
  • 网络SHARJAH;SHJ;shaka
  1. 尽管在接受采访时并没有明说,但SheikhaMayassa一直坚称之所以采取这些保密措施,是为了防止他们的构思被沙迦及沙特阿拉伯等国家所窃取。

    Although she did not say so in her interview , Sheikha Mayassa insists these remain secret for fear their ideas might be stolen by such states as Sharjah or Saudi Arabia .

  2. 该计划是于2002年推出的第一个在该地区的计划,并已成为在沙迦美国大学毕业生最热门的项目之一。

    The program is launched in2002 as the first such program in the region and has become one of the most popular graduate programs at the American University of Sharjah .

  3. 阿联酋的沙迦,珍珠商人,猎鹰和沙漠。

    Pearl Merchants , Falcon & the Desert of U.A.E.

  4. 公司总部设于印度孟买,在阿联酋沙迦、中国上海和美国设有分部。

    The Company headquarters is in Mumbai of India with offices in Sharjah-UAE , Shanghai of China and USA.

  5. 设在沙迦美国大学里的这座清真寺给学生们提供了一个理想的礼拜场所。

    The Jumeirah Mosque on Beach Road is considered to be one of the most beautiful mosques in Dubai .

  6. 我们最近建立了我国现代新高装备厂沙迦阿联酋为了服务我们的客户,在中东和世界各地。

    We recently established our new , modern and highly equipped factory in Sharjah , UAE in order to serve our customers in the Middle East and all over the world .