
fǎn fěnɡ
  • satire
  • make a sarcastic retort
  1. 文章充满了反讽意味。

    The article is full of ironies .

  2. 《GQ》杂志称,宣言袜就像时尚男士守护的最好的秘密,它代表了个人日常护理的水平和一种反讽的趣味,值得我们尊重。

    Statement socks are like a stylish interest that deserves nothing but respect , says GQ .

  3. 在邻国阿根廷,讽刺刊物《巴塞罗那》(Barcelona)紧跟风潮,用充满反讽意味的口吻在封面上谴责这番调查突显了“美国佬”的帝国主义。

    But in neighboring Argentina , the satirical magazine Barcelona captured the prevailing mood with an irony-soaked cover denouncing the American investigation as an example of " Yankee " imperialism .

  4. 言语反讽(verbalirony),作为一种人类独特且重要的交际方式,在日常交流中几乎无处不在,对其正确的使用和理解有利于我们更好地表达自己的思想和理解他人的话语。

    Verbal irony , as a distinctive and important way of human communication , is pervasively used in daily life . A good command and employment of verbal irony not only helps expressing our thoughts but also facilitates processing and understanding ironic utterances .

  5. 《羊的门》的家族神话与悲剧性反讽&陷落的乌托邦

    The Clan Myth and Tragedy Satire of Door of Sheep-Sunk Utopia

  6. 不过,这种不确定性也带着一丝有意思的反讽意味。

    Still , there is a pleasing irony to the uncertainty .

  7. 奥斯丁小说《傲慢与偏见》和《爱玛》中的反讽艺术

    Irony in Jane Austen ' novel Pride and Prejudice and Emma

  8. 言语行为理论与《哈姆雷特》中的戏剧反讽

    Speech Acts and the Dramatic Irony in Hamlet The Creating Theatre

  9. 浅谈中国当代小说的反讽艺术

    A Simple Talk on the Rhetoric-irony Art in Modern Chinese Novels

  10. 这种观点的引入对反讽研究起到了巨大的推动作用。

    Their opinions are a great contribution to the research of irony .

  11. 反讽是西方文艺理论中的一个重要诗学范畴。

    Irony is an important poetics in western literary theories .

  12. 作为对安徒生反讽的王尔德童话

    The Fairy-tales of Oscar Wilde : an Irony to Andersen

  13. 历史语境中的反讽内涵流变。

    The changes of connotation of irony in historic context .

  14. 反讽即说反话,是言语交际中一种常见的语用现象。

    Irony is a common pragmatic phenomenon in verbal communication .

  15. 其中言语反讽和文体反讽表现地更为突出。

    The most prominent irony are the parole irony and style irony .

  16. 很反讽吧?我们闯进监狱!

    Nicely ironic , eh ? We break into prison !

  17. 反讽是简·奥斯丁小说最显著的特色之一。

    Irony is the most striking feature in Jane Austen 's novels .

  18. 论刘震云写实小说的反讽特色

    The Characteristics of Irony in Liu Zhenyun 's Realistic Novels

  19. 反讽是一种人生态度和叙述方式,也是小说的美学原则之一。

    It 's also one of the aesthetic principles in novel writing .

  20. 反讽的小说复调理论&兼论米兰·昆德拉的复调小说

    Ironic Theory of Polyphonic Novel : Commenting Milan Kundera 's Polyphonic Novel

  21. 新编辑手记反讽与《故事新编》的思想内蕴

    Irony and Thought Connotation of New Redaction from Old Story

  22. 赏析《格列佛游记》中的精湛反讽艺术及其文化影响

    Appreciate the Satiric Arts and the Cultural Influence in Gulliver 's Travels

  23. 反讽是简·奥斯汀著作的最主要的写作特色和基调。

    And irony becomes characteristic of Jane Austen and her literature works .

  24. 反讽性叙事是王朔小说的显著特征。

    Ironic narration is the typical feature of Wang Shuo 's novels .

  25. 第一章和第二章是对反讽的介绍。

    Chapter One and Chapter Two make up an introduction of irony .

  26. 反讽话语语用功能探究

    The Study of the Pragmatic Function on Ironic Utterance

  27. 戴维·洛奇的小说《小世界》具有鲜明的反讽特征。

    Irony is an obvious characteristic of David Lodge 's The Small World .

  28. 顺应性是反讽认知的一般原则。

    Adaptability is the general principle of irony cognition .

  29. 反讽是《傲慢与偏见》的艺术精髓之所在。

    : Irony is the essence of artistic value in Pride and Prejudice .

  30. 反讽,精制的瓮&毕飞宇短篇小说分析

    Irony and highly finished jars & Analyzing the short stories by Bi Fei-yu