
  • 网络invert;invert color;REVERSE
  1. 车牌识别中反色判断的新方法

    New Method of Reverse Color Judgement in Vehicle License Plate

  2. 汽车牌照号码识别中反色判断的新方法

    A New Method for Judging Reverse Color in the System of Vehicle License Plate Recognition

  3. 将目标矩形反色

    DSTINVERT Inverts the destination rectangle .

  4. 这个buffer显示调用堆栈,对当前frame反色显示。

    This buffer displays the call stack , with the current frame displayed in inverse video .

  5. 一个简单的图形编辑器,运用MFC编写,可以对图片进行反色,拉伸等功能。

    A simple graphics editor , using MFC prepared to be an anti-color photographs , drawing , and other functions .

  6. NOTSRCCOPY将源位图的反色拷贝到目标矩形中。

    NOTSRCCOPY Copies the inverted source bitmap to the destination .

  7. 本文以YD-602S型16色液晶显示器为例,介绍了在单片机控制下,对液晶显示模块显示图片进行拉伸或压缩、扭曲、旋转和翻转、反色及透明等处理技术的编程算法。

    This essay takes the example of YD-602S type 16 color LCD , introduce the processing techniques programming arithmetic of straining or compressing , distracting , overturning and flipping , color reversing and transparency toward LCD displaying pictures under the control of single-chip microcomputer .

  8. 源矩形反色复制到目标矩形。

    Notsrccopy copies the inverted source rectangle to the destination .

  9. 基于数学形态学方法和边缘特征分析来进行车牌定位,进行二值化、引入多指标联合评价函数判断反色等处理;

    Based on mathematical morphology and edge characteristic analysis , license plate orientation is conducted .

  10. 过去,反色被用来表示选择已经完成(比如黑像素变成白色、白像素变成黑色)。

    Historically , inversion has been used to indicate selection ( e.g. , making the white pixels black and black pixels white ) .

  11. 中义减色法中的主要颜色之一,会反色红、绿光,吸收蓝光。为四色墨中的一个。

    The subtractive transparent primary color that should reflect red and green , and absorb blue light . One of the process-color inks .

  12. 以图像反色、图像置乱、离散小波变换和人眼视觉特性为基础,提出了一种新的采用灰度图像作为水印的自适应嵌入方案。

    The paper presents a scheme of embedding gray-scale image watermark based on image color inversing , image disordering , discrete wavelet transform ( DWT ) and human visual system ( HVS ) .

  13. 针对上述情况,研究用数字图像处理的方法&帧相减、反色相加,对红外图像进行实时背景补偿,以便消除热晕的影响。

    In order to eliminate the influence of the thermal halo , a method of real-time IR image background compensation by using the digital image processing means - subtraction , reversed addition is submitted .

  14. 证明了文献〔1〕中关于图的反色数的一个猜想,并探讨了图的反色数与色数的关系。

    In this paper , We have proved the Conjecture on the reciprocal chromatic number of graphs , which was posed in and discussed the relationship between the chromatic number and the reciprocal chromatic number of graphs .

  15. 证明文献〔1〕提出的关于反色数上界的猜想,得到了带宽与反色数有关的下界,并给出了几类图的反色数。

    A conjecture raised by [ 1 ] is proved in this paper . The lower bound of bandwidth about the reciprocal chromatic number is derived and the reciprocal chromatic number of some graphs is given as well .

  16. 通过其友好的客户界面可以完成采集参数设置、采集控制、图像显示、电子图像保存、图片处理及多种个性化设置,如反色显示、彩色显示等。

    With its friendly interface , users can set sampling parameters , control system operation , save images and process pictures . Also , it can do many individuation settings , as anti-color display , pseudo-color display and so on .

  17. 该方法通过计算车牌灰度图像灰度平均值和大于灰度平均值的像素数,来判断车牌是否需要进行反色处理。

    According to the method , whether the plate needs reverse color is judged by calculating the average gray level of the license plate gray image as well as the number of pixels whose gray level is higher than the average .