
  • 网络Information System Development
  1. 面向对象、跨平台、安全性、健壮性又使得JAVA语言成为WEB信息系统开发的首选。

    Object-oriented , cross-platform , security , robustness also makes the JAVA language has become the preferred WEB information systems development .

  2. 经理信息系统开发平台的架构及关键技术研究

    The Study on Architecture and Key Technology of Executive Information Systems Development Platform

  3. 基于构件复用和XML技术的柔性信息系统开发研究

    Research of Formal Flexible Information Development Based on Component Technique and XML Technology

  4. 基于GIS的江西武功山风景区旅游资源管理信息系统开发与设计

    The exploitation and designment of the Tourist Resources Management Information System Base on GIS Technology

  5. 所以,从面向功能的开发方法转向使用UML的面向对象开发方法是信息系统开发的趋势。

    So the transformation from function-oriented methods to object-oriented methods is inevitable .

  6. UML语言及在重点税源信息系统开发中的应用研究

    UML Language and Application Study in the Critical Taxation Source Information System Development

  7. 基于DELPHI语言的招标管理信息系统开发

    Study and development of Tendering Management Information System with Delphi

  8. UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)作为面向对象开发方法中的一种重要建模工具,已经在信息系统开发中得到了广泛的应用,许多学者也将它应用到了业务流程建模工作中。

    As an important object-oriented modeling language , UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) has been used in information system modeling often .

  9. RUP与传统信息系统开发方法的比较研究

    Comparative study of RUP and traditional developing methods of information system

  10. 基于LotusDomino群件的工作流管理信息系统开发

    Developing Workflow MIS Based on Lotus Domino Groupware

  11. 这些关键技术,尤其是基于WEBService的应用集成及安全调用技术,对于各种类型的信息系统开发均有很好的参考价值。

    Related technology , especially application system integration and security of calling Web Service , is mentioned in paper have some reference value to every kinds of information management system .

  12. 基于RCM理论的船艇装备保障方法研究及管理信息系统开发

    Research of Reinforcement Method for Ships with RCM Theory and Information System Development

  13. 本文将面向对象思想和面向构件技术结合起来,提出了一种适用于企业信息系统开发的软件体系结构:面向对象的业务处理环节装配体系结构(Object-OrientedProcessingStepsAssemblingArchitecture,OPSAA)。

    Combining Object-Oriented technique and Component-Oriented technique , this dissertation presents a new software architecture : Object-Oriented Processing Steps Assembling Architecture ( OPSAA ) .

  14. 基于SuperMapⅢ地理信息系统开发平台,采用VISUALBASIC程序设计语言,开发了公路边坡稳定性评价系统,为公路边坡稳定性评价提供了一个实用工具。

    The highway slope stability evaluation system , as a practical tool for highway slope stability evaluation , is developed using Visual Basic program developing language based on SuperMap ⅲ GIS .

  15. 这个研究分为两个部分,一个部分是对信息系统开发流程的认识,另一部分是使用基于MDA的开发工具进行的物资管理系统开发实践过程。

    The research is divided into two parts , one part is the understanding of information system development process , and the other is the practice of system development process based on the MDA .

  16. 通过高校学籍管理信息系统开发实践,对WebServers多层体系结构的研究与分析,为基于Web技术的多层结构的网络数据库的远程维护进行了有益的探索。

    Through developing and practicing information system of managing school rolls in higher schools and researching and analyzing the multi-structural structure of Web Servers , this paper does a beneficial exploration into distance maintenance of the multi-structural network database based on Web technology .

  17. 以苏州市古城32号街坊规划成果数据为基础,论述了运用GIS技术进行旧城改造与保护规划信息系统开发方法及其在规划管理中的分析应用。

    This Paper , which was based on the planning result data of No. 32 street of old cities in Suzhou City , expounded the development method of the transformation planning and preservation planning information system of old cities management of planning .

  18. 本文采用管理信息系统开发模式中快速原型法的进化性原型法和采用Thin-C/S和B/S混合模式构建基于WEB平台的ERP财务核算管理系统,开发了东北特钢集团信息化项目&DTCIMS中的财务核算管理系统。

    By adopting evolution prototype of the fast prototype method to develop the Web-Based ERP financial sale accounting MIS and mixing Thin-C / S and B / S mode to structure the system , developed the financial sale accounting subsystem of DT_CIMS .

  19. 本文介绍如何运用《企业管理信息系统开发规范(试行)》所推荐的SSA与SSD方法,对一个具体的MIS(管理信息系统)进行设计开发;

    The paper describes how to use the methods of SSA and SSD for designing a specific managemant information system , these methods are recommended by the proposed standards on Enterprise Management Information System 's Development ;

  20. 在论述储量管理在矿山企业ERP(企业资源计划)中地位的基础上,指出了基于ERP的储量管理信息系统开发的必要性和优越性,并提出了纳入储量管理的矿山企业ERP信息集成方案。

    Based on discussing about the importance of mining reservoir management in mining enterprise ERP , this paper points out the essentiality of mining reservoir management information system , and also briefly brings forward the information-integrated solution for mining ERP with reservoir management module embedded .

  21. 我们根据建筑工程监理机制,结合软件工程的特点,通过对国家环保总局ODS项目管理信息系统开发的监理实践,提出了自己的软件项目监理机制的模型。

    According to the architecture project supervision mechanism and our practice of supervision in the process development of the ODS management information system for China National Environment Protection Bureau , we bring forward a model for software supervision mechanism .

  22. 本文针对B/S模式管理信息系统开发过程中遇到的票据打印问题,提出了利用ActiveX和CSS实现B/S模式下的票据打印的实现方法,并以一个煤炭企业为例描述了具体的实现过程。

    This article attempts to give a resolution , by using ActiveX and CSS , to the problem of bill printing in developing B / S mode management information system , and describes the whole procedure in carrying it out through an example of a coal enterprise .

  23. 在分析3PL-HUB运作方式及信息系统开发方法的基础上,构建基于3PL-HUB直送工位的物流和信息流模型。

    On the analysis of the operation methods of the 3PL-HUB and developing approaches of management information system , paper constructs logistics and information flow model of direct delivery station mode of third party logistics .

  24. 全国1∶50万环境地质调查信息系统开发初探

    Development of the national 1 ∶ 500000 environmental-geological survey information system

  25. 集成管理信息系统开发及若干关键技术

    Discussion of Integration MIS and Some Key Techniques in System Construction

  26. 化妆品销售企业管理信息系统开发研究

    Development and Research on Management Information System for Cosmetic Sale Enterprise

  27. 河南高速公路公司运营管理信息系统开发

    The Exploiture of Operation Management Information System in Henan Highway Company

  28. 黑龙江省公路工程建设管理地理信息系统开发研究设想

    Imagination of development of Geographic Imformation System for Heilongjiang highway construction management

  29. 信息系统开发复杂性研究

    The Research on the Complexity of Development of Information System

  30. 企业信息系统开发的一种新型方法

    A New Method for the Development of Enterprise Information System