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  1. 采用固体发和酵母分离技术提高酒的品质

    High solid ferments and yeast lees contract to highlight textural qualities .

  2. PCNA、MMP-9在人脑原发和复发性胶质瘤中的表达及意义

    Expression of PCNA and MMP-9 in Human Primary and Recurrent Glioma

  3. 结果表明,生物有机肥A和B均能促进烤烟前期早生快发和旺长期干物质的积累;

    Result showed that biological organic fertilizer A and B improved the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco in early time as well as the accumulation of dry matter in rapid growth time .

  4. 结果表明:MM初发和复发病例红细胞SOD活性明显降低,血浆中LPO含量明显增高,较正常对照均有明显差异。

    As compared to the control , decreased SOD activity in red blood cells and increased amount of plasma LPO were observed in the patients in incipience and relapse ( P 0.01 ) .

  5. 方法采用cDNA芯片检测同一患者初发和两次复发的胶质瘤组织与正常脑组织中基因表达的差异,建立胶质瘤恶性进展相关基因表达谱。

    Methods The different expression of genes in the primary and the recurrent gliomas specimens in the same patient and the normal brain tissue by cDNA microarray techniques was detected and gene expression profiles associated with malignant progression of gliomas were established .

  6. 方法免疫组织化学方法检测20例角化囊肿(10例原发和10例复发)、10例含牙囊肿和10例根端囊肿中survivin、bcl-2、cas-pase-3的表达。

    Methods Immunohistochemical assay was used to detect the expressions of survivin , bcl-2 and caspase-3 protein in 20 cases of OKC ( including 10 primary OKC , 10 recurrent OKC ), and in 10 cases of dentigerous cyst , and 10 cases of radicular cyst .

  7. 然后对接收端信号进行分离,利用联合模式激励发和UCA-ESPRIT算法来进行目标的方位角和俯仰角度的关系。

    Then the receiving end signal separation , using the combined model incentive hair and UCA-ESPRIT algorithm for target azimuth and pitching Angle relationship .

  8. 细胞周期调节因子在原发和复发鼻咽癌的表达

    The Expression of Cell Cycle Regulators in Primary and Relapsing Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  9. 原发和复发乳腺癌体外化疗药物敏感性的量效关系研究

    In Vitro Chemosensitivity Test of Primary and Recurrent Breast Cancer

  10. 留长发和胡须已不再是时髦的了。

    It is no longer smart to wear long hair and a beard .

  11. 阻塞再发和不可逆最终可导致脾脏完全失去功能。

    Recurrent and irreversible infarcts eventually result in complete destruction of the spleen .

  12. 用天然沸石离子交换制备抗菌沸石&斜发和丝光沸石的应用

    Manufacture of bactericidal zeolites using natural zeolites by ion exchange & application of clinoptilolite and mordenite

  13. 亚化学计量放射性同位素稀释法测定人发和尿液中的微量锌

    Substoichiometry and radioactive isotopic dilution determination of trace content of zinc in Mans ' hair and urine

  14. 沸水浴溶样冷原子吸收测定人发和大米中微量汞含量

    Determination of the Content of Micro-Mercury in the Hair and Rice by Boiling Water Digestion and Cold Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  15. 因为50岁以上不典型肺结核同军团菌性肺炎相比较,前者还是多发和常见的。

    The atypical pulmonary tuberculosis is more frequently in over 50 year old patients , when compare it with legionnella pneumonia .

  16. 这帮助丰田(不包括大发和日野)去年在美销量增长27%,至200万辆。

    That helped drive its US sales , not including Daihatsu and Hino , up 27 per cent last year to 2m .

  17. 原子吸收光谱法研究人发和指甲中铜、锌、镉含量变化曲线的意义

    Study on the Changing Curves of Traces Cu , Zn , Cd Contents in Human Hair & Fingernail by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  18. 离开理发店之后,他看见街上有个人留着很杂乱的长发和邋遢的胡须。

    Just after he left the barbershop , he saw a man in the street with long , stringy , dirty hair and an untrimmed beard .

  19. 采用大鼠佐剂性关节炎原发和继发病变实验,皮肤毛细血管渗透性实验和胸膜炎白细胞游走实验。

    The present study has been carried out using primary and secondary rat 's adjuvant arthritis model , capillary permeability test of skin and leukocyte migration test of pleurisy .

  20. 方法用于电镀废液、废水、江水、人发和合金钢中痕量铬(Ⅵ)的直接测定,结果满意。

    The method has been applied to the direct determination of trace Cr ( VI ) in the electroplating waste solution , waste water , river water , hair and steel alloys .

  21. 人类社会几千年来的发展史,亦鲜明地向人们昭示出新思想、新制度、新技术的创发和运用,是推动社会进步、推动民族兴盛的根本力量。

    And the development of human beings in thousands of years also points out that the new ideas , new rules and new technologies are the basic power promoting the whole societies .

  22. 裂陷区内中强地震的孕发和深源矿产、油气生贮存等都与这两类块体地壳结构、构造密切相关。

    In the rift depression region , the moderate earthquakes and the deposits of deep mineral resources and hydrocarbon are all closely related to the crustal structure and tectonic of these two types of blocks .

  23. 结果表明:多发和大片状脑部病灶者的全血比粘度、红细胞刚性指数显著高于小片状病灶者组。

    The results showed that RBV ( blood viscosity ), IR ( Index of rigidity of red cell ) of multiple and massive focus in ischemic stroke were significantly higher than those of the small focus .

  24. 回顾了医疗纠纷的背景与现状,针对医疗纠纷多发和处理难的问题,提出了医疗纠纷反应链的概念,介绍了医疗纠纷反应链的框架结构、主要内容、基本原理和主要特点等。

    The paper reviews the background and current situation of medical disputes and puts forward the concept of the reaction chain of medical disputes in view of their high occurrence rate and the difficulty in handling them .

  25. 用于测定人发和茶叶样品中痕量钒,相对标准偏差为30%~42%,标准加入回收率为982%~1014%。

    The method has been applied to the determination of trace vanadium % in human hair and tea samples with the relative standard deviation of 3.0 % ~ 4.2 % and the recovery of 98.2 % ~ 101.4 % .

  26. 结论初发和复发性霰粒肿曲行安奈德注射安全有效,多数病例1~2次注射即有效果,对于2~3次注射无效患者可行手术切除。

    Conclusion Intralesional TA injection in primary and recurrent chalazia is effective in achieving lesion regression . Most cases resolve with an average of 1 to 2 injections . Chalazia that fail to respond to 2 or 3 injections could benefit from surgical excision .

  27. 以你的发色和漂亮的肤色,穿红色或者其他亮色的衣服会很好看的。

    With your hair and your beautiful skin , you 'd look good in red and other bright colors .

  28. 这部手机只能用于发短信和打电话,能玩的游戏也只有一个,但我喜欢它。

    All I could do on this phone was to send text messages , make calls and play one game.And I loved it .

  29. 这种疾病的典型症状是发高烧和胸痛。

    The disease typically manifests itself in a high fever and chest pains .

  30. 对所有的宗教报以同等的尊重——这一价值观应该存在于每个印度人的基因里。——庆祝幼发拉斯亚和查凡拉册封圣人典礼上的讲话

    Equal respect for all religions must be in the DNA of every Indian .