
  1. 这家美国集团周四表示,已收购中国电商企业1号店(Yihaodian)49%股份,交易金额不详。

    The US group said on Thursday that it had acquired 49 per cent of Yihaodian , a Chinese ecommerce business , for an undisclosed sum .

  2. 1号店成立于2008年。自2012年以来,沃尔玛已持有该店51%的股份。

    It has held a 51 per cent stake in the group , which was founded in 2008 , since 2012 .

  3. 总部位于美国的沃尔玛近日表示,将向京东出售旗下1号店网站。沃尔玛将获得京东5%的股份,按近期股价计算,这些股票价值约为15亿美元。

    US-based Wal-Mart said it will sell its Yihaodian website to JD.com Inc. Wal-Mart will receive a 5 % stake in JD.com , valued at roughly $ 1.5b at recent prices .