
fā xínɡ jià
  • issue price
  1. 该公司股票价格在首个交易日就跌破了发行价。

    Shares in the company slipped below their issue price on their first day of trading .

  2. 该股上周五开盘价格为每股42.05美元,但迅速跌至发行价每股38美元,昨日纽约午盘徘徊在每股35美元附近。

    The stock opened at $ 42.05 on Friday , but quickly fell to its issue price of $ 38 , and was yesterday hovering at around $ 35 during afternoon trading in New York .

  3. 而这七家公司的交易价格均低于发行价,其中收入管理软件公司ModelN的交易价格比发行价下跌了39%。

    All of them are trading below their offering price , as much as 39 % down in the case of revenue-management software company model n ( MODN ) .

  4. Facebook目前的股价已经低于发行价,分析师因而更容易做出乐观的估计。

    Facebook shares are lower since their debut , making it easier for analysts to be bullish .

  5. 上月底,当中国太保(ChinaPacificInsurance)股价跌破去年12月的发行价时,另一个令人担忧的趋势出现了。

    Another worrying trend emerged late last month when shares in China Pacific Insurance dropped below the price at which they were offered to the public in December .

  6. 这意味着我们很可能在11月7日周四晚间时刻正式掌握Twitter的发行价。

    That means the actual pricing is likely to occur the evening of Thursday , Nov. 7 .

  7. IPO企业越实施提高盈余的应计盈余管理,发行价越高。

    The IPO enterprise more implements enhances the earnings to count the earnings management , the wholesale price is higher .

  8. 上周,中国西电(chinaxdelectric)成为中国内地5年来首只在交易首日跌破发行价的股票。

    Last week , China XD electric became the first new Chinese stock in five years to end its first day of trading below its IPO price .

  9. 如果它的发行价达到20美元,那么Twitter的市值将接近110亿美元。

    It would be worth just shy of $ 11 billion were it to price at $ 20 per share .

  10. 我撰写本文时,Facebook的股价相比发行价已经下跌了16%,三天里的跌幅相当之大。

    As I write this , Facebook is trading 16 % below its initial offering price & a pretty nasty three-day loss .

  11. Facebook设定的股票发行价区间比一般公司要宽,若按区间中点计算,该公司的估值仅为860亿美元。

    The company also put an unusually wide price range on its shares , with a value of only $ 86bn at the midpoint .

  12. 按照Twitter发行价的中位数计算,公司联合创始人埃文•威廉姆斯持有的股票价值将超过10亿美元。

    Company co-founder Evan Williams ' stake would be worth just over $ 1 billion if twitter prices in the middle of its range .

  13. 这表明,承销投行或许会乐于提高发行价,与通用汽车(GeneralMotors)和Facebook等其他一些大宗IPO一样。

    That suggests that the banks may feel comfortable raising the price of the offering , as happened in other big initial offerings like those of General Motors and Facebook .

  14. 不过Facebook目前股价相比其发行价已下跌16%,而LinkedIn当前股价比发行价足足上涨了130%。

    But Facebook is trading around 16 % below its offering price , while LinkedIn has gained 130 % from its offering price .

  15. 阿里巴巴的股价仍然高于发行价,但其他企业首次公开募股(IPO)的计划目前已被搁置。并购交易的宣布也不再那么频繁。

    Alibaba still trades above its offer price , but other initial public offerings have been shelved for now . Merger and acquisition announcements have slowed .

  16. 本次路演只对少数特权派开放&投资银行家及其高端客户,这些人将能以发行价购入Facebook股票。

    The roadshow is reserved for the privileged few & investment bankers and their well-heeled clients who will get a shot at buying Facebook shares at the offering price .

  17. Twitter的发行价和它在递交首份IPO文件时在二级市场的股价相当。

    This price is mostly in line with where twitter shares were being offered on the private markets in the weeks leading up to its original IPO filing .

  18. 周四晚间,Zynga以每股10美元的发行价进行了IPO,共发行1亿股,募得资金约10亿美元。

    Zynga this evening raised around $ 1 billion in its IPO , by pricing 100 million shares at $ 10 per share .

  19. 私募股权公司凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)周三晚间将IPO发行价定为每股22美元,低于此前计划的23-25美元区间。

    Private equity firm the Carlyle Group priced its IPO this evening at $ 22 per unit , which was lower than its proposed $ 23 to $ 25 per unit range .

  20. 每项IPO交易都签有协议,允许承销商以略低于IPO发行价的价格向发行人购买更多股票。

    Included in every IPO deal is an agreement that gives Underwriters the ability to buy more stock from the company at a slight discount to the IPO price .

  21. 商务社交网络LinkedIn将其备受期待的首次公开招股(IPO)发行价定为其发行指导价范围的上限&每股45美元,公开发行784万股股票。

    Professional social network LinkedIn has priced its much anticipated IPO at $ 45 per share , the top of its range , for7.84 million shares .

  22. 不过,根据汤森路透(thomsonreuters)的数据,今年进行ipo的公司,股价平均比发行价上涨了7.6%。

    However , IPO companies are up an average 7.6 per cent from their offer price for the year , according to data from Thomson Reuters .

  23. 北汽IPO发行价为每股8.9港币,位于参考定价区间7.6港币到9.8港币的中间位置,预计融资14亿美元。

    Priced at HK $ 8.90 per share - midway in the HK $ 7.60-HK $ 9.80 indicative price range - BAIC will raise US $ 1.4bn through the offering .

  24. IPO首日超额收益是指新股上市首日收盘价远远高于其发行价,认购到新股的投资者在上市首日能获得超额收益率。

    IPO abnormal initial return means the closing price on the first day is far higher than issuing price , investors who purchase the new share can obtain high earnings .

  25. IPO短期表现普遍呈现出发行价低于上市首日收盘价的现象,这种现象被称为IPO抑价(Underpricing)。

    Short-term performance of IPO issue price generally is lower than the closing price listed on the first day , which has been referred to as IPO underpricing .

  26. 然而,怀揣着发财梦想的散户们一度认为,自己能够以发行价购买Facebook股票简直是鸿运当头。

    Retail investors who were dreaming of riches and figured they were lucky to be able to buy at the offering price have gotten bagged for more than $ 6 a share .

  27. 2011年5月,LinkedIn计划以每股32美元的发行价上市,但最终其发行价被上调至每股45美元。

    In May 2011 , LinkedIn planned to go public at $ 32 A share before the offering price to $ 45 a share .

  28. 最后,本文结合公司上市首日的交易价格提出了自己的观点,认为IPO定价的研究应结合发行价与首日交易价格进行。可转换债券上市首日溢价的实证分析

    Lastly , the author brings forward that the combination of pricing and first-day dealing price is very necessary . Empirical Study on the Premium Rate of First-day Traded Price of Convertible Bond

  29. IPO应计盈余管理中盈余越高,发行价就越高的隐含假设并不适用于真实盈余管理。

    IPO should count in the earnings management " the earnings to be higher , the wholesale price is higher " the concealment supposition is not suitable for the real earnings management .

  30. 但是,不稳定是一把双刃剑:也许只需要一个满堂红季度,Facebook股票就可以像坐火箭一般,一下涨至其发行价38美元每股。

    But volatility is a two-edged blade : it could take only one blowout quarter from Facebook ( FB ) to send its stock rocketing back toward its $ 38 A share offering price .