
  • 网络Unit energy;specific energy;W/R
  1. 通过分析,重新定义了岩石的可钻性,提出了以单位能量下的穿孔速率作为可钻性指标的新概念;

    Drillability is redefined and a new concept of drillability index is brought out from analysis . Under the new concept , the drillability index is defined as penetration rate under specific energy .

  2. 在定义管道内水跃的消能系数为水跃单位能量损失与跃前断面水流原有单位能量的比值的基础上,推导出计算消能系数的基本公式,并分析了它的规律性。

    On the basis of defining energy dissipation ratio in a closed circular conduit as specific energy loss of hydraulic jump divided by specific energy of initial flow , this paper derives a basic equation for calculating this energy dissipation ratio and describes its characteristic .

  3. 本文比较了室温下每原子质量单位能量相同的As2~+和As~+注入(100)Si所引入的辐射损伤。

    The radiation damage of ( 100 ) Si implanted at room temperature by As_2 ~ + andAs ~ + at the same energy for atomic mass unit are compared .

  4. z表示未燃气体所占的质量百分比,β>0是混合变量,表示扩散和热传导效应。K是反应速度,q0是化学反应释放的单位能量。

    The parameter β > 0 is a lumped parameter representing the effects of diffusion and heat conduction , K is the rate of reaction and q_0 represents the amount of unit energy liberated by chemical reaction .

  5. 发现在不同真空度下,其表面能级ES(或表面势垒高度ψBP)和单位能量间隔的表面态密度DS等参数以及常温温区下的光伏值可有明显的差异。

    It is found that under various vacuity there can be distinct difference of the parameters of surface energy level Es ( Or surface barrier height ? Bp ) and surface state density in per unit energy etc. and the photovoltaic values at room temperature region .

  6. 预计1990年可以达到单位能量因数耗能值0.653GJ/t的预期目标。

    The predicated target of Q.653GJ/t will be reached at1990 .

  7. 初步计算了自由基簇射过程中各种自由基的单位能量产率。

    The unit energy yield of every kind of radicals in the radical injecting process was computed .

  8. 因此,尽管太阳能光伏发电系统的单位能量成本巨大,许多大型跨国公司推广这种技术。

    So , despite the huge cost per unit energy produced by solar PVs , many large multinational companies promote it .

  9. 煤的单位能量含量低于石油和天然气,而且会导致包括酸雨在内的一系列环境问题。

    Coal contains less energy per unit of weight than natural gas or oil ; and it is associated with a host of environmental issues , among them acid rain .

  10. 美国的排放量一直在降低,这是因为发电过程中燃烧天然气的比例增加了;与煤炭相比,燃气发电每单位能量所产生的二氧化碳更少。

    United States emissions had been declining because of increased burning of natural gas in power generation , which emits less carbon dioxide for each unit of energy than does coal .

  11. 现有能源系统的变革,以提高效率、消除污染物排放、减少单位能量温室气体的释放,是实现可持续发展的第一关键步骤。

    Evolutionary changes in the current energy systems to improve efficiency , eliminate pollutant emissions and reduce greenhouse gas per unit energy output are the most important first step in the sustainable development .

  12. 介绍了能量因数的概念以及应用单位能量因数能耗如何评价一个炼油厂的用能水平和不同炼油厂之间的能耗的对比。

    This paper introduces the concept of energy factor and how to use this factor to evaluate the degree of the energy used in the refinery , and compare the energy consumed in different refineries .

  13. 尤其值得注意的是纯时效硬化与T6强化相比,不经固溶处理就可达到提高平台应力及单位体积能量吸收量的目的,是一种值得推广的泡沫铝合金强化处理方法。

    It is worthy of noting that age-hardened treatment can also improve the compressive strength of aluminum foams without solution treatment .

  14. 各草种单位重能量加权平构值在10H和15H处较大,与林网内净辐射量较大位置相一致。

    The average value of unit weight energy is much great at 10H and 15H , that is the position of great net radiation .

  15. 射流泵混合的单位质量能量耗散率

    The Energy Dissipation Rate Per Unit Mass of Jet Pump Mixture

  16. 是否有更多的办法能给施法单位提供能量?

    Will there be more ways to give energy to a caster ?

  17. 等离子弧表面淬火的单位长度能量对硬化深度的影响

    Effect of the Unit Length Energy on the Hardening Depth by Plasma Arc Surface Quenching

  18. 它可以放出能够轻易击穿任何金属、木质、肉体单位的能量脉冲。

    It emits a pulse of energy that can easily burn through any target of metal , wood , or flesh .

  19. 采用高速集成电路门极驱动技术及高速信号检测技术,细化了电火花加工中的单位脉冲能量,提高了脉冲密度,增加了有效放电次数,改善了放电条件。

    By the use of advanced power MOSFET and its driving techniques , we can obtain the fine discharge energy and the high density of pulses .

  20. 结果表明,对于所考虑的的3种城市交通模式,二甲醚公交客车的单位里程能量消耗较柴油车均有所改善,最高可降低2.4%。

    The results show that the energy consumption of DME urban bus has some improvement in all three test cycles with the maximum benefit up to 2.4 % .

  21. 基于单质量-弹簧模型,研究了能够使弹跳机器人单位距离能量损失最小的步态,给出了能量的消耗表达式。

    Using the single mass-spring model , we study the gaits of a hopping robot for the purpose of minimizing the loss of energy per unit distance covered and present our expressions of energy consumption .

  22. 氢,作为宇宙中最简单和丰富的元素,具有最高的单位质量能量密度,燃烧生成水,清洁无污染,被认为是理想的清洁的可持续能源。

    Hydrogen , the simplest and most abundant element in the universe , contains the highest energy density per unit mass , burns clean , producing only water , is considered as an ideal candidate to meet the need .

  23. 此外,本文对单位质量能量反应做了初步的分析探讨,研究表明单位质量多自由度体系有很好的一致关系,结构能量反应在某种程度上与其质量成比例。

    Besides , the unit mass of energy response was preliminary studied in this paper , the study showed that unit mass of multi-degree of freedom system had a good consistent relationship , the energy response of structure was proportional to its mass to a certain extent .

  24. 目的:针对临床骨肿瘤微波热疗模型,对不同结构的微波热疗探头在骨组织中产生的电磁场分布及单位质量电磁能量吸收率(SAR)进行模拟计算。

    Objective : To investigate the electromagnetic field and specific absorption rate ( SAR ) distribution of different structure applicators with different depths for treating bone tumors using microwave hyperthermia .

  25. 汉语基本单位的语义能量及其文化通观

    The Semantic Energy and Cultural Outlook of the Basic Units of Chinese Language

  26. 透镜曲率半径随单位面积输入能量增加而减小。

    The lens radius of curvature could be minished with the laser output enhanced .

  27. 利用连续介质模型,计算有非应变盖层的应变外延层结构中单位面积的能量。

    In this paper , the total energy in the strained layer with nonstrained capping layer is calculated using continuum model .

  28. 震动能量与扫描长度成正比,单位频率扫描能量与扫描频宽成反比。

    The vibration energy power is in proportion to sweeping length and the sweeping energy power of unit frequency is in inverse proportion to sweeping frequency width .

  29. 当鱼类摄食不同饵料生物或群居行为发生变化时,能引起其摄食率与生长率显著差别,却不能使以比能值为单位表示的能量转化效率发生显著变化;

    The feeding levels and specific growth rates could be significantly changed by differences of food species and social behavior , but energy conversion efficiencies could not .

  30. 用该法推导水下压电换能器能量转换效率的计算公式和空气中压电元件贮存单位机械振动能量的能量耗散值D的计算公式。

    The formula of energy transfer efficiency of underwater transducer and that of energy dissipation per unit vibration energy in the elements in air are derived by this method .