
dān wéi fān chuán
  • sloop
  1. 一艘单桅帆船总是有两面帆,但一艘单桅艇通常只有一面帆。

    While a sloop always has two sails , a cat-rigged boat generally has only one .

  2. 我在姐姐的单桅帆船上充当船员;

    Crew : I crewed for my sister on a sloop ;

  3. 这艘船搭载了一艘HobieWave双体船,一艘28英尺长的经典Herreshoff单桅帆船,甚至还有一个直升机起降坪。

    Senses , which page bought for a reported $ 45 million , carries a Hobie wave catamaran , a 28-foot classic Herreshoff sloop , and a helipad .

  4. 你就跟单桅帆船一样的好看又漂亮。

    You 're as trim and as bonny as a sloop .

  5. 迪拜风景名胜图片。帆船酒店的单桅帆船轮廓变成一个圣像的迪拜的华美的闪光。

    The Burj Al Arab hotel 's dhow-sail profile has become an icon of Dubai 's ostentatious glitz .

  6. 1862年,一艘重1000吨用于战争的螺旋蒸气单桅帆船:南方联邦军舰阿拉巴马号在英国利物浦造成,效力于南方联邦海军。

    In1862 , the CSS alabama , a1000-ton screw-steam sloop of war , was built at liverpool , england , for the Confederate navy .

  7. 通过将摄像机架在参赛帆船上的办法扩大美洲杯帆船赛的知名度;用来捕鱼和航行的帆船(通常类似于单桅帆船或收割机)。

    It enlarges the popularity of the American Cup Sailing Boats Competition by installing the video cameras in the participating racing boats . a sailing ship ( usually rigged like a sloop or cutter ) used in fishing and sailing along the coast .

  8. 而且,那第一批冒险驶出的单桅帆船…据说其中有一部分载着外国运来的鹅卵石子,预备去掷击大鲸,以便发现他们什么时候可以接近鲸鱼,在船头使用标枪除了从南塔开特出发,还有什么地方呢?

    And where but from Nantucket , too , did that first adventurous little sloop put forth , partly laden with imported cobblestones so goes the story-to throw at the whales , in order to discover when they were nigh enough to risk a harpoon from the bowsprit ?

  9. 小渔船爱尔兰沿海捕鱼所用的单桅小帆船。

    A single-masted fishing smack used off the coast of ireland .

  10. 小渔船爱尔兰沿海捕鱼所用的单桅小帆船爸爸坐在一条小渔船上来来去去。

    A single-masted fishing smack used off the coast of Ireland . Father came and went in a small fishing boat .