
  • 网络EBAY;Eachnet
  1. 他从易趣网上购买珍稀的棒球卡。

    He buys rare baseball cards on eBay .

  2. 与之类似,易趣(eBay)也不是一家零售商。

    Similarly , eBay is not a retailer .

  3. 然而,她对Ebay易趣的忠诚度还是消退了。

    Nonetheless , her loyalty to Ebay was waning .

  4. 90年代晚期,互联网正风生水起,浏览器公司网景(Netscape)、雅虎(Yahoo)和易趣都刚刚新鲜出炉。

    In the late 1990s the Internet was coming into its own .

  5. eBay易趣市场运营策略研究

    Research on Marketing Operation Strategy of eBay China

  6. 上周Greg在易趣上看到这照片卖500美元

    Greg saw that picture on eBay last week for $ 500 .

  7. 比乔尔的长期目标是把这个平台建成时装产品批发行业的“易趣”(eBay)。

    Longterm , she wants joor to be an eBay ( eBay ) of wholesale goods .

  8. 但是包括亚马逊(Amazon)和易趣(eBay)在内的在线零售商如今面向的消费群体是印度不断增长的城市人口。

    But online retailers including Amazon and eBay are now reaching out to the country 's ever-increasing urban population .

  9. 令人印象深刻的管理团队:拥有卡西迪和易趣(eBay)前时尚产品负责人戴安娜•威廉姆斯等名角。

    Impressive management team , including Singh Cassidy and eBay 's former fashion product boss Diana Williams .

  10. 好极了autograph:签名,亲笔签名,自署EBay:易趣(一知名网上购物网站)你不会签个名然后到EBay上去卖吧?不,不,当然不会。

    Vanessa : You 're not autographing those and selling them on EBay , are you ? -

  11. 两大C2C商家&易趣和淘宝进军B2C市场,让众多传统商家按捺不住纷纷跟进。

    EBay and Taobao entering the B2C market make many traditional vendors have to follow up .

  12. 这次首次公开募股的股票价格已经使该公司的市值超过了她2007年预算收入的106倍,而Google当年也只是46倍,易趣则是23倍。

    The IPO price valued the company at over 106 times its forecast earnings for 2007 . Compare that to Google 's 46 times or eBay 23 times ..

  13. 按照这个定义,微软和Adobe公司是软件公司,亚马逊和易趣也是软件公司。

    By this definition Microsoft and Adobe are software companies , but so are Amazon and eBay .

  14. 2003年,eBay收购了易趣网,后者是一家与eBay有着类似商业模式的中国拍卖网站。

    In 2003 eBay acquired EachNet , a China-based auction site with a similar business model to its own .

  15. 在短短数年内,由于迟迟不肯降低在易趣网的交易费,eBay的中国业务以失败收场。

    Within a few years , eBay , after belatedly cutting fees on EachNet , ended its business in China .

  16. 在电子商务方面,他们已经复制了推特,Uber,谷歌,易趣网等。美国在火星上有一台机器。

    In E commerce they have copied Twitter Uber Google Ebay etc. U.S.A has a machine on Mars .

  17. 按常理来说,俄罗斯肯定会张开双臂,热烈欢迎亚马逊(Amazon)、易趣(eBay)和谷歌(Google)这些外国互联网公司的到来。

    When it comes to the likes of Amazon , eBay and Google , one might think Russia would welcome such foreign Internet giants with open arms .

  18. 他的阿根廷护照,在易趣上,并要送到marriott的机场。

    His Argentinean passport off of eBay and had it shipped to the airport at marriott .

  19. 比如,易趣拥有在线支付服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以接受信用卡支付。

    EBay Inc , for example , owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments .

  20. 作为全球最大的电商公司,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的年销售额超过了亚马逊(Amazon)和易趣(eBay)的总和,如今阿里巴巴也开始启动自家的即时通讯服务“来往”。

    Alibaba , the world 's largest e-commerce company with annual sales exceeding those of Amazon and eBay combined , has started its own instant-messaging service called Laiwang .

  21. 早期她确实将易趣经营的很好,但是由于错过了“Web2.0”的大潮流,导致损失惨重。

    She ran eBay well in its early years , then missed the trends known as " Web2.0 " and made a financially disastrous acquisition .

  22. 这个方法旨在通过step-by-step的设计来使你的想法得到有效表达,他的理论是基于大量的研究结果,并在很多大公司例如微软,埃克森-美孚,金佰利,易趣,摩托罗拉等得到验证。

    It is based on extensive empirical research and has been pilot tested among leading corporations , including Microsoft , Exxon-Mobil , Kimberly-Clark , eBay , and Motorola .

  23. 捐赠给旧货店,在易趣eBay上出售,去一趟回收中心,在车库里搭一个销售点,总之找个地方处理掉你的东西。

    Sell on eBay . Take a trip to the recycling center . Set up a garage sale . Find a place to get rid of your things .

  24. 一位大学生毕业后并没有找到满意的工作,对自己就业前景感到失望的她正在易趣网(eBay)以5万美元售卖自己的文凭和“大学经历”。

    A underemployed college graduate is selling her diploma and " college experience " on eBay for $ 50000 after becoming frustrated with her job prospects after graduation .

  25. 这家中国网站2005年与Ebay易趣展开竞争时,吴女士正在经营一家小型的服装批发和设计企业,在Ebay易趣上销售产品。

    When the Chinese site took on Ebay China in 2005 , Ms Wu was running a small wholesale garment and design business that sold its products on Ebay China .

  26. 众所周知,贝宝(PayPal)的东家易趣(Ebay)已经有意回避这项通过轻敲手机进行手机支付的技术。

    EBay ( eBay ) , which owns PayPal , has already famously shunned the technology , which allows mobile phones to make transactions by tapping on them .

  27. 易趣网上马甲的搜索量也已经增长了25%,制衣公司TMLewin也在其推特上表示,马甲销量已经“直冲云霄”。

    EBay has also reported a 25 % increase in searches for waistcoats and tailoring retailer TM Lewin tweeted that sales were " going through the stadium roof . "

  28. 在易趣网买这些小Yu-Gi-Oh卡。

    buying those little Yu-Gi-Oh cards on eBay .

  29. 因而我们把研究的问题集中在网上一元竞拍现实成交及其影响因素的研究上,并以中国最大的C2C网站eBay易趣网络MP3竞拍为实证。

    Based on a case of MP3 auction in eBay Each - net , the largest Chinese C2C website , our research focuses on the transaction of Internet auction and factors influencing it .

  30. 惠特曼说,eBay易趣这一网站目前仍然亏损,但在线销售正在日益红火起来,因此eBay现在对于占领更大的市场份额非常感兴趣。

    The Chinese site is still losing money , but online sales are booming and eBay is most interested at this point in gaining market share " for a very strong business over the long haul ," Whitman said .