
fā diàn
  • electric power generation;generate electricity;generation;yield electricity;generate electric power;send a telegram
发电 [fā diàn]
  • (1) [generate electric power]∶发出电力,向工业企业、居民和农村大规模提供电,一般均设有固定电厂

  • (2) [send a telegram]∶拍发电报

发电[fā diàn]
  1. 设计了利用焦炉煤气合成甲醇和发电的并联式多联产系统,并与单产系统的性能进行了比较。

    The parallel-type poly-generation system of gas phase methanol synthesis and electric power generation was designed and simulated .

  2. 机车、发电车油类火灾防复燃技术研究

    The oil kind conflagration prevents the locomotive , electric power generation vehicle from burning a technology again studying

  3. 如果你认为可以的话,我想发电邮而不打电话。

    I 'd rather email than phone , if that 's OK by you .

  4. 没有新建的发电站,主要是因为经费问题。

    No new power stations have been built , principally because of the cost .

  5. 我常常给她发电邮,但十之八九她都不回复。

    I 'm always emailing her , but nine times out of ten she doesn 't reply .

  6. 帕特里克昨天给我发电邮了。

    Patrick emailed me yesterday .

  7. 用煤作燃料的火力发电站的成本有望降低。

    The cost of electricity from coal-fired stations is expected to fall

  8. 还会对风力发电的可能性进行研究。

    It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity .

  9. 有人认为水力发电仍旧是两害相较取其轻。

    One suspects that hydro power is still the lesser evil .

  10. 这个地区因其煤炭资源丰富和发电能力巨大而备受重视。

    The region is valued for its coal and vast electricity-generating capacity

  11. 政府的首要任务是建造更多的发电站。

    The government 's priority is to build more power plants

  12. 全国总电量的40%是这家发电厂提供的。

    The plant provides forty per cent of the country 's electricity .

  13. 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。

    An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations

  14. 矿工开始罢工,并在发电站周围设置了纠察队。

    The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations

  15. 这种技术利用电气化学反应发电。

    The technology uses an electrochemical process to produce electricity .

  16. 新英格兰电力公司用煤发电。

    The company , New England Electric , burns coal to generate power .

  17. 在发电厂里,热能将水转化成高压蒸汽。

    In an electric power plant the heat converts water into high-pressure steam .

  18. 发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。

    The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region

  19. 日本宣布了大幅增加核能发电的计划。

    Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation .

  20. 如果我再肚子疼,我会发电报让你来。

    If I get another tummy ache , I will wire you to come .

  21. 比起以石油、煤和天然气为燃料的发电站来说,它的污染要小。

    It is less polluting than power stations fuelled by oil , coal and gas .

  22. 煤越产越多,而发电站的煤堆越来越高,这始终是愚蠢的行为。

    It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations ' stockpiles .

  23. 天然气发电比煤便宜。

    Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal

  24. 发电厂的电工们举行了罢工,一直持续了近5天。

    The electricians at the power stations went on strike and stayed out nearly five days .

  25. 该工程计划为国家电网发电约30兆瓦。

    The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid .

  26. 别担心,我会给他发电报的。

    Don 't worry , I 'll send him a wire .

  27. 附近有一家发电厂。

    There is a power plant nearby .

  28. 我们打算在这里搞个发电站。

    We 're thinking of putting up a power station here .

  29. 原子能可以用来发电。

    The power of the atom can be used to produce electricity .

  30. 这里正筹划建设一座水力发电站。

    Plans are being drawn up to build a hydroelectric station here .