
Ā bù zhā bǐ
  • Abu Dhabi
  1. 但是,与它的邻国阿布扎比不同,石油并没有促进迪拜的发展。

    But , unlike its neighbor Abu dhabi , oil has not fueled 's growth .

  2. 刚刚买进了英超(englishpremierleague)足球俱乐部,阿布扎比又将目光投向了另一座奖杯。

    Fresh from buying into English Premier League football , Abu Dhabi has its eye on another trophy .

  3. 阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)的工作人员也一直与中投方面进行密切联系。

    Staffers at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority have also been in close consultation with CIC .

  4. 该校佳奇商学院(Judgebusinessschool)正在帮助艾哈迈达巴德、卡拉奇和阿布扎比刚起步的商学院打造学术能力,在中国也有类似计划。

    The Judge Business School is helping build academic capacity at fledgling business schools in Ahmedabad , Karachi and Abu Dhabi and has plans to do so in China , too .

  5. 阿提哈德航空每周有24个航班往返于阿布扎比和澳大利亚。阿布扎比位于波斯湾(PersianGulf)。

    Etihad operates 24 flights a week between Abu Dhabi in the Persian Gulf and Australia .

  6. 总部位于瑞士的安勤私人银行有限公司(FalconPrivateBank)将退出香港市场。该行是一家由阿布扎比主权财富基金支持的私人财富管理机构。

    Falcon Private Bank , a Switzerland-based boutique private wealth manager backed by Abu Dhabi 's sovereign wealth fund , is exiting its Hong Kong operations .

  7. 与此同时,迪拜从阿布扎比收到了大约250亿英镑的资金支持,相当于迪拜GDP的三分之一左右。

    Dubai , meanwhile , has received some £ 25bn of support from Abu Dhabi , equivalent to about a third of the emirate 's GDP .

  8. 针对阿布扎比校区工作状况的调查是由Nardello&Company开展的,这家调查公司的负责人是一位前联邦检察官。调查预计将于今年结束,结果将在2015年初发布。

    The inquiry into conditions in Abu Dhabi , conducted by Nardello & Company , an investigative firm led by a former federal prosecutor , was to be completed this year . It is now expected in early 2015 .

  9. 比如,阿布扎比国民银行(NationalBankofAbuDhabi)今年在香港开设了一个办公室。未来,这个办公室将成为该银行在亚洲地区的总部。

    National Bank of Abu Dhabi , for example , opened an office in Hong Kong this year that in the future will be a regional headquarters .

  10. 国际货币基金组织(imf)已经要求新加坡、挪威和阿布扎比为其主权财富基金制定披露标准。

    The International Monetary Fund has already asked Singapore , Norway and Abu Dhabi to come up with disclosure benchmarks for their sovereign wealth funds .

  11. 预计百仕通集团(Blackstone)也将与西蒙联手,并可能向阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)等投资者求助,以获得更大的财务实力。

    Blackstone is also expected to join forces with Simon and may turn to investors such as the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for additional financial firepower .

  12. 据估计,科威特主权基金的规模为2000亿美元,卡塔尔为600亿美元,而阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)则在5000亿美元至8500亿美元之间。

    Kuwait 's sovereign fund is estimated at $ 200bn , Qatar 's $ 60bn , and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority at $ 500bn to $ 850bn .

  13. 作为阿布扎比王储(thecrownprinceofabudhabi)等人的朋友,他可以说对中东和亚洲更为熟悉。

    As someone whose friends include the crown prince of Abu Dhabi , he can seem more at home in the Middle East and Asia .

  14. BBC新闻–太阳动力飞机在阿布扎比着陆,由太阳能驱动的首次环球飞行就此完成。

    BBC News - The first round-the-world solar powered flight has been completed , after the Solar Impulse aircraft touched down in Abu Dhabi .

  15. 在这一过程中,力拓(riotinto)也在扮演积极角色,计划在马来西亚的沙捞越(sarawak)和阿联酋的阿布扎比建设冶炼厂。

    Rio Tinto is already playing an active role in this process with proposed smelters in Sarawak and Abu Dhabi .

  16. 该新炼铝厂将设在AlTaweelah,靠近阿拉伯联合酋长国的阿布扎比。

    The new smelter will be located in Al Taweelah , close to Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates .

  17. 阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)可用的基金据估计达到8750亿美元,如果该局决定放松对重要位置的控制但对原因讳莫如深,恐慌便可能爆发。

    If the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , with an estimated $ 875 billion under management , decided to unwind a big position and nobody knew why , it could start a panic .

  18. 在此次金融危机的初期阶段,当美国众银行在全球寻找援助资金时,阿布扎比投资局(abudhabiinvestmentauthority)是第一个提供援助的重要主权财富基金。

    When US banks searched the world for rescue capital during the early stages of the financial crisis , the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority was the first leading sovereign wealth fund to provide assistance .

  19. 当旁边的阿布扎比正为卢浮宫和guggenheim在当地建立分支时,卡塔尔开始发展起自己的博物馆了。

    Whereas nearby Abu Dhabi is franchising outlets of the Louvre and the Guggenheim , Qatar is growing its own museums .

  20. 通过Masdar科技研究所(MasdarInstituteofScienceandTechnology,简称MIST)了解到,阿布扎比希望无论是他们的理念,还是产品都贴上清洁技术的标签,而不仅仅是博爱主义和绿色凭据。

    Through the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology or MIST , Abu Dhabi wants its stamp on the clean technology chain from concept to product . It 's not all about philanthropy and green credentials .

  21. 了解计划的知情人士透露,这家公司名为阿布扎比采购(abudhabisources),简称ads,初始资本金可能为数亿美元。

    People familiar with the plans say the company , which is called Abu Dhabi sources or ads , is likely to be started with a capital base of several hundred millions of dollars .

  22. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)将这两种选项结合在一起,不仅在法国、阿布扎比和新加坡设立了学院,还与清华大学开展EMBA合作办学项目。

    One school , Insead , has combined both options , with campuses in France , Abu Dhabi and Singapore and an EMBA partnership with Tsinghua .

  23. 法拉利还要与总部位于迪拜的阿尔达房地产公司(AldarProperties)在阿布扎比开发一座专门展示法拉利品牌的主题公园,该公园将是规模更大的一级方程式世界主题公园的一部分。

    Ferrari is also developing a theme park devoted to the Ferrari brand in Abu Dhabi with Dubai-based Aldar Properties , part of a larger Formula One World theme park .

  24. 5月13日,在阿联酋首都阿布扎比,一台“黄金ATM机”的在阿布扎比酋长国宫大酒店启用。该ATM机根据世界黄金市场金价出售黄金。

    On May13 , the " Gold to Go " vending machine , an ATM machine that dispenses gold in exchangefor cash based on the latest prices , was unveiled inside Abu Dhabi 's Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi .

  25. 过去,戴姆勒曾发行新股、以使一些大型投资者——比如阿布扎比的阿巴尔投资公司(AabarInvestments)——能够入股该公司。

    In the past the German car group has issued new shares to allow big investors - such as Abu Dhabi 's Aabar Investments - to buy into the company .

  26. 2008年,刘特佐把一些中东资金引入马来西亚时,帮助马来西亚银行兴业资本(RHBCapital)从阿布扎比商业银行(AbuDhabiCommercialBank)筹集了资金。阿鲁很快就成为该行的一名高管。

    In 2008 , as Mr. Low was working to bring Middle Eastern money to Malaysia , he helped a Malaysian bank , RHB Capital , raise money from the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank , where Mr. Arul soon became an executive .

  27. 随后,包括未来基金和全球最大主权财富基金阿布扎比投资局(AbuDhabiInvestmentAuthority)在内一些机构,开始制定一套被称为《圣地亚哥原则》(SantiagoPrinciples)的行业准则,以改善透明度和基金治理。

    A number of SWFs , including the Future Fund and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , the world 's biggest , then worked on a set of industry guidelines , known as the Santiago Principles , to improve transparency and governance .

  28. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)正在就该校阿布扎比(AbuDhabi)校区建设过程中工人的待遇问题而开展调查。现在该校承认,针对该校在上海的另一个海外校区,旨在保护工人的相关规程没有得到遵守。

    New York University , in the midst of a review of how laborers were treated during the construction of its Abu Dhabi campus , has acknowledged that procedures intended to protect workers at its other major foreign outpost , in Shanghai , were not followed .

  29. 今年6月,阿布扎比国际石油投资公司(IPIC)将其在巴克莱(Barclays)35亿美元投资的一大部分出售,令市场颇感意外。

    In June , Abu Dhabi 's International Petroleum Investment Company ( Ipic ) surprised markets when it sold the bulk of its $ 3.5bn investment in Barclays .

  30. 在阿布扎比校区建设期间,该校聘请了工程顾问公司莫特麦克唐纳(MottMacDonald)开展合规监督,并就其监督结果发布公开报告。

    During the construction of the Abu Dhabi campus , the engineering firm Mott MacDonald was hired to oversee compliance and to issue annual public reports about its findings .