
fā xuàn
  • tuorbillion;tourbillon
发旋[fā xuàn]
  1. 蒙古族发旋和手指毛的调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Tufts and Finger-Hair of Mongolian Nationality

  2. 发旋主要出现在右后象限(60.22%)。

    The hair-whirlpools appeat mainly at right back-quadrant ( 60.22 % ) .

  3. 100例胎儿发旋形态观测

    The morphometry of the hair rotations for 100 fetuses

  4. 宁夏回族和汉族发旋的调查及分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Hair Vortex Among Population of Hui and Han Nationalities in Ningxia

  5. 结论股深动脉通常发旋股内、外侧动脉,旋股外侧动脉再分升支,横支和降支。

    Conclusion The branches of the deep femoral artery usually are the lateral and medial femoral circumflex arteries ;

  6. 本文对佳木斯地区100例胎尸发旋的位置、方向、旋顶问距及角距正中角度进行了观测。

    The hair rotations of100 fetal corpses over Jiamusi District were observed and their positions , orientations , angles and intervals between head top and the hair rotation were discussed .

  7. 前国家女排队员崔咏梅在国内的大赛中运用跳发侧旋球技术并获得很好的效果。

    Cui Yongmei-the ex-player of national women 's team has used the the new side-spin serving with jumping and achieved great results in domestic tournaments .

  8. 他发的后旋球旋转极为强劲,当球弹到丹顿那边桌面上时,几乎停了下来。

    He used so much back-english , the ball almost died when it hit Denton 's half of the table .

  9. 我发的球都旋得很厉害。

    I always put a lot of English on my serve .

  10. 投球手发了一个旋球(如在板球、棒球等运动中)。

    The bowler gave ( a ) spin to the ball , eg in cricket , baseball , etc.

  11. 发球技术一发以平击球、二发上旋球为主。

    Serve with flat round ball , second topspin .