模式,本文中涉及到的是以淘宝网为典型的c2c网络交易模式。

    Internet transactions have different models , this article is related to the c2c network Taobao typical trading patterns .

  14. 阿里巴巴于2003年创建淘宝网(Taobao),进入消费者电商业务,当时正值中国互联网用户人数迅速增长之际。

    Alibaba created Taobao in 2003 to enter a consumer e-commerce business , as China 's Internet-user population was growing rapidly .

  15. 当时像我这样的Ebay用户都鄙视淘宝网,因为淘宝以卖便宜货出名,她说。

    At the time Ebay users like me looked down on Taobao . It was known for selling cheap things , she says .

  16. 淘宝网、eBay网统计数据表明,越来越多的大学生开始在网上做生意,从事电子商务。

    According to the TaoBao , eBay net , statistics show that more and more students start doing business and e-commerce in the internet .

  17. 在中国C2C电子商务市场上,淘宝网(www.taobao.com)取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

    By employing the model of C2C electronic commerce , Taobao ( www. taobao . com ) has made a great achievement .

  18. 同样,阿里巴巴旗下淘宝网上线,目的就是与拍卖网站ebay的中国业务竞争。

    Similarly , Taobao , which is owned by Alibaba , was launched to compete with the Chinese service of eBay , an auction site .

  19. 当马云发誓称淘宝网在几年内都会保持免费时,eBay发表声明予以反击称,免费不是一种商业模式。

    When Mr. Ma vowed that it would remain free for years , eBay shot back in a release , Free is not a business model .

  20. 淘宝网(Taobao.com)是阿里巴巴集团旗下类似于eBay的消费者对消费者(C2C)网站,在该板块占有中国在线零售交易价值的90%。

    Taobao.com , the group 's eBay-like consumer-to-consumer website , accounts for 90 per cent of China 's online retail transaction value in this segment .

  21. 阿里巴巴旗下淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫商城(Tmall)的卖家一直使用这类应用向网络购物者发送促销信息。

    Sellers on Alibaba 's Taobao and Tmall sites have been using such apps to send promotional messages to online shoppers .

  22. 美国电子商务公司在中国难以立足,部分原因是阿里巴巴旗下的天猫和类似eBay(eBayInc.)的淘宝网(Taobao.com)已经抢占了市场。

    U.S. e-commerce companies have struggled to gain a foothold in China , in part because of Alibaba 's headstart with Tmall and its eBay-like site Taobao .

  23. 去年该公司收购了新浪(SinaCorp.)微博业务18%的股份,并把淘宝网的一些电子商务服务与微博进行了整合。

    Last year , it took an 18 % stake in Sina Corp. 's Twitter-like Weibo service and integrated some of Taobao 's e-commerce services with the microblog .

  24. 作为中国最知名的电子商务网站之一的淘宝网(Taobao),拥有一款iOS版和安卓(Android)版的应用程序,用户可以在移动设备上预览和购物。

    Taobao , one of the most popular ecommerce sites in China , has an app for both IOS and androidallowing users to preview and shop on their mobile devices .

  25. 淘宝网是国内最大的C2C交易网站,可以说具有很强的行业代表性,因此笔者选取了淘宝作为实证分析的对象。

    As the biggest C2C trading site in China , Taobao is obviously a representation of Online industry . So I choose Taobao as the object of my analysis .

  26. 2003年,中国电子商务企业阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创建了淘宝网(Taobao.com),此举旨在防御2002年进入中国市场的美国竞争对手eBay。

    Taobao.com was founded in 2003 by Alibaba , the Chinese e-commerce company , as a defensive move against its US rival Ebay , which had set up in China the previous year .

  27. 阿里巴巴最初只是一个B2B平台,但自2003年推出淘宝网以来,它已经在消费电子商务领域,将Ebay等竞争对手远远抛在身后。

    Alibaba , initially just a business-to-business platform , has left rivals , including Ebay , far behind in the consumer e-commerce sector since the launch of its Taobao site in 2003 .

  28. 然而,这些庞然大物身旁还存在着一些极为灵活的私有企业,例如电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)&它旗下的互联网拍卖网站淘宝网(Taobao)就击退了美国电子商务巨头eBay的入侵。

    Yet these behemoths sit alongside some extremely nimble privately owned companies , such as Alibaba , the e-commerce company whose Taobao internet auction site saw off an incursion by US giant Ebay .

  29. 2004年,开通仅一年的淘宝网就已超越了eBay的在华业务——这一发展最终毁掉了eBay这家美国公司在中国市场的零售业务。

    In 2004 , just a year after its establishment , Taobao had already surpassed eBay in China - a development that eventually ruined the US company 's retail business in that market .

  30. 阿里巴巴是未上市的阿里巴巴集团的核心资产,阿里巴巴集团还拥有互联网拍卖网站淘宝网(Taobao)、在线支付系统支付宝(Alipay)以及2005年购入的雅虎(Yahoo)中国业务。

    Alibaba.com is the centrepiece of unlisted Alibaba Group , which also owns internet auction site Taobao , online payment system Alipay , and Yahoo 's China operations , acquired in 2005 .