
fā xiàn
  • find;discover;detection;detect;identify;spot;found out;trace
发现 [fā xiàn]
  • (1) [discover;find]

  • (2) 第一次看到或知道

  • 发现了一个大海湾

  • 发现某种不认识的动物的足迹

  • (3) 找到[一个物件]

  • 发现球在桌子底下

  • (4) 由于对一个目标的研究或经验而找到

  • 科学研究几乎每天都在发现重要的新原理

发现[fā xiàn]
  1. 他们惊奇地发现他已经走了。

    They were surprised to find that he 'd already left .

  2. 你会发现准备这样的饭既快又省事。

    You 'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare .

  3. 一旦他发现了真相,那麻烦就大了。

    There 'll be hell to pay when he finds out .

  4. 经进一步检查发现钞票都是伪造的。

    On closer inspection , the notes proved to be forgeries .

  5. 考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。

    Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site .

  6. 这些非法付款是一位暗中查访的新闻记者发现的。

    The illegal payments were discovered by a journalist working undercover .

  7. 那辆车是在一块荒地里发现的。

    The car was found on a piece of waste ground .

  8. 一个眼尖的读者发现了昨天报纸上的错误。

    A sharp-eyed reader spotted the mistake in yesterday 's paper .

  9. 仔细考察这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。

    Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple .

  10. 他们发现尸体被埋在一堆树叶下面。

    They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves .

  11. 我们回到家发现他在沙发上睡着了。

    We came home and found him asleep on the sofa .

  12. 你真该看看她发现事情真相时脸上的表情!

    You should have seen her face when she found out !

  13. 往前绕片,绕到他们发现尸体的那一截。

    Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body .

  14. 我们发现我们住在同一家旅馆里。

    We found out we were staying in the same hotel .

  15. 我们在办公处附近发现了一家挺好的新餐馆。

    We 've found a great new restaurant near the office .

  16. 他们的预测后来发现太离谱了。

    Their predictions turned out to be wide of the mark .

  17. 他回到家里发现她处于酒后恍惚状态。

    He came home to find her in a drunken stupor .

  18. 最新结果与我们先前的发现一致。

    The latest results are in keeping with our earlier findings .

  19. 因为害怕他发现我们的秘密,我们终日惶恐不安。

    We lived in mortal dread of him discovering our secret .

  20. 我们认为已经发现了市场上一个尚待填补的空白。

    We think we 've identified a gap in the market .

  21. 十字记号标明了发现死尸的地点。

    The cross marks the spot where the body was found .

  22. 我发现他们已经离开了,觉得很失望。

    I was disappointed to find that they had left already .

  23. 一旦让她父亲发现了,就会发生争吵。

    There 'll be ructions if her father ever finds out .

  24. 我一进办公室,发现她坐在里面,把我吓了一跳。

    It startled me to find her sitting in my office .

  25. 警察在他家发现了大量毒品。

    The police found a quantity of drugs at his home .

  26. 昨天夜里有人发现一名小伙子被打死了。

    A young man was found beaten to death last night .

  27. 此次发现炸弹促使当局加强了安全工作。

    The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security .

  28. 这个领域的研究人员有了一些重大的新发现。

    Researchers in this field have made some important new discoveries .

  29. 人们发现他被卡在汽车残骸下。

    They found him pinned under the wreckage of the car .

  30. 也许有人会发现,那是绝对不行的。

    Someone might find out , and that would never do .