
  • 网络information code;Message Code;Message code words
  1. 概述了简码记录在全站仪野外数字化作业过程中的操作方法,并比较了简码记录与全数字信息码记录的优劣,因而简码记录是值得推广。

    The paper sketches out the operation method with simple code record during digital field surveying and makes a comparison with complete digital message code . As a result , it is developable .

  2. 便携式飞机信息码快速检测仪设计

    Design and implementation of the portable instrument for testing the information code of plane quickly

  3. 非周期性DS信号的信息码片时宽估计方法

    An Estimation Method for Information Bits Duration of Non-Periodic DS Signals

  4. 在该系统中实现了直至51位二进制信息码的写入和存储。

    UP to51-bit binary data writing and memorizing to the system have been demonstrated .

  5. 合谋安全的卷积指纹信息码

    Convolutional Fingerprinting Information Codes for Collusion Security

  6. 实验结果表明,借助简单的特征量集合,可以准确迅速地完成选票信息码的实时识别。

    The results show that the procedure effectively recognizes the information code on the ballot .

  7. 该变送器采用红外光电子技术,通过信息码带及光电采集器将现场液位信号实时地传送给PIC16C55单片机;

    The transmitter 's input-port based on infrared sensor collects the real-time signals of field liquid-level on steel Gray code-band , and transmit it to the computer .

  8. 其基本思路是根据一定的规律在待发送的信息码中加入一些多余的码元,以保证传输过程的可靠性。

    The basic idea is to add some redundant code elements into the information codes which are ready to send , so as to ensure the reliability in the process of transmission .

  9. 因为由预处理得到的用户的信息码已经是全局最优的,所以我们就可以将其从原多用户检测问题中剔除,进而得到一个相对小规模的多用户检测问题。

    Since the user information sequences obtained from pretreater have been global optimization , we can reject them from original multiuser detector and then a relative small scale multiuser detector can be obtained .

  10. 本文的预处理器只用很小的计算量就可以判断出大部分用户的信息码,而且可以保证通过预处理得到的部分用户的信息码与最佳多用户检测得到的结果相同。

    The pretreater mentioned in this paper can calculate most user information sequences by low computational complexity and assure that the results obtained from pretreater are the same as that of optimum multiuser detection .

  11. 质量检测模块中完成:对图像数据样本发生的控制;对数字样本缓存的读写控制;完成对所摄取的图像识别,并输出代表质量类型的信息码。

    Image recognition module to complete : for digital image acquisition module control ; the SDRAM memory read write control ; to complete the uptake of the image recognition , and output quality type information code .

  12. 作者研究了含噪混沌序列的动力学规律的提取问题,该问题与步骤(1)中的问题的区别在于没有考虑信息码的引入所带来的影响。

    This related problem is to estimate the dynamical rule from noisy chaotic series . The difference between this problem and the one in the step ( 1 ) lies in that the information symbols are not considered here .

  13. 当信息码佳号率不为1/2时会出现线状谱,它是产生相位抖动的原因,但它没有误码增殖。

    If the mark rate of information code is not 1 / 2 , the line spectrum will appear . Although the phase jitter will occur due to line spectrum , the bit error multiplication will not come out .

  14. 针对飞机信息码检测设备体积庞大、检测方法复杂的缺点,在详细分析信息码检测流程的基础上,以单片机为核心设计了一种新型便携式检测仪。

    In view of the huge volume and complicated testing method of some plane 's information code check out equipment , a new type portable checking instrument regarding single chip computer as a core is designed on the basis of analyzing the checking procession of information code .

  15. 基于信息认证码的XML-RPC认证与加密技术研究

    Study of XML-RPC Authentication and Encryption Technology Based on Message Authentication Code

  16. 在节点识别方面,提出了将节点位置信息预编码添加在发送数据包前的方法,该方法较好的解决了固定位置节点散布的WSN节点定位功能。

    In node identification , uses the method that is adding the node location information precoding before sending the packet . This method is a good way to solve the fixed position of WSN nodes spread node location function .

  17. 其次讨论了WEP协议存在的五个主要安全问题:WEP的加密机制、信息认证码CRC、WEP协议的密钥管理、Ⅳ重用和身份认证。

    Then we will discuss the five main security flaws existing in WEP including the encrypting mechanism of WEP , message authentication code , key management , IV reuse , and authentication .

  18. 远动信息编译码算法实现

    The Encoding Arithmetics of Tele - Control Messages

  19. 信息通信码,预计到达时间VQUW,14CFUD,40UQGL

    Text Coded , Expect to arrive at VQUW , 14 , CFUD , 40 UQGL

  20. 本文根据复眼透镜光学信息编译码的技术原理,实现了对二维图像进行分解编码记录以及综合译码再现。

    According to technological principle of optical information coding and decoding of compound eye lens , recording resolved and coded image and reappearing synthesized and decoded original pattern were realized for two-dimension of pattern .

  21. 基于多元符号可信信息的RS码的软判决译码算法

    A Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithm of Reed-Solomon Codes Based on Reliability Information of M-ary Symbol

  22. 绝对必须记住的,只有电脑注册信息和PIN码。一些重要同事的名字,可能也有必要记住。

    The only things that are absolutely essential to remember are one 's computer login details , pin number and ( possibly ) names of a few key workmates .

  23. 能够存放大量信息的矩阵码是近年来国外推广的二维条码,本文对QR码(QuickResponseCode)的编码规则与纠错进行了深入的研究,并完成了QR码的识别算法。

    Recent years , the matrix barcodes which can contain a mass of information are becoming popular . This paper mainly concerns the encoding rules and error correction of the QR code ( Quick Response Code ), and researched the decoding algorithm . 5 .

  24. 此外,在闭环空间复用传输模式下,我们评估了基于交互信息的预编码矩阵指示,这是在执行信道自适应而规定的UE反馈参数。

    In addition , in the Closed-loop spatial multiplexing transmission mode , a mutual information based Calculation of the Precoding Matrix Indicator , one of the feedback values required at the receiver by 3GPP UMTS Long Term Evolution to perform channel adaption , is evaluated .

  25. 两类高信息率卷积码

    Two Classes of High Rate Convolutional Codes

  26. 美国信息交换标准码:把键盘字符转换成字节的系统。

    ASCII : American Standard Code for Information change ; a system used to translate keyboard characters into bits .

  27. 因此思维带有具象性,这决定了信息的意码和形码的双重编码结构。

    Thought is imagic which is the cognitive root of the double-encoding structure ( visual code and semantic code ) of information .

  28. 网站负责将供应商的票务资讯进行展示,购买,并将票的详细信息以二维码加密的方式生成可打印的图片。

    The site is responsible for displaying venders ' ticket information , purchasing tickets , and generating ticket details into encrypted two-dimensional code image which can be printed .

  29. 本文报道庐山鸣鸣蝉自鸣声信息的长码与短码结构及其部分频谱的双倍频特征。

    In this paper , the information combinative structures of the long codes and the short codes and dual-octamonic features of the spectra of the calling songs of the cicada O.

  30. 长期以来大多数网页上所使用的都是美国信息交换标准码——一种字符编码方案。2012年,美国拒绝签署一项受俄罗斯和中国支持的国际通讯协议,该协议的目的是使互联网摆脱以美国为中心的管理架构。

    ASCII , thecharacter-encoding scheme that was long used on most web pages , is short forthe " American Standard Code for Information Interchange . " In 2012 , the UnitedStates refusedto sign an international telecommunications treaty , supported by bothRussia and China , that would shift the Internet away from its currentU . S. - centric form of governance .