- 名drawer;maker;one who hands out tickets

A cheque may be crossed generally or specially by the drawer .
Where drawer and drawee are the same person ;
Such drawer or indorser is discharged from his liability on the bill .
Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged .
" As regards the drawer , in the following cases , namely & "
Where the drawer has countermanded payment ;
The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer .
" Where the drawer or indorser is bankrupt , the notice may be given either to the party himself or to his trustee or assignee ;"
" The return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or an indorser is , in point of form , deemed a sufficient notice of dishonour ;"
If you are depositing a cheque you will have to fill in the following details , cheque drawer , deposit amount , and sign the form .
Any drawer or indorser to whom such notice is not given is discharged ; We advise you that we have by mutual agreement decide to dissolve partnership .
It is precluded from denying to a holder in due course the genuineness and regularity in all respects of the drawer 's signature and all previous indorsements ;
A general acceptance assents without qualification to the order of the drawer . a qualified acceptance in express terms varies the effect of the bill as drawn .
In Part I , a blank bill is issued under the conditions that a drawer intentionally makes several necessary items vacant and authorizes the counterpart to complete them .
A promissory note may be made by two or more makers , and they may be liable thereon jointly , or jointly and severally , according to its tenor .
In case of withholding a forged check in the process of the operation of the electronic check , the bank can choose either the faker or the drawer to exercise its power .
Where a bill is no longer in the possession of a party who has signed it as drawer , acceptor , or indorser , a valid and unconditional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved .
But it shall not be necessary to note or protest any such bill in order to preserve the recourse against the drawer or indorser . In case of failure to do what is stipulated in the preceding paragraph , the holder may still exercise the right of recourse .
The name must be the same as the exporter described in the invoice .
For example , to validate a claim , you may need to look at the insurance policy . The historical records attached to the claim , like medical invoices , may be claimant history too .
Commercial invoice must be identified by a responsible individual who has knowledge of , or can readily obtain knowledge of , the facts of the transaction , and must be an employee of the exporter .