
  • 网络Discovery Learning;discovering learning;learning by discovery
  1. 面积计算发现式学习环境的构建策略

    The Strategies of Constructing the Discovery Learning Environment for Area Computing

  2. 小议两种不同的发现式学习

    Some thoughts about two kinds of ways of discovery learning

  3. 而发现式学习则体现了以人为本。

    While the discovery learning embodies the " people-oriented " .

  4. 虽然此次课程改革以失败而告终,但是发现式学习方法及其教学方法的提出却受到了广泛的关注。

    Although the reformation failed , the discover-learning and teaching method was proposed and received the great attention .

  5. 笔者在高职药物化学实验教学中,对应用发现式学习理论进行教学做了有益的探索。

    The authors have beneficially explored the " Discover Study Theory " in the senior vocational pharmaceutical chemistry experiment teaching .

  6. 有利于实现培养创新精神和促进信息能力发展的发现式学习;5.有利于实现对教学信息最有效的组织与管理;

    Help to realize training the initiative spirit and promoting the discovery type of ability development of information to study ;

  7. 文献综述中的理论支持包括建构主义和发现式学习理论,还包括认知语言学中的留意假说和信息深度处理学说。

    The literature review covers Constructivism and Discovery Learning in the field of learning theory and Noticing theory and Depth of Processing in the field of cognitive psychology and that of SLA .

  8. 本文通过对两个教学实例的介绍与评述,分析了两种发现式学习方式的价值与理论假设,给出了对于发现式学习意义及其特征的一些理解。

    We discuss two examples in the paper , and give some analysis , base on the discussion , about the significance and hypotheses of two kinds of ways of discovery learning , also we raise some understandings about the two kinds of ways of discovery learning .

  9. 研究结果表明,英语专业大学生很喜欢问题式学习这种新型的教学方式,实验过程和数据分析还发现问题式学习对批判性思维能力的影响是积极的。

    The results show that the students like this new teaching model . Furthermore , the results show that PBL has a positive effect on English majors ' critical thinking .

  10. 研究发现,使用沉浸式学习法的人在说这种语言时,其脑电波与那些说母语的人相近。

    The study found that those who had learned it with the immersion method had brainwaves similar to those of native speakers of a language when speaking that language .