
  • 网络germinated brown rice;germinating rice
  1. 发芽糙米微波干燥工艺研究

    A Study on Technology for Microwave Drying of Germinated Brown Rice

  2. 浸泡处理对发芽糙米蒸煮食用品质的影响

    Effect of Soaking Process on Edible Quality of Germinated Brown Rice

  3. 通过收集目前福建稻区主栽的十个稻米品种,对不同稻米品种发芽糙米中GABA的生成量进行了研究。

    The all results were as follows : ( 1 ) GABA production differences among ten main cultivars in Fujian were researched .

  4. 鲜食风味发芽糙米寿司的制作工艺研究

    Studied on Process of Flesh Flavor Sushi by Germinated Brown Rice

  5. 发芽糙米的生理活性化工艺研究与控制

    Study on and control in physiological activation technology of germinated brown rice

  6. 富硒发芽糙米加工工艺的研究

    Research on the Processing Technology for Germinated Brown Rice with Rich Selenium

  7. 钙处理对发芽糙米中淀粉酶活力的影响

    Effect of Calcium on Amylase Activity of Brown Rice During Germination Time

  8. 富铬发芽糙米对大鼠脂类代谢的影响

    Effect of Chromium Enriched Sprouted Brown Rice on Lipid Metabolism in Rats

  9. 对发芽糙米的理化性质和发芽糙米饮料的工艺也进行了研究。

    In addition , the germinated brown rice was applied to produce beverage .

  10. 功能性发芽糙米制品市场前景看好

    The bright market prospects of functional germinate brown rice

  11. 发芽糙米&21世纪主食

    Rice Sprouts : The Staple Food of Century 21

  12. 发芽糙米蛋白质营养价值评价

    Evaluation of Protein Nutritional Value of Germination Brown Rice

  13. 发芽糙米中谷蛋白亚基电泳分析

    Electrophoresis Analysis on Glutelin Subunits of Germinated Brown Rice

  14. 发芽糙米功能因子γ-氨基丁酸的测定

    Determination of γ - amino butyric acid as functional factor in germinated brown rice

  15. 发芽糙米糊化特性研究

    Study on Gelatinization Properties of Germinated Brown Rice

  16. 温度和时间对发芽糙米中γ-氨基丁酸含量的影响

    Effects of Temperature and Time on γ - GABA Content of Germinated Brown Rice

  17. 发芽糙米的杀菌工艺研究

    Study on Sterilization Processes on Germinated Brown Rice

  18. 通气处理对发芽糙米生理活性及主要物质含量影响

    Effect of aerating treatment on physiological activities and essential substances in germinating brown rice

  19. 富含γ-氨基丁酸发芽糙米生产工艺的研究

    Study on production process of the γ - aminobutyric acid enriched germinated brown rice

  20. 杀菌剂对发芽糙米富集γ-氨基丁酸的影响

    The effect of bactericides on the enrichment of γ - aminobutyric acid in germinated brown rice

  21. 富铬发芽糙米的研制陕南富铬区环境地球化学研究


  22. 以发芽糙米和黑豆为主要原料,研究发芽糙米、黑豆复合保健饮料的加工工艺和配方。

    The preparation processing and formula of a compound healthy beverage were investigated using germinated brown rice and black bean .

  23. 通过添加酒曲、酵母发酵大米和发芽糙米生产低酒精度米饮料。

    A rice beverage with low alcohol was obtained by adding koji and yeast to rice and brown rice bud and undertaking fermentation .

  24. 结果表明,微波干燥过程中,发芽糙米的含水率呈线性下降,微波干燥发芽糙米为匀速干燥。

    The results showed that the moisture content of germinated brown rice decreased linearly and the drying rate was uniform during microwave drying .

  25. 通过对发芽糙米蛋白质和氨基酸组成特性变化的分析,评价了发芽糙米蛋白质的营养价值。

    Germinated brown rice was selected to study the change of protein and amino acid composition properties , and to assess the nutritional value .

  26. 本文对发芽糙米的营养价值进行了较为详细地阐述,介绍了糙米发芽时各种营养成分的变化情况以及发芽糙米的开发应用。

    This paper expounds nutrition values of rice sprouts , states the variability of the content of essential nutrients in sprouting and the application of rice sprouts .

  27. 介绍了多元化的稻米产品,如蒸谷米、胚芽米、营养强化米、发芽糙米、降血糖大米等;

    This paper introduces the multiple products of rice such as parboiled rice , germinated rice , enriched rice , germinated brown rice and blood-sugar-reducing rice etc ;

  28. 结果表明,真空冷冻干燥对发芽糙米品质影响最小,其次是微波干燥和普通热风干燥。

    Primary drying zone The result showed that the nutrition and quality of the germinated brown rice could be mainly preserved by vacuum-freeze drying followed by microwave drying and hot-air drying .

  29. 本文研究以发芽糙米为原料,将其在不同的条件影响下的蒸煮性能改善的结果作比较,包括微波处理、超声波处理以及酶解等三种方式。

    Study on germinated brown rice as raw material and the results about different conditions of cooking performance improvement , including germination conditions , microwave , ultrasonic treatment and fiber enzyme on the cooking .

  30. 在16~28℃温度范围内,低温能提高发芽糙米中α-淀粉酶和总淀粉酶活力,高温度使酶活力高峰提前出现,糙米最适发芽温度为22℃。

    Amylase activity in brown rice in the process of germination at 16 ~ 28 were investigated , - amylase and total starch enzymatic activities in brown rice germination at given temperature range were increased .