
  • 网络Development Committee;Develop Committee;WCED;NSDC
  1. 发展委员会代表G187,代表187个成员国,其中许多国家并非G7或G20等较小集团的成员。

    The Development Committee represents the G-187.It represents our187 member countries , many of which are not in the smaller " G groups " like the G-7 or G-20 .

  2. 我要特别感谢理事会主席阮文饶先生,并对奥格斯丁•卡斯腾斯(AgustínCarstens)先生表示特别感谢,感谢他对发展委员会的出色领导。

    I want to express my particular thanks to the Chairman of the Board of Governors , Nguyen Van Giau , and to Agust í n Carstens for his leadership of the Development Committee .

  3. 据北京市旅游发展委员会(BeijingTourismAdministration)的统计,截至2014年年底,北京有68家五星级酒店和130家四星级酒店。

    There were 68 five-star hotels and a 130 four-star hotels in Beijing at the end of 2014 , according to the Beijing Tourism Administration .

  4. AlexanderJackson是伦敦国际安全和发展委员会的政策分析家。

    Alexander Jackson is a policy analyst at the International Council on Security and Development in London .

  5. 本文作者是安联集团(Allianz)首席经济顾问,并担任美国总统巴拉克攠巴马(BarackObama)的全球发展委员会(GlobalDevelopmentCouncil)的主席,并著有《当市场发生冲撞》(WhenMarketsCollide)一书。

    Mohamed is chief economic adviser to Allianz , chairman of President Barack Obama 's Global Development Council , and author of When Markets Collide

  6. Anand也是印度国家奶业发展委员会(NDDB)的总部所在地。

    Anand is also home to India 's National Dairy Development Board ( NDDB ) .

  7. 菲律宾的香蕉产业部门还要求出口发展委员会(EDC)对香蕉出口部门提供帮助,以保持香蕉产业的竞争力,这个委员会是公私合作性质的组织。

    The industry has also urged the Export Development Council ( EDC ), a public-private partnership established to aid the banana export sector , to help the industry stay competitive .

  8. 联合国成立了环境和发展委员会(WCED),专门研究可持续发展问题。

    Founded by UN , WCED ( world Commission on Environment and development ) is specialized in researching the problem of sustainable development .

  9. 世界最大的人道主义奖颁给了孟加拉农村发展委员会(BRAC)这个发展中国家最大的非营利组织。

    Hilton Humanitarian Prize Of $ 1.5 Million Goes To Bangladeshi NGO The world 's biggest humanitarian prize has been awarded to BRAC , the largest non-profit organization in the developing world .

  10. 从联合国世界环境与发展委员会(WCED)在1987年首次提出可持续发展概念至今已有20余年的历史。

    It has been more than 20 years since the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development ( WCED ) first proposed " sustainable development " in 1987 .

  11. 世界环境与发展委员会(WECD)提出的可持续发展理论模式,从保护环境和发展统一起来的高度提出处理人与大自然的关系。

    From strategic viewpoint of the environment protection and the development , WECD came up with sustainable development theory model of handling the relationship between man and nature .

  12. 1988年世界环境与发展委员会(WCED)提出的一份报告中称:水资源正在取代石油而成为在全世界引起危机的主要问题。

    Claim in a report which the Committee of Environment and Development of the World in 1988 ( WCED ) puts forward , " the water resource is replacing petroleum and becoming subjects matter causing the crisis in the whole world " .

  13. 社会发展委员会未来工作组

    Working Group on the Future of the Commission for Social Development

  14. 策略发展委员会〔香港艺术发展局〕

    Strategic Development Board [ Hong Kong Arts Development Council ]

  15. 可持续发展委员会不限成员名额特设闭会期间工作组

    Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group of the Commission on Sustainable Development

  16. 促进妇女参与国家发展委员会

    Commission to Promote the Integration of Women in National Development

  17. 运输、通讯、旅游和基础设施发展委员会

    Committee on Transport , Communications , Tourism and Infrastructure Development

  18. 援助黎巴嫩重建和发展委员会

    Committee on Assistance for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon

  19. 科学和技术应用于发展委员会

    Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development

  20. 孟加拉农村发展委员会从225个被提名的组织中胜出。

    BRAC won out over more than 225 nominees .

  21. 第五个受到联合国发展委员会表彰的是智利的帕布鲁?桑德尔。

    The fifth person honored by the UN Development Program is from Chile .

  22. 世界环境与发展委员会环境法律专家组

    Expert Group on Environment Law of the World Commission on Environment and Development

  23. 世界环境与发展委员会的报告

    Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development

  24. 支助可持续发展委员会工作信托基金

    Trust Fund for Support of the Work of the Commission on Sustainable Development

  25. 课程发展委员会〔雇员再培训局〕

    Course Development Committee [ Employees ' Retraining Board ]

  26. 纺织制衣业分组委员会〔工业发展委员会〕

    Textiles and Clothing Committee [ Industry Development Board ]

  27. 我们向发展委员会负责。

    We 're responsible to a development committee .

  28. 确立地球人类社会和平发展委员会各职任职期限;

    Nine , establish the earth human society peaceful development committee supplieth its tenure .

  29. 企业、工商促进和发展委员会

    Commission on Enterprise , Business Facilitation and Development

  30. 能源和自然资源促进发展委员会

    Committee on Energy and Natural Resources for Development