
  • 网络Novozymes;NOVO;Novo Nordisk;Novozymes Biotechnology
  1. 与当前市场上的国产和诺维信α-淀粉酶成品酶制剂进行比较,微小毛霉α-淀粉酶最适pH偏低,最适温度偏高,且pH稳定性和温度稳定性均有所提高。

    Comparing with the enzyme preparation of a-amylase of Novozymes and domestic company obtained from current market , the optimum pH of R.pusillus a-amylase is lower and the optimum temperatures is higher .

  2. 今年,中国化学品公司圣泉集团(shengquangroup)开始将借助诺维信提供的酶制剂,实现以农业废弃物为原料生产乙醇过程的商业化。

    This year , Chinese chemical company Shengguan group began commercial production of ethanol made from agricultural waste using enzymes provided by Novozymes .

  3. 丹麦酶制剂制造商诺维信(novozymes)想要寻找合作伙伴帮助其用玉米棒生产化学品时,于是就来到了中国。

    When Danish enzyme maker Novozymes was looking for partners to help it make chemicals out of corn cobs , it came to China .

  4. 倡导环境友好迎接生物世纪印象诺维信

    Advocate friendship of surroundings welcome century of creature Impression Novozymes

  5. 诺维信酶制剂在无磷洗衣粉中的应用研究(Ⅰ)

    Application of novozymes detergent enzymes in laundry detergent powders free phosphate (ⅰ)