
  • 网络Engine coolant
  1. 为检验有机羧酸型发动机冷却液的性能,对使用该冷却液的捷达CTX型轿车进行了8万km的道路试验。

    In order to validate performance of the organic carboxylic acid engine coolant , 80000-kilometer road tests of a JETTA CTX car which uses this type coolant are done .

  2. 浅析影响发动机冷却液质量的相关因素

    A Brief Analysis on Factors Relative to Quality of Engine Coolant

  3. 重负荷柴油(HDD)发动机冷却液的特性和性能试验研究

    The characteristic and experimental study on HDD Engine Coolants

  4. 对汽车发动机冷却液温度传感器进行了系统地研究,分析了它的结构及工作原理,探索了作为温敏元件的NTC热敏电阻片的制备工艺规律;

    The temperature sensor of automobile engine for taking measure of cooling liquid was systematically studied , Its structure and work principle were analyzed . The regularity of the technology to fabricate NTC thermistor in use for temperature-sensing components was researched .

  5. 电热系统部门负责人哈拉尔德伯特纳(haraldbttner)称,废气温度能达到摄氏700度以上,造成气体和发动机冷却液之间很大的温差。

    Harald bttner , head of the thermoelectric systems department , says exhaust gas temperatures can reach more than 700C , creating a steep gradient between gas and engine cooling fluid .

  6. 新型柴油车发动机冷却液的使用注意要点

    Keynotes in Use of Cooling Liquid for New Model Diesel Engines

  7. 国内发动机冷却液市场现状及质量分析

    The present situation and quality analysis of domestic engine cooling fluid

  8. 一种新型发动机冷却液缓蚀剂配方的研究

    Study on inhibitor formulation of a new type of engine coolant

  9. 露天矿重载车辆发动机冷却液性能分析

    Performance Analysis on Cooling Liquid of Surface Mine Heavy Loading Engine

  10. 发动机冷却液流动与传热的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation for Flow and Heat Transfer of Engine Coolant

  11. 检查发动机冷却液液位,必要时应进行纠正。

    Check engine coolant level and correct it if necessary .

  12. 从三个保持架上脱开发动机冷却液管。

    Disengage the engine coolant line from the three holders .

  13. 发动机冷却液温度模糊控制系统的研究

    Study of Fuzzy Control System for Engine Coolant Temperature

  14. 此发动机冷却液不得与其它冷却液混用或用其它冷却液替换。

    This engine coolant must not be mixed or replaced with other coolants .

  15. 发动机冷却液的作用及添加剂对环境的影响

    Influence on Environment from the Action of Engine Cooling Fluid and Its Additive

  16. 镁合金在汽车发动机冷却液中的耐蚀性

    Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium in Engine Coolant

  17. 发动机冷却液的正确使用

    Right Using Coolant Fluid of Engine

  18. 液态空气致冷探测器发动机冷却液加温器

    Liquid air-cooled detector engine coolant heater

  19. 拆下发动机冷却液液位传感器。

    Remove engine coolant level sensor .

  20. 定期更换发动机冷却液是防止生锈的良方。

    Rust is the reason why changing engine coolant according to schedule is a good idea .

  21. 轿车和轻型卡车乙二醇型发动机冷却液的研制

    Study on glycol type engine cooling fluid for car & light load truck and its formulation

  22. 检查发动机冷却液液位。

    Check the engine coolant level .

  23. 此外,对汽车发动机冷却液的质量及使用提出了建议。

    In addition , some suggestions on the quality and adoption of automotive engine coolant are proposed .

  24. 选择不同的配置,可分别用于喷气燃料、发动机冷却液及其浓缩液冰点等指标的测定,是一款多用途的冰点试验器。

    To select a different configuration , can be respectively used for jet fuel , coolant concentrates-Determination of freezing point index , is a multipurpose freezing point .

  25. 它也可能摩擦中的一个漏洞软铝时机覆盖,导致发动机冷却液被强迫进入油底壳,并最终摧毁了引擎。

    It may also rub a hole in the soft aluminum timing cover , resulting in engine coolant being forced into the oil sump and ultimately destroying the engine .

  26. 介绍了汽车发动机冷却液的组成、性能、国内使用现状、质量抽查结果分析等,提出了发生问题的原因及解决问题的建议。

    Automotive engine cooling fluid ′ s composition , properties , domestic application status and quality analysis were presented , pointing the reasons of quality problems and method to solve problems .

  27. 汽车发动机长效冷却液的研究

    A Research On Long Effective Auto Engine Cooling Fluid

  28. 汽车发动机冷却系风扇静液模拟化传动

    Ventilator 's Hydrostatic Analogous Transmission of Automobile Engine Cooling System

  29. 如有必要,请在发动机冷却后调整冷却液液位。

    Correct the coolant level after the engine has cooled if necessary .

  30. 设计了发动机冷却风扇磁流变液离合器控制系统。

    A control system of magneto-rheological fluid clutch for engine fan is designed .