
  1. 论信息产业集团化发展模式

    Developing Trend of Information Industry Group

  2. 该模型对企业数字化建设具有指导作用,并根据漓江信息产业集团的实际情况进行了应用研究。为国内电动汽车产业的提供专利保障。

    The model can give guidance to the construction of digital enterprises . And it is applied in Lijiang Information Industry Group Corporation according to the actual situation of the enterprise .

  3. 湖南电子信息产业集团有限公司是一个脱胎于政府职能部门的转型公司,公司的治理结构、经营理念、产业结构、组织结构和人力资源结构都有许多不适合公司健康发展的地方。

    HEC is a limited company which was transformed from a government and enterprise jointed institution , the corporate governance structure , the managerial concept , the industry structure and the human resource structure have some problems which are not adapted with the development of the enterprise .

  4. 美国信息产业利益集团的政治参与冲击了传统工业界的原有政治地位,并逐步成为美国工业界的主要代言人之一;在选举政治中,美国信息产业利益集团成为了两党竞相争取的政治力量。

    In the electoral politics , U.S. IT industry interest group has become a political power that both parties want to strive for .

  5. 由于集团内部仍存在较大的利益分歧,美国信息产业利益集团政治参与的未来发展将主要取决于集团内部利益的整合程度。

    Because of the existence of interest divergence inside the group , the political participation extent of U.S. IT industry interest group will depend on its internal integration .

  6. 本文针对我国信息产业发展的现状和问题,分析了信息产业集团化的必要性和可能性,并探讨了信息企业的组建途经和组成模式。

    Aimed at the current status and problems of chinese information industry development . This paper analyses the necessity and feasibility of information industry group and discusses the construction way and constitution model of information enterprises .